The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States
Chapter 234 : _Laciniate._ Slashed; cut into narrow pointed lobes._Lamella._ A thin flat plate or la

_Laciniate._ Slashed; cut into narrow pointed lobes.

_Lamella._ A thin flat plate or laterally flattened ridge.

_Lanceolate._ Shaped like a lance-head, broadest above the base and narrowed to the apex.

_Lateral._ Belonging to or borne on the side.

_Lax._ Loose and slender.

_Leaflet._ A single division of a compound leaf.

_Legume._ The fruit of the Leguminosae, formed of a simple pistil and usually dehiscent by both sutures.

_Leguminous._ Pertaining to a legume or to the Leguminosae.

_Lenticular._ Lentil-shaped; of the shape of a double-convex lens.

_Lepidote._ Beset with small scurfy scales.

_Ligulate._ Furnished with a ligule.

_Ligule._ A strap-shaped corolla, as in the ray-flowers of Compositae; a thin scarious projection from the summit of the sheath in

_Liliaceous._ Lily-like; belonging to the Liliaceae.

_Limb._ The expanded portion of a gamopetalous corolla, above the throat; the expanded portion of any petal, or of a leaf.

_Linear._ Long and narrow, with parallel margins.

_Lip._ Each of the upper and lower divisions of a bil.a.b.i.ate corolla or calyx; the peculiar upper petal in Orchids.

_Lobe._ Any segment of an organ, especially if rounded.

_Lobed._ Divided into or bearing lobes.

_-locular._ In composition, having cells.

_Loculicidal._ Dehiscent into the cavity of a cell through the dorsal suture.

_Lunate._ Of the shape of a half-moon or crescent.

_Lunulate._ Diminutive of Lunate.

_Lyrate._ Pinnatifid with a large and rounded terminal lobe, and the lower lobes small.

_Macrospore._ The larger kind of spore in Selaginellaceae, etc.

_Marcescent._ Withering but persistent.

_Marginal._ Along or near the edge.

_Marginate._ Furnished with a border peculiar in texture or appearance.

_Mealy._ Farinaceous.

_Membranaceous, Membranous._ Thin and rather soft and more or less translucent.

_Meniscoid._ Concavo-convex.

_Mericarp._ One of the achene-like carpels of Umbelliferae.

_-merous._ In composition, having parts, as 2-merous, having two parts of each kind.

_Micropyle._ The point upon the seed at which was the orifice of the ovule.

_Microspore._ The smaller kind of spore in Selaginellaceae, etc.

_Midrib._ The central or main rib of a leaf.

_Mitriform._ Shaped like a mitre or cap.

_Monadelphous_ (stamens). United by their filaments into a tube or column.

_Moniliform._ Resembling a string of beads; cylindrical with contractions at intervals.

_Monocotyledonous._ Having but one cotyledon.

_Moncious._ With stamens and pistils in separate flowers on the same plant.

_Mucilaginous._ Slimy; containing mucilage.

_Mucro._ A short and small abrupt tip.

_Mucronate._ Tipped with a mucro.

_Multifid._ Cleft into many lobes or segments.

_Muricate._ Rough with short hard points.

_Muriculate._ Very finely muricate.

_Naked._ Bare; without the usual covering or appendages.

_Nectary._ Any place or organ where nectar is secreted.

_Nectariferous._ Producing nectar.

Chapter 234 : _Laciniate._ Slashed; cut into narrow pointed lobes._Lamella._ A thin flat plate or la
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