The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States
Chapter 235 : _Nerve._ A simple or unbranched vein or slender rib._Node._ The place upon a stem whic
_Nerve._ A simple or unbranched vein or slender rib.
_Node._ The place upon a stem which normally bears a leaf or whorl of leaves.
_Nodose._ Knotty or k.n.o.bby.
_Nucleus._ The germ-cell of the ovule, which by fertilization becomes the seed; the kernel of a seed.
_Numerous._ Indefinite in number.
_Nut._ A hard indehiscent 1-celled and 1-seeded fruit, though usually resulting from a compound ovary.
_Nutlet._ A diminutive nut.
_Ob-_. A Latin prefix, usually carrying the idea of inversion.
_Obcompressed._ Compressed dorso-ventrally instead of laterally.
_Obconically._ Inversely conical, having the attachment at the apex.
_Obcordate._ Inverted heart-shaped.
_Oblanceolate._ Lanceolate with the broadest part toward the apex.
_Oblique._ Unequal-sided or slanting.
_Oblong._ Considerably longer than broad and with nearly parallel sides.
_Obovate._ Inverted ovate.
_Obovoid._ Having the form of an inverted egg.
_Obsolete._ Not evident; rudimentary.
_Obtuse._ Blunt or rounded at the end.
_Ocrea._ A leggin-shaped or tubular stipule.
_Ocreate._ Having sheathing stipules.
_Ochroleucous._ Yellowish-white.
_Officinal._ Of the shops; used in medicine or the arts.
_Oospore._ The fertilized nucleus or germ-cell of the archegonium in Cryptogams, from which the new plant is directly developed.
_Opaque._ Dull; not smooth and s.h.i.+ning.
_Operculate._ Furnished with a lid.
_Operculum._ A lid; the upper portion of a circ.u.mscissile capsule.
_Orbicular._ Circular.
_Orthotropous_ (ovule or seed). Erect, with the orifice or micropyle at the apex.
_Oval._, Broadly elliptical.
_Ovary._ The part of the pistil that contains the ovules.
_Ovate._ Egg-shaped; having an outline like that of an egg, with the broader end downward.
_Ovoid._ A solid with an oval outline.
_Ovule._ The body which after fertilization becomes the seed.
_Ovuliferous._ Bearing ovules.
_Palate._ A rounded projection of the lower lip of a personate corolla, closing the throat.
_Paleaceous._ Chaffy.
_Palet._ The upper thin chaffy or hyaline bract which with the glume encloses the flower in
_Palmate_ (leaf). Radiately lobed or divided.
_Palmately._ In a palmate manner.
_Panicle._ A loose irregularly compound inflorescence with pedicellate flowers.
_Panicled, Paniculate._ Borne in a panicle; resembling a panicle.
_Papilionaceous_ (corolla). Having a standard, wings, and keel, as in the peculiar corolla of many Leguminosae.
_Papillose._ Bearing minute nipple-shaped projections.
_Pappus._ The modified calyx-limb in Compositae, forming a crown of very various character at the summit of the achene.
_Parasitic._ Growing on and deriving nourishment from another plant.
_Parietal._ Borne on or pertaining to the wall or inner surface of a capsule.
_Parted._ Cleft nearly but not quite to the base.
_Partial._ Of secondary rank.
_Pectinate._ Pinnatifid with narrow closely set segments; comb-like.