The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States
Chapter 233 : _Herbaceous._ Having the characters of an herb; leaf-like in color and texture._Hetero

_Herbaceous._ Having the characters of an herb; leaf-like in color and texture.

_Heterocarpous._ Producing more than one kind of fruit.

_Heterogamous._ Bearing two kinds of flowers.

_Hilum._ The scar or point of attachment of the seed.

_Hirsute._ p.u.b.escent with rather coa.r.s.e or stiff hairs.

_Hispid._ Beset with rigid or bristly hairs or with bristles.

_Hispidulous._ Minutely hispid.

_h.o.a.ry._ Grayish-white with a fine close p.u.b.escence.

_h.o.m.ogamous._ Bearing but one kind of flowers.

_Hooded._ Shaped like a hood or cowl.

_Hyaline._ Transparent or translucent.

_Hybrid._ A cross-breed of two species.

_Hypogynous._ Situated on the receptacle beneath the ovary and free from it and from the calyx; having the petals and stamens so situated.

_Imbricate._ Overlapping, either vertically or spirally, where the lower piece covers the base of the next higher, or laterally, as in the aestivation of a calyx or corolla, where at least one piece must be wholly external and one internal.

_Immersed._ Growing wholly under water; wholly covered by the involucral leaves, as sometimes the capsule in Hepaticae.

_Incised._ Cut sharply and irregularly, more or less deeply.

_Included._ Not at all protruded from the surrounding envelope.

_Incubous_ (leaf). Having the tip or upper margin overlapping the lower margin of the leaf above.

_Inc.u.mbent_ (cotyledons). Lying with the back of one against the radicle.

_Indefinite_ (stamens). Inconstant in number or very numerous.

_Indehiscent._ Not opening by valves, etc.; remaining persistently closed.

_Indigenous._ Native and original to the country.

_Indurated._ Hardened.

_Indusium._ The proper (often s.h.i.+eld-shaped) covering of the sorus or fruit-dot in Ferns.

_Inequilateral._ Unequal-sided.

_Inferior._ Lower or below; outer or anterior. _Inferior ovary_, one that is adnate to the calyx.

_Inflated._ Bladdery.

_Inflorescence._ The flowering part of a plant, and especially the mode of its arrangement.

_Infra-_. In composition, below; as _infra-axillary_, below the axil.

_Innovation._ An offshoot from the stem.

_Inserted._ Attached to or growing out of.

_Inter-_ or _intra-_. In composition, between.

_Interfoliaceous._ Between the leaves of a pair as the stipules of many Rubiaceae.

_Internode._ The portion of a stem between two nodes.

_Intramarginal._ Within and near the margin.

_Introrse._ Turned inward or toward the axis.

_Involucel._ A secondary involucre, as that of an umbellet in Umbelliferae.

_Involucellate._ Having an involucel.

_Involucral._ Belonging to an involucre.

_Involucrate._ Having an involucre.

_Involucre._ A circle or collection of bracts surrounding a flower cl.u.s.ter or head, or a single flower.

_Involute._ Rolled inward.

_Irregular_ (flower). Showing inequality in the size, form, or union of its similar parts.

_Julaceous._ Resembling a catkin in appearance.

_Keel._ A central dorsal ridge, like the keel of a boat; the two anterior united petals of a papilionaceous flower.

_Kidney-shaped._ Crescentic with the ends broad and rounded; reniform.

_l.a.b.i.ate._ Lipped; belonging to the l.a.b.i.atae.

_Lacerate._ Irregularly cleft as if torn.

Chapter 233 : _Herbaceous._ Having the characters of an herb; leaf-like in color and texture._Hetero
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