An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 269 : ESPINEL, _s._ A sort of ruby. Fr.
ESPOUENTABILL, _adj._ Dreadful.
O. Fr. _esp
ESPINEL, _s._ A sort of ruby. Fr.
ESPOUENTABILL, _adj._ Dreadful.
O. Fr. _espouventable_.
ESS, _s._ Ace.
_Bannatyne P._
ESSYS, _pl._ Advantages.
Fr. _aise_.
ESSONYIE, _s._ Excuse offered for non-appearance in a court of law.
Fr. _essoine_, id.
_Reg. Maj._
~Essonyier~, _s._ One who legally offers an excuse for the absence of another.
_Reg. Maj._
ESTER, _s._ An oyster.
ESTLER, _adj._ Hewn.
V. ~Aislair~.
ETH, _adj._ Easy.
V. ~Eith~.
ETHERINS, _s. pl._ The cross ropes of a thatched roof or stack, S. B.
A. S. _ether_, a covert, _heather-ian_, arcere.
ETHIK, ETICK, _adj._
1. Hectic.
2. Delicate, S. B.
Fr. _etique_, hectic.
ETIN, _s._ A giant.
V. ~Eyttyn~.
ETION, _s._ Lineage, S. B.
_Poems Buchan Dial._
Su. G. _aett_, _ett_, family.
ETNAGH BERRIES, Juniper berries, Ang.
_To_ ETTIL, ETTLE, ATTEL, _v. a._
1. To aim, to take aim, S.
2. To make an attempt, S.
3. To propose, to design, S.