An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 268 : V. ~Arles~. ERN, ERNE, EIRNE, EARN, _s._ 1. The eagle, S. B. _Douglas._ 2. The osprey.

V. ~Arles~.


1. The eagle, S. B.


2. The osprey.


A. S. _earn_, Isl. _aurn_, _ern_, aquila.

ERNAND, _part. pr._ Running.

A. S. _eorn-an_, currere.

_Maitland P._

ERN-FERN, _s._ The brittle fern, S. q. "the eagle-fern."

ERSE, _adj._ used as a _s._ The dialect of the Celtic spoken by the Highlanders of S. i. e. _Irish_.

ERTAND, _part. pr._ Perhaps, ingenious, from _Airt_, _v._ to aim.

_Gawan and Gol._

ESCH, s. The ash, a tree.


~Eschin~, _adj._ Belonging to the ash.


To ESCHAME, _v. n._ To be ashamed.


ESCHEL, ESCHEILL, _s._ A division of an army.


O. Fr. _eschielle_, a squadron.

To ESCHEVE, ESCHEW, _v. a._ To achieve.

Fr. _achev-er._


ESCHEW, _s._ An achievement.


ESFUL, _adj._ Producing ease.


ESK, _s._ A newt, S.

V. ~Ask~.

_To_ ESK, EESK, YESK, _v. n._ To hiccup, S. B.

A. S. _gisc-ian_, id.

~Eskin~, ~Eeskin~, _s._ The hiccup, S. B.

A. S. _geocsung_, id.

ESPERANCE, _s._ Hope, Fr.


ESPYE, _s._ A spy.

Fr. _espie_.


~Espyell~, _s._ A spy.


Chapter 268 : V. ~Arles~. ERN, ERNE, EIRNE, EARN, _s._ 1. The eagle, S. B. _Douglas._ 2. The osprey.
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