An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 270 : 4. To direct ones course.
Isl. _aetla_, destinare.
~Ettle~, ~Etling~, _s._
4. To direct one's course.
Isl. _aetla_, destinare.
~Ettle~, ~Etling~, _s._
1. A mark, S.
2. Aim, attempt, S.
3. Design.
_To_ EVEN, _v. a._
1. To equal, S.
_Sir J. Sinclair._
2. To bring down to a certain level.
3. To talk of one as a match for another in marriage, S.
_Sir J. Sinclair._
EVENDOUN, _adj._
1. Perpendicular, S.
2. Honest, downright, S.
3. Denoting a very heavy fall of rain, S.
EVERICH, _adj._ Every; _everichone_, every one.
_King's Quair._
A. S. _aefre eac_, id.
EUERILK, _adj._ Every.
A. S. _aefre ealc_, id.
~Euirilkane~, _adj._ Every one.
EUILL-DEDY, _adj._ Wicked.
A. S. _yfel daeda_, prava agens.
EVINLY, _adj._
1. Equal.
2. Indifferent, impartial.
A. S. _efen-lic_, aequalis, aequus.
EVIRLY, _adv._ Constantly, continually, S. B.
_To_ EVITE, _v. a._ To avoid, Lat. _evit-are_.
EULCRUKE, _s._ Perhaps, oil-vessel.
_Burrow Lawes._
EVLEIT, _adj._ Active.
V. ~Olight~.