An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 872 : A. S. _toh_, id., from Moes. G. _tioh-an_, to draw.
2. Tedious, lengthened out, S.
A. S. _toh_, id., from Moes. G. _tioh-an_, to draw.
2. Tedious, lengthened out, S.
3. Dry as to manner, stiff in conversation, S.
_Bannatyne Poems._
4. Pertinacious, S.
_A. Douglas._
5. _To make any thing teuch_, to do it reluctantly.
_Gawan and Gol._
TEUCH, _s._ A draught of any kind of liquor, S.
Su. G. _tog_, haustus, potantium ductus; from _tog-a_, trahere; Teut. _teughe_, haustus.
TEUG, TUG, _s._ A rope, a halter, Loth.
Su. G. _tog_, Isl. _tog_, _taug_, id.
TEUKIN, _adj._ Quarrelsome, including the idea of fraud, S. B.
Teut. _tuck_, fraus; Isl. _tulk-a_, pellicere.
_To_ TEW, _v. a._ To make tough, S. O.
V. ~Taave~ and ~Taw~, _v._ 1.
_To_ ~Tew~, _v. n._ Grain is said _to tew_, when it becomes damp, and acquires a bad taste, S. B.
Su. G. _taef_, odor, _taefk-a_, gustare.
~Tew~, _s._ A bad taste, S. B.
THA, THAY, THEY, _p.r.o.n._ These, S.
A. S. _thaege_, id.
THACK, _s._ Thatch.
V. ~Thak~.
~Thacker~, _s._ A thatcher, S.
~Thack-stone~, _s._ Stone fit for covering houses.
_Acts Ja. VI._
THAFTS, _s. pl._ The benches of a boat, on which the rowers sit, S.
Isl. _thopte_, trabs seu sedile in nave.
THAI, THAY, _p.r.o.n._ Pl. of _he_ or _she_.
_Gawan and Gol._
THAINS, _s. pl._ Perhaps, gossamer.
A. S. _than_, madidus, humidus.
_A. Hume._
THAIR, used in composition, like E. _there_.
Originally the genit., dat. and abl. of the A. S. article, _thaere_; Isl. dat. and abl. _theirre_.
~Thairanent~, _adv._ Concerning that.
_Acts Sed._
~Thairattour~, _adv._ Concerning.
_Priests Peblis._
~Thairbefor~, ~Tharbefor~, _adv._ Before that time.
~Thairben~, ~There-ben~, _adv._ In an inner apartment of a house; sometimes _the-ben_. S.
_Acts Sed._