An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 873 : ~Thair-but~, _adv._ In an outer apartment; also, _the-but_, S.
Teut. _daer-bin
~Thair-but~, _adv._ In an outer apartment; also, _the-but_, S.
Teut. _daer-binnen_, intro, intus. Belg. _daar-buyten_, without that place.
~Thairby~, ~Thare-by~, _adv._
1. Thereabout, as to place.
2. Thereabout, regarding time, S.
3. Denoting number or quality, S.
Belg. _daerbey_, ad hoc, penes, prope.
~Thair-doun~, ~Ther doun~, _adv._ Downwards, S.
~Thair-east~, _adv._ In the east, towards the east, S.
~Thairfurth~, _adv._ In the open air, S.
~Thairintill~, _ad._ Therein.
_Acts Sed._
~Thairour~, ~Thar our~, _adv._ On the other side, in relation to a river,
~Thairowt~, ~Tharout~, _adv._ Without; denoting exclusion from a place, S.
_To lie thairout_, to lie in the open air during night, S.
~Thairtill~, ~Thertyll~, _adv._ Thereto.
~Thair up~, _adv._ Out of bed.
_G. Buchanan._
THAK, _s._
1. Thatch, a covering of straw, rushes, &c., _thack_, S.
_Thack and rape_, the covering of a stack, S.
_In thack an' rape_, in order.
_Out of aw thack and raip_, applied to one who acts quite in a disorderly way, S.
2. The covering of a roof, whatever be the materials.
_Acts Ja. V._
A. S. _thac_, _thaec_, Isl. _thak_, Lat. _tectum_.
_To_ ~Thak~, ~Thack~, _v. a._ To thatch, S.
~Thakburd~, _s._ The thatch-board, the roof.
THAN, _adv._ Then, at that time, S.
_Be than_, by that time; _Or than_, before that time.
V. ~Be than~.
1. A t.i.tle of honour, used among the ancient Scots, which seems to have been at first equivalent to Lat. _comes_, as denoting presidency in a county, and sometimes in a province; as well as the command of the forces, and collection of the royal revenues raised in the district.