An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 874 : 2. An officer, not superior in rank to a knight, who has been viewed as serving under
2. An officer, not superior in rank to a knight, who has been viewed as serving under the superior _Thane_.
_Stat. Alex. II._
A. S. _thegen_, _thegn_, primarily a servant. _Cyninges thegen_; Tha.n.u.s regius; _medmera thegen_, mediocris vel inferior Tha.n.u.s. Isl.
_thegn_, dominus.
~Abthane~, _s._ A t.i.tle of honour, the meaning of which is uncertain.
_G. Buchanan._
~Thanedom~, ~Thanage~, ~Thanrie~, _s._ The extent of the jurisdiction of a _Thane_.
~Abthanrie~, _s._ The jurisdiction of an _Abthane_.
_Harl. MS._
THANE, _s._ Apparently, a fane.
_Pal. Hon._
THANE, THAIN, _adj._ Not thoroughly roasted, rare, S.
_Sir J. Sinclair._
A. S. _than_, moist, humid.
_To_ THARF, _v. n._ To need, to require.
_Sir Tristrem._
A. S. _thearf-an_, indigere, opus habere.
THE, THEY, _s._ Thigh.
A. S. _theo_, _thegh_, id.
~The-pess~, _s._ Thigh-piece, or armour for the thigh.
_To_ THE, _v. n._ To thrive, to prosper.
_Sir Tristrem._
A. S. _the-an_, proficere, vigere.
THEDE, _s._
1. A nation, a people.
_Gawan and Gol._
Isl. Su. G. _thiod_, _thiud_, populus.
2. A region, a province.
_Sir Tristrem._
A. S. _theod_, gens; provincia.
3. Species, kind.
_Sir Tristrem._
THEETS, _s. pl._
V. ~Thetis~.
THE-FURTH, _adv._ Out of doors, abroad, S.
THEGITHER, _adv._ Corr. of together, S.
_A' thegither_, altogether.
THEI, _conj._ Though.
_Sir Tristrem._