An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 871 : ~Tercer~, _s._ A widow who enjoys a _terce_, S. _Balfour._ TERE, _s._ Perhaps, expense

~Tercer~, _s._ A widow who enjoys a _terce_, S.


TERE, _s._ Perhaps, expense.

Teut. _teer_, sumptus.


TERE, _adj._ Tender, delicate.

_Pal. Hon._

Teut. _tere_, tener, delicatus.

TERLYST, TIRLLYST, _part. pa._ Grated.

O. Fr. _trellicie_, id.


TERNE, TERNED, _adj._ Fierce, choleric.


Belg. _toornig_, wrathful, _toorn_, anger.

TERNYTE, _s._ Corr. of _Trinity_.


TERSE, _s._ A debate, a dispute, S. B.

_To_ ~Terse~, _v. n._ To debate, to contend, S. B.

Teut. _trots-en_, irritare, instigare.

TERSEL, _s._ Table companion.


Teut. _teer-ghe-selle_, id., from _teer_, sumptus, and _selle_, _ghe-selle_, socius.

TESTOON, TESTONE, _s._ A Scottish silver coin, varying in value.


O. Fr. _teston_, capitatus nummus.

_To_ TETE, TEET, _v. n._

1. To peep out, to look in a sly or prying way, S. _teet_.


2. _v. a._ To cause to peep out.


Su. G., inspicere, per transennam veluti videre.

~Teet-bo~, _s._

1. Bo-peep, S.


2. Used metaph. to denote inconstancy, or infidelity.


TETH, _s._ Temper, disposition.

_Ill-teth'd_, ill-humoured, Fife.

A. S. _tyht_, instructio, _teting_, disciplina.

TETHERFACED, _adj._ Having an ill-natured aspect, S.

Isl. _teit-a_, rostrum beluinum.


1. Tough, S.


Chapter 871 : ~Tercer~, _s._ A widow who enjoys a _terce_, S. _Balfour._ TERE, _s._ Perhaps, expense
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