Modern Machine-Shop Practice
Chapter 33 : The proper angle of the jaws to the centre line of the jaws may be determined as follow

The proper angle of the jaws to the centre line of the jaws may be determined as follows:--The most desirable angle is that which will enable the wrench to operate the nut with the least amount of wrench-motion, an object that is of great importance in cases where an opening has to be provided to admit the wrench to the nut, it being desirable to leave this opening as small as possible so as to impair the solidity of the work as little as practicable. For a hexagon nut this angle may be shown to be one of 15, as in Fig. 444.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 446.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 447.]

In Fig. 445, for example, the wrench is shown in the position in which it will just engage the nut, and at the first movement it will move the nut to the position shown in Fig. 446. The wrench is then turned upside down and placed upon the nut as in Fig. 447, and moved to the position shown in Fig. 448, thus moving the nut the sixth part of a revolution, and bringing it to a position corresponding to that in Fig. 445, except that it has moved the nut around to a distance equal to one of its sides. Since the wrench has been moved twice to move the nut this distance, and since there are six sides, it will take twelve movements to give the nut a full revolution, and, there being 360 in the circle, each movement will move the nut 30, or one-twelfth of 360, and one-half of this must be the angle of the gripping faces of the jaws to the body of the wrench. The width of the opening in the work to admit the wrench in such a case as in Fig. 445 must be not less than 30, plus the width of the wrench handle, at the radius of the outer corner of the opening.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 448.]

In the case of wrenches for square nuts it is similarly obvious that when the nut makes one-eighth of a revolution its sides will stand in the same position to receive the wrench that the nut started from, and in one-eighth of a revolution there are 45. As the wrench is applied twice to the same side of the nut, its jaws must stand at one half this angle (or 22-1/2) to the handle.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 449.]

When a nut is in such a position that it can only be operated upon from the direction of and in a line with the axis of the bolt, a box wrench such as shown in Fig. 449, is employed, the cavity at B fitting over the bolt head; but if there is no room to admit the cross handle, a hub or boss is employed instead, and this hub is pierced with four radial holes into which the point of a round lever may be inserted to turn the wrench. Adjustable wrenches that may be opened and closed to suit the varying sizes of nuts are represented in Figs. 450, 451, and 452. In Fig. 450, A is the fixed jaw solid upon the square or rectangular bar E, and pa.s.sing through the wooden handle D. B is a sliding jaw embracing E, and operated thereon by the screw C, whose head is serrated to afford a good finger grip. Various modifications of this form of wrench are made; thus, for example, in Fig. 451 A is the jaw, B a slotted shank, C the handle, all made in one piece. D is the movable jaw having a sleeve extension D', and recesses which permit the jaw to slide on the shank longitudinally, but which prevent it from turning. The movable jaw is run to and from the nut or bolt head to be turned, by means of the screw G.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 450.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 451.]

In another cla.s.s of adjustable wrench the jaws slide one within the other; thus in Fig. 452, the fixed jaw of the wrench forms a part of the handle, and is hollowed out and slotted to receive the stem of the loose jaw, which plays therein, being guided by ribs in the slot, which take into grooves in the stem of the loose jaw. A screw with a milled head and a grooved neck serves to propel the loose jaw, being stopped from moving longitudinally by a partly open fixed collar on the fixed jaw, which admits the screw and engages the grooved neck of the same. The threaded extremity of the screw engages a female screw in the loose jaw, and while the same are engaged the screw cannot be released from the embrace of the fixed collar, as it requires considerable lateral movement to accomplish this.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 452.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 453.]

Adjustable wrenches are not suited for heavy work because the jaws are liable to spring open under heavy pressure and thus cause damage to the edges of finished nuts, and indeed these wrenches are not suitable for ordinary use on finely finished work unless the duty be light.

Furthermore, the jaws being of larger size than the jaws of solid wrenches, will not pa.s.s so readily into corners, as may be seen from the [S] wrench shown in Fig. 453. In the adjustable [S] wrench in Fig. 454, each half is provided with a groove at one end and a tongue in the other, so that when put together the tongues are detained in the grooves. To open or close the wrench a right and left-hand screw is tapped into the wrench as shown, the head being knurled or milled to afford increased finger-grip.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 454.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 455.]

In all wrenches the location of contact and of pressure on the nut is mainly at the corners of the nut, and unless the wrench be a very close fit, the nut corners become damaged. A common method of avoiding this is to interpose between the wrench jaw and the nut a piece of soft metal, as copper, sheet zinc, or even a piece of leather. The jaws of the wrench are also formed to receive babbitt metal linings which may be renewed as often as required. To save the trouble of adjusting an accurately fitting wrench to the nut, Professor Sweet forms the jaws as in Fig. 455, so that when moved in one direction the jaws will pa.s.s around the nut without gripping it, but when moved in the opposite direction the jaws will grip the nut but not damage the corners, while to change the direction of a nut rotation it is simply necessary to turn the wrench over.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 456.]

Fig. 456 represents a key wrench which is suitable for nuts of very large size. The sliding jaw J is held by the key or wedge S, which is operated by hammer blows. The projection at R is necessary to give sufficient bearing to the sliding jaw.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 457.]

For use in confined places where but little handle-motion is obtainable, the ratchet wrench is employed, consisting of a lever affording journal bearing to a socket that fits the head of the bolt. The socket is provided with a ratchet or toothed wheel in which a catch or pawl engages. Fig. 457 represents the Lowell Wrench Company's ratchet wrench in which a lag screw socket is shown affixed. The socket is removable so that various sizes and shapes may be used with the same wrench. Each socket takes two sizes of square and one of hexagon heads or nuts. So long as the screw runs easily, it can be turned by the wooden handle more conveniently and faster than by the fingers, and independently of the ratchet motion. When this can no longer be done with ease, the twelve-inch handle is brought into use to turn the screw home.

For carriage bolts used in woodwork that turn with the nut notwithstanding the square under the head (as they are apt to do from decay of the wood or from the bolt gradually working loose) the form of wrench shown in Fig. 458 is exceedingly useful, it is driven into the wood by hammer blows at A. The bevelled edges cause the jaws to close upon the head in addition to the handle-pressure.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 458.]

For circular nuts such as was shown in Fig. 411, the pin wrench or spanner wrench shown in Fig. 459 is employed, the pin P fitting into the holes in the nut circ.u.mference. The pin P should be parallel and slope very slightly in the direction of A, so that it may not meet and bruise the mouths of the pin-holes, A, B, C. The pin must, of course, pa.s.s easily into the pin-holes, and would, if vertical, therefore meet the edge of the hole at the top, bruising it and causing the wrench to spring or slip out, as would be the case if the pin stood in the direction of B.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 459.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 460.]

It is obvious that to reverse the motion of the nut it is necessary to reverse the position of the wrench, because the handle end must, to enable the wrench to grip the work, travel in advance of the pin end. To avoid this necessity Professor Sweet forms the wrench as in Fig. 460, in which case it can operate on the nut in either direction without being reversed.

When a circular nut has its circ.u.mference provided with notches as was shown in Fig. 412 the wrench is provided with a rectangular piece as shown in Fig. 461. This piece should slope in the direction of a for the reasons already explained with reference to the cylindrical pin in Fig.

459. It is obvious, however, that this wrench also may be made upon Professor Sweet's plan, in which case the pin should be straight.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 461.]

KEYS AND KEYWAYS.--Keys and keyways are employed for two purposes--for locking permanently in a fixed position, and for locking and adjusting at the same time. Keys that simply permanently lock are usually simply embedded in the work, while those that adjust the parts and secure them in their adjusted position usually pa.s.s entirely through the work. The first are termed sunk keys and keyways, the latter adjusting keys and through keyways.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 462.]

The usual forms of sunk keyways are as follows:--Fig. 462 represents the common sunk key, the head _h_ forming a gib for use in extracting the key, which is done by driving a wedge between the head and the hub of the work.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 463.]

The flat key, sunk key, and feather shown in Fig. 463, are alike of rectangular form, their differences being in their respective thicknesses, which is varied to meet the form of key way which receives them. The flat key beds upon a flat place upon the shaft, the sunk key beds in a recess provided in the shaft, and the feather is fastened permanently in position in the shaft. The hollow key is employed in places where the wheel or pulley may require moving occasionally on the shaft, and it is undesirable that the latter have any flat place upon it or recess cut in it. The flat key is used where it is necessary to secure the wheel more firmly without weakening the shaft by cutting a keyway in it. The sunk key is that most commonly used; it is employed in all cases where the strain upon the parts is great. The feather is used in cases where the keyway extends along the shaft beyond the pulley or wheel, the feather being fast in the wheel, and its protruding part a working fit in the shaft keyway. This permits the wheel to be moved along the shaft while being driven through the medium of the feather along the keyway or spline. The heads of the taper keys are sometimes provided with a set screw as in Fig. 464, which may be screwed in to a.s.sist in extracting the key.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 464.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 465.]

Fig. 465 represents an application of keys to a square shaft that has not been planed true. The wheel is hung upon the shaft and four temporary gib-headed keys are inserted in the s.p.a.ces _a_, _a_, _a_, _a_, in Fig. 465. (It may be mentioned here that similar heads are generally forged upon keys to facilitate their withdrawal while fitting them to their seats, the heads being cut off after the key is finally driven home.) These sustain the wheel while the permanent keys, eight in number, as shown in the figure at _b_, _b_, _b_, _b_, _b_, _b_, _b_, _b_, are fitted, the wheel being rotated and tested for truth from a fixed point, the fitting of the keys being made subservient to making the wheel run true.

The proportions of sunk keys are thus given by the Manchester (England) rule. The key is square in cross section and its width or depth is obtained by subtracting 1/2 from the diameter of the shaft and dividing the sum thus obtained by 8, and then adding to the subtrahend 1/4.

Example.--A shaft is 6 inches in diameter, what should be the cross section dimensions of its key diameter of shaft?

6 - 1/2 = 5-1/2, 5-1/2 8 = .687, and .687 + .25 = 937/1000 inch.

In general practice, however, the width of a key is made slightly greater than its depth, and one-half its depth should be sunk in the shaft.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 466.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 467.]

Taper keys are tapered on their surfaces A and B in Fig. 466, and are usually given 1/8-inch taper per foot of length. There is a tendency either in a key or a set screw to force the hub out of true in the direction of the arrow. It therefore causes the hub bore to grip the shaft, and this gives a driving duty more efficient than the friction of the key itself. But the sides also of the key being a sliding fit they perform driving duty in the same manner as a feather which fits on the sides A, D in Fig. 467, but are clear either top or bottom. In the figure the feather is supposed to be fast in the hub and therefore free at C, but were it fast in the shaft it would be free on the top face.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 468.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 469.]

Fig. 468 represents a shaft held by a single set screw, the strain being in the direction of the arrow, hence the driving duty is performed by the end of the set screw and the opposite half circ.u.mference of the bore and shaft. On account, however, of the small area of surface of the set screw point the metal of the shaft is apt, under heavy duty and when the direction of shaft rotation is periodically reversed, to compress (as will also the set screw point unless it is of steel and hardened), permitting the grip to become partly released no matter how tightly the set screw be screwed home. On this account a taper key will under a given amount of strain upon the hub perform more driving duty, because the increased area of contact prevents compression. Furthermore, the taper key will not become loose even though it suffer an equal amount of compression. Suppose, for example, that a key be driven lightly to a fair seating, then all the rest of the distance to which the key is driven home causes the hub to stretch as it were, and even though the metal of the key were to compress, the elasticity thus induced would take up the compression, preventing the key from coming loose. It is obvious, then, that set screws are suitable for light duty only, and keys for either heavy or light duty. It is advanced by some authorities that keys are more apt to cause a wheel or pulley to run out of true than a set screw, but such is not the case, because, as shown in Figs.

466 and 468, both of them tend to throw the wheel out of true in one direction; but a key may be made with proper fitting to cause a wheel to run true that would not run true if held by a set screw, as is explained in the directions for fitting keys given in examples in vice work.

If two set screws be used they should both be in the same line (parallel to the shaft axis) or else at a right angle one to the other as in Fig.

469, so that the shaft and bore may drive by frictional contact on the side opposite to the screws. Theoretically the contact of their surface will be at a point only, but on account of the elasticity of the metal the contact will spread around the bore in the arc of a circle, the length of the arc depending upon the closeness of fit between the pulley bore and the shaft. If the bore is a close fit to the shaft it is by reason of the elasticity of the metal relieved of contact pressure on the side on which the set screw or key is to an amount depending upon the closeness of the bore fit, but this will not in a bore or driving fit to the shaft be sufficient to set the wheel out of true.

Chapter 33 : The proper angle of the jaws to the centre line of the jaws may be determined as follow
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