Modern Machine-Shop Practice
Chapter 34 : If two set screws are placed diametrally opposite they will drive by the contact of the

If two set screws are placed diametrally opposite they will drive by the contact of their ends only, and not by reason of their inducing frictional contact between the bore and the shaft.

A very true method of securing a hub to a shaft is to bore it larger than the shaft and to a taper of one inch to the foot. A bus.h.i.+ng is then bored to fit the shaft and turned to the same taper as the hub is turned, but left, say, 1/100 inch larger in diameter and 1/4 or 3/8 longer. The bush is then cut into three pieces and these pieces are driven in the same as keys, but care must be taken to drive them equally to keep the hub true.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 470.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 471.]

Feathers are used under the following conditions:--When the wheel driven by a shaft requires to slide along the shaft during its rotation, in which case the feather is fast in the wheel and the shaft is provided with a keyway or spline (as it is termed when the sliding action takes place), of the necessary length, the sides of the feather being a close but sliding fit in the spline while fixed fast in the wheel.

It is obvious that the feather might extend along the shaft to the requisite distance and the spline or keyway be made in the wheel: but in this case the work is greater, because the shaft would still require grooving to receive the feather, and the feather instead of being the simple width of the wheel would require to be the width of the wheel longer than the traverse of the wheel on the shaft. Nor would this method be any more durable, because the keyway's bearing length would be equal to the width of the wheel only.

When a feather is used to enable the easy movement of a wheel from one position to another a set screw may be used to fix the wheel in position through the medium of the feather as is shown in Fig. 470.

Through keys and keyways are employed to lock two pieces, and sometimes to enable the taking up of the wear of the parts. Fig. 471 represents an example in which the key is used to lock a taper shaft end into a socket by means of a key pa.s.sing through both of them. When the keyway is completely filled by the key as in the figure it is termed a solid key and keyway, indicating that there is no draft to the keyway. Fig. 472 represents a key and keyway having draft. One edge, A C, of the key binds against the socket edges only, and the other edge E binds against the edge B of the enveloped piece or plug, so that by driving in the key with A hammer the two parts are forced together. The s.p.a.ce or distance between the edge D and the key, and between edges E and F, is termed the draft. The amount of this draft is made equal to the taper of the key, hence, when the key is driven in so that its head comes level with the socket or work surface, the draft will be all taken up and the key will fill the keyway.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 472.]

Draft is given to ensure all the strain of the key forcing the parts together, to enable the key to be driven in to take up any wear and to adjust movable parts, as straps, journal boxes or, &c. When the bore of the socket and the end of the rod are parallel, the end of the rod F, Fig. 473, should key firmly against the end E of the socket, while the end D of the socket should be clear of the shoulder on the rod; otherwise instead of the key merely compressing the metal at F it will exert a force tending to burst the end F from G of the rod, furthermore, the area of contact at the shoulder D being small the metal would be apt to compress and the key would soon come loose.

In some cases two keys are employed pa.s.sing through a sleeve, the arrangement being termed a coupling, or a b.u.t.t coupling.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 473.]

The usual proportions for this cla.s.s of key, when the rod ends and socket boxes are parallel, is width of key equals diameter of socket bore, thickness of key equals one-fourth its width, with a taper edgeways of about 1/4 inch in 10 inches of length.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 474.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 475.]

As the keys in through keyways often require to be driven in very tight, and as the parts keyed together often remain a long time without being taken apart and in some situations become rusted together, it is often a difficult matter to get them apart. First, it is difficult to drive it out because the blows swell the end of the key so that it cannot pa.s.s through the keyway, and secondly, driving the socket off the plug of the two parts keyed together often damages the socket and may bend the rod to which it is keyed. Furthermore, as the diameter of the socket is usually not more than half as much again as the diameter of the plug, misdirected blows are apt to fall upon the rod instead of upon the socket end and damage it. Hence, a piece of copper, of lead, or a block of wood should always be placed against the socket end to receive the hammer blows. To force a plug out of a socket, we may use reverse keys.

These are pieces formed as shown in Fig. 474. A, A and B, B are edge and face views respectively of two pieces of metal, formed as shown, which are inserted in the keyway as shown in Fig. 475, in which A is the plug or taper end of a rod and B the socket, C is one and D the other of the reverse keys, while E is a taper key inserted between them, B driving E through the keyway, A and B are forced apart. The action of the reverse keys is simply to reverse the direction of the draft in the keyway so that the pressure due to driving E through the keyway is brought to bear upon the rod end in the part that was previously the draft side of the keyway, and in like manner upon the keyway in the socket on the side that previously served as draft.

Reverse keys are especially serviceable to take off cross heads, piston heads, keyed crank-pins, and parts that are keyed very firmly together.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 476.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 477.]

Hubs are sometimes fastened to their shafts by pins pa.s.sing through both the hub and the shaft. These pieces may be made parallel or taper, but the latter obviously secures the most firmly. If the pin is located as in Fig. 476, its resisting strength is that due to its cross sectional area at A and B. But if the pin be located as in Fig. 477 it secures the hub more firmly, because it draws the bore (on the side opposite to the pin) against the shaft, causing a certain amount of friction, and, furthermore, the area resisting the pressure of the hub is increased, and that pressure is to a certain degree in a crus.h.i.+ng as well as a shearing direction.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 478.]

If unturned pins are used and the holes are rough or drilled but not reamed, it is better that two sides of the pin should be eased off with a file or on the emery wheel, so that all the locking pressure of the pin shall fall where it is the most important that it should--that is, where it performs locking duty. This is shown in Fig. 478, the hole being round and the pin being very slightly oval (not, of course, so much as shown in the drawing), so that it will bind at A B, and just escape touching at C, D, so that all the pressure of contact is in the direction to bind the hub to the shaft.


The lathe may be justly termed the most important of all metal-cutting machine tools. Not only on account of the rapidity of its execution which is due to its cutting continuously while many others cut intermittently, but also because of the great variety of the duty it will perform to advantage. In the general operations of the lathe, drilling, boring, reaming, and other processes corresponding to those performed by the drilling machine, are executed, while many operations usually performed by the planing machine, or planer as it is sometimes termed, may be so efficiently performed by the lathe that it sometimes becomes a matter of consideration whether the lathe or the planer is the best machine to use for the purpose.

The forms of cutting tools employed in the planer, drilling machine, shaping machine, and boring machine, are all to be found among lathe tools, while the work-holding devices employed on lathe work include, substantially, very nearly all those employed on all other machines and, in addition, a great many that are peculiar to itself. In former times, and in England even at the present day, an efficient turner (as a lathe operator is termed), or lathe hand, is deemed capable of skilfully operating a planer, boring machine, screw-cutting machine, drilling machine, or any of the ordinary machine tools, whereas those who have learned to operate any or all of those machine tools would prove altogether inefficient if put to operate a lathe.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 479.]

In almost all the mechanic arts the lathe in some form or other is to be found, varying in weight from the jewellers' lathe of a few pounds to the pulley or fly-wheel lathe of the engine builder, weighing many tons.

The lathe is the oldest of machine tools and exists in a greater variety of forms than any other machine tool. Fig. 479 represents a lathe of primitive construction actually in use at the present day, and concerning which the "Engineering" of London (England), says, "At the Vienna Exhibition there were exhibited wood,, bottles, vases, &c., made by the Hucules, the remnant of an old Asiatic nation which had settled at the time of the general migration of nations in the remotest parts of Galicia, in the dense forests of the Carpathian Mountains. The lathe they are using has been employed by them from time immemorial.

They make the cones _b_, _b_ (of maple) serve as centres, one being fixed and the other movable (longitudinally). They rough out the work with a hatchet, making one end _a_ cylindrical, to receive the rope for giving rotary motion. The cross-bar _d_ is fastened to the trees so as to form a rest for the cutting tool, which consists of a chisel." C, of course, is the treadle, the lathe or pole being a sapling.

In other forms of ancient lathes a wooden frame was made to receive the work-centres, and one of these centres was carried in a block capable of adjustment along the frame to suit different lengths of work. In place of a sapling a pole or lath was employed, and from this lath is probably derived the term lathe.

It is obvious, however, that with such a lathe no cutting operation can be performed while the work is rotating backwards, and further, that during the period of rest of the cutting tool it is liable to move and not meet the cut properly when the direction of work rotation is reversed and cutting recommences, hence the operation is crude in the extreme, being merely mentioned as a curiosity.

The various forms in which the lathe appears in ordinary machine shop manipulation may be cla.s.sified as follows:--

The _foot lathe_, signifying that the lathe is driven by foot.

The _hand lathe_, denoting that the cutting tools must be held in the hands, there being no tool-carrying or feeding device on the lathe.

The _single-geared lathe_, signifying that it has no gear-wheels to reduce the speed of rotation of the live spindle from that of the cone.

The _back-geared lathe_, in which gear-wheels at the back of the headstock are employed to reduce the speed of the lathe.

The _self-acting lathe_, or _engine lathe_, implying that there is a slide rest actuated automatically to traverse the tool to its cut or feed.

The _screw-cutting lathe_, which is provided with a _lead_ screw, by means of which other screws may be cut.

The _screw-cutting lathe with independent feed_, which denotes that the lathe has two feed motions, one for cutting threads and another for ordinary tool feeding; and

The _chucking lathe_, which implies that the lathe has a face plate of larger diameter than usual, and that the bed is somewhat short, so as to adapt it mainly to work held by being chucked, that is to say, held by other means than between the lathe centres.

There are other special applications of the lathe, as the boring lathe, the grinding lathe, the lathe for irregular forms, &c., &c.

This cla.s.sification, however, merely indicates the nature of the lathe with reference to the individual feature indicated in the t.i.tle; thus, although a foot lathe is one run by foot, yet it may be a single or double gear (back-geared) lathe, or a hand or self-acting lathe, with lead screw and independent feed motion.

Again, a hand lathe may have a hand slide rest, and in that case it may also be a back-geared lathe, and a back-geared lathe may have a hand slide rest or a self-acting feed motion or motions.

Fig. 480 represents a simple form of foot lathe. The office of the shears or bed is to support the headstock and tailstock or tailblock, and to hold them so that the axes of their respective spindles shall be in line in whatever position the tailstock may be placed along the bed.

The duty of the headstock is to carry the live spindle, which is driven by the cone, the latter being connected by the belt to the wheel upon the crank shaft driven by the crank hook and the treadle, which are pivoted by eyes W to the rod X, the operation of the treadle motion being obvious. The work is shown to be carried between the live centre, which is fitted to the live spindle, and the dead centre fitting into the tail spindle, and as it has an arm at the end, it is shown to be driven by a pin fixed in the face plate, this being the simplest method of holding and driving work. The lathe is shown provided with a hand tool rest, and in this case the cutting tools are supported upon the top of the tool rest N, whose height may be adjusted to bring the tool edge to the required height on the work by operating the set screw S, which secures the stem of N in the bore of the rest.

To maintain the axes of the live and dead spindles in line, they are fitted to a slide or guideway on the shears, the headstock being fixed in position, while the tailstock is adjustable along the shears to suit the length of the work.

To lock the tailstock in its adjusted position along the shears, it has a bolt projecting down through the plate C, which bolt receives the hand nut D. To secure the hand rest in position at any point along the shears, it sets upon a plate A and receives a bolt whose head fits into a [T]-shaped groove, and which, after pa.s.sing through the plate P receives the nut N, by which the rest is secured to the shears.

To adjust the end fit of the live spindle a bracket K receives an adjusting screw L, whose coned end has a seat in the end J of the live spindle, M being a check nut to secure L in its adjusted position.

Chapter 34 : If two set screws are placed diametrally opposite they will drive by the contact of the
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