Modern Machine-Shop Practice
Chapter 32 : [Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 433.]In cases where nuts are placed under rapid vibration or mot

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 433.]

In cases where nuts are placed under rapid vibration or motion they are sometimes detained in their places by pins or cotters. The simplest form of pin used for this purpose is the split pin, shown in Fig. 431. It is made from half round wire and is parallel, and does not, therefore, possess the capability of being tightened when the nut has become loosened from wear. As the wire from which these pins are made is not usually a full half circle the pins should, if the best results are to be obtained, be filed to fit the hole, and in doing this, care should be taken to have the pin bear fully in the direction of the split which is longitudinal to the bolt, as shown in Fig. 432, where the pin is shown with its ends opened out as is required to prevent the pin from coming out. If the pin bears in a direction across the bolt as at A D, in Fig.

433, it will soon become loose.


Fig. 418.

Fig. 419.

Fig. 420.

Fig. 421.

Fig. 422.

Fig. 423.

Fig. 424.

Fig. 425.

Fig. 426.

Fig. 427.

Fig. 428.]

Pins of this cla.s.s are sometimes pa.s.sed through the nut itself as well as through the bolt; but when this is the case, there is the objection that the nut cannot be screwed up to take up any wear, because in that case the hole in the nut would not come fair with that in the bolt, and the pin could not be inserted. When, therefore, such a pin through the nut, lost motion must be taken up by placing an additional or a thicker washer behind the nut. The efficiency of this pin as a locking device is much increased by pa.s.sing it through the nut, because its bearing, and, therefore, wearing area, is increased, and the pin is prevented from bending after the manner shown in Fig. 434, as it is apt to do under excessive wear, with the result that the end pressure of the nut almost shears or severs the pin close to the perimeter of the bolt.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 434.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 435.]

To enable the pin to take up the wear, it is a good plan to file on it a flat place, which must be parallel to the sides of the pin-head and placed against the nut-face. The hole in the bolt is in this case made to fall slightly under the nut, as in Fig. 435, so that the flat place is necessary to enable the pin to enter. By filing the flat place taper, the lost motion that may ensue from wear may be taken up by simply driving the pin in farther.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 436.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 437.]

In place of this cla.s.s of split pin, solid taper pins are sometimes used, but these, if employed in situations where they are subject to jar and vibration, are apt sometimes to come loose, especially if they be given much taper, because in that case they do not wedge so tightly in the hole. But if a taper pin be made too nearly parallel, it will drive through too easily, and has less capability to take up the play due to wear. An ordinary degree of taper is about 5/8 inch per foot of length, but in long pins having ample bearing area, 1/2 inch per foot of length is ample. To prevent taper pins from coming loose from vibration, they are sometimes forged split at the small end, as in Fig. 436, and opened out at that end after the manner shown in Fig. 432. This forms a very secure locking device, and one easily applied. The split ends are closed by hammer blows to remove the pin, and it is found that such pins may be opened and closed many times without breaking, even though made of cast steel. The heads and ends are rounded so as to prevent them from swelling from the hammer blows necessary to drive them in and out. When a taper pin is pa.s.sed through a nut and bolt, it simply serves as a locking device to secure the nut in position, and the lost motion due to wear must be taken up by the application of a washer beneath the nut, as already described. If, however, the taper pin be applied outside the nut, it may be made to take up the wear, by filing on it a flat place, and locating the hole in the bolt so that it will fall partly beneath the nut, as shown in Fig. 435. In this case, the nut may be screwed up to take up the wear, and the pin by being driven farther in will still bear against the nut and prevent its slacking back.

Another and excellent locking device for bolts or nuts, is the cotter shown in Fig. 437, which is sometimes forged solid and sometimes split, as in the figure. By being made taper from A to B, it will take up the wear if driven farther in. Its width gives it strength in the direction in which it acts to lock, the overhanging head is to drive it out by, and the bevelled corner C is to enable its easy insertion, because if left sharp it would be liable to catch against the edge of the cotter-way and burr up. If made split, its ends are opened out after it is inserted, as shown at D. When closing the ends of either split cotters or split pins to extract them it is better to close one side first and bend it over a trifle too much, so that, when closing the other side, by the time the pin is straightened the two ends will be closed together, and extraction becomes easy.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 438.]

A very safe method in the case of a single nut or bolt head is to provide a separate plate, as in Fig. 438. The plate P is provided with three sides, corresponding to the sides of the hexagon, as shown, and in the middle of these sides are cut the notches A B C, so that by giving the nut N one-twelfth of a turn its corners D E would be held by the notches B C, S being a small screw to hold P. It is obvious that a simple set screw pa.s.sed through the walls of the nut would grip the bolt thread and serve to hold the nut, but this would damage the bolt thread, and, furthermore, that thread would under jar or vibration compress and let the set screw come loose.

A better plan than this is to provide a thick washer beneath the nut and let a set screw pa.s.s through the washer and grip the bolt, fastening or setting up the set screw after the nut is screwed home. This, however, makes the washer a gripping piece and in no wise serves to lock the nut.

In addition to the washer a pin may project through the radial face of the washer and into the work surface, which will prevent, in connection with the set screw, both the bolt and the washer from turning.

When a bolt has no thread but is secured by a taper pin, set screw, cotter, or device other than a nut, it is termed a pin. So, likewise, a cylindrical piece serving as a pivot, or to hold two pieces together and having no head, is termed a pin.

The usual method of securing a pin is by a set screw or by a taper pin and a washer; and since the term pin applying to both may lead to misunderstanding, the term bolt will here be applied to the large and the term pin to the small or securing pin only.

The object of pins and washers is to secure an exact degree of fit and permit of rapid connection or disconnection. An application of a taper pin and washer to a double eye is shown in Fig. 439. It is obvious, in this case, the pin E will drive home until it fills the hole through the bolt, and hence always to the same spot, so that the parts may be taken apart and put together again rapidly, while the fit is self-adjusting, providing that the pin fills the hole, bears upon the groove in the washer, and is driven home, so that by first letting the pin bind the washer W slightly too tight, and then filing the radial faces of the joint to a proper fit (which will ease the bearing of the pin on the washer), an exact degree of fit and great accuracy may be obtained, whereas when a nut is used it is difficult to bring the nut to the exact same position when s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g it home. When the joints are to be thus fitted, it is a good plan to drill the pin-hole (through the bolt) so that its centre falls coincident with the face of the washer; to then file out the grooves in the washer not quite deep enough. The pin may then be filed to fit the hole through the bolt, but left slightly too large, so that it shall not pa.s.s quite far enough through the bolt. The joint faces may then be filed true, and when finished, the parts may be put together, and the groove through the washer and hole through the bolt may be simultaneously finished by reaming with a taper reamer. This will leave the job a good fit, with a full bearing, without much trouble, the final reaming letting the taper pin pa.s.s to its proper distance through the bolt.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 439.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 440.]

Taper pins are sometimes employed to secure in position a bolt that rotates, or one that requires locking in position, in situations in which there is no room for the bolt end to project and receive a nut or washer. Examples of these kinds are shown in section in Figs. 440 and 441. In 441, B is a stud pin, to rotate in the bore of A. C is a semi circular groove in B, and P a taper pin entering one-half in the groove C and one-half in B, thus preventing B from moving endwise in A, while at the same time permitting its free rotation. In this case it is best to fit B to its place, a fit tight enough to hold it firmly while the pin-hole is drilled and reamed through A and B simultaneously, then B can be put in the lathe, and the groove cut in to coincide with the half-hole or groove caused in the pin by the drilling, and after the groove is turned the stud pin may be eased to the required degree of working fit. The process for Fig. 440 is precisely the same, except that no groove turning or easing of the pin will be necessary, because the pin being locked in position may be left a tight fit. If, however, it is considered desirable to give the taper pin in Fig. 440 a little draft, so that any looseness (that may occur to the pin or stud) from wear may be taken up, then after the taper pin-hole has been drilled and reamed, the pin or stud (D in the figure) may be taken out, and its taper pin-hole _in the arm E_ may be filed out all the way through on one side, as denoted by the dotted half-circle. This will give draft to the pin and allow it to drive farther through and grip the pin as it wears smaller.

If a bolt and nut fit too tightly in their threads the nut may be wound back and forth upon the bolt under free lubrication, which will ease the fit by wearing away or compressing that part of the thread surface that is in contact. If this should not suffice we may generally ease a nut that fits so tight that it cannot be screwed upon the bolt with an ordinary wrench, by s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g the nut on a thread or two, then rest it on an iron block, and lightly hammer its sides; it will loosen its fit, and if continued, the nut may be made to pa.s.s down the bolt comparatively easily. Now, in this operation, it is not that the nut has been stretched, but that the points of contact on the threads have become compressed and imbedded; we have, in other words, caused the shape of each thread to conform nearer to that of the other than it is practicable to make them, because of reasons explained in the remarks on screw threads, and on taps.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 441.]

To remove nuts or bolts that have become corroded in their places, we may adopt the following methods:--

If the nuts are so corroded that they will not unscrew with an ordinary wrench, we may, if the standing bolts and the wrench are strong enough to stand it, place a piece of gas or other pipe on the end of the wrench, so as to get a longer leverage; and, while applying the power to the wrench, we may strike the end face of the nut a few sharp blows with the hammer, interposing a set chisel, if the nut is a small one, so as to be sure to strike the nut in the proper place, and not rivet the screw end. If the joint is made with tap bolts we may strike the bolt heads with the hammer direct, using as before a light hammer and sharp blows, which will, in a majority of cases, start the thread, after which the wrench alone will usually suffice to unscrew it. If, however, this is not effective, we should take a thick washer, large enough in its bore to pa.s.s over the nut, and heat it to a yellow heat and place it over the nut, and the nut heating more rapidly than the stud or standing bolt, will be proportionately expanded and loosened; and, furthermore, the iron becomes stronger by being heated, providing the temperature does not exceed about 400. If standing bolts or studs are employed on the joint, the heating is still advantageous, for the increase of strength more than compensates for the expansion. In this case the heating, however, may be performed more slowly, so that the hole may also become heated, and the bolt, therefore, not made a tighter fit by its excessive expansion. So also, in taking out the standing bolts or studs, heating them will often enable one to extract them without breaking them off in the hole, which would necessitate drilling out the broken piece or part. If, however, this should become necessary, we may drill a hole a little smaller than the diameter of the bottom of the bolt thread, and then drive into the hole a taper square reamer, as shown in Fig. 442, in which W represents the work, R the square reamer, and S the drilled screw end, and then, with a wrench applied to the reamer, unscrew the bolt thread. If this plan fails there is no alternative, after drilling the hole, but to take a round-nosed cape or cross-cut chisel and cut out the screw as nearly as possible, then pick out the thread at the entrance of the hole, and insert a plug tap to cut out the remaining bolt thread.

To take out a standing bolt, take two nuts and screw them on the bolt end; then hold the outer one still with a wrench and unscrew the inner one tightly against it. We may then remove the wrench from the outer or top nut, and unscrew the bolt by a wrench applied to the bottom or inner one. If the thread of a standing bolt has become damaged or burred, we can easily correct the evil by s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g a solid die or die nut down it, applying a little oil to preserve the cutting edge of the nut. If it is found impossible to take off a corroded nut without twisting off the standing bolt, it is the better plan to sacrifice the nut in order to save the bolt; and we may first hold a hammer beneath the nut, and take a cold chisel, and holding it so that the cutting edge stands parallel with the chamfered edge of the nut, and slanting it at an angle obtuse to the direction in which the nut in uns.c.r.e.w.i.n.g would travel, strike it a few sharp blows, using a light hand-hammer; and this will often start it, especially if the nut is heated as before directed. The hammer held beneath the nut should be a heavy one, and should be pressed firmly against the square or hexagon side of the nut, the object being to support it, and thus prevent the standing bolt from bending or breaking, as it would otherwise be very apt to do. If this plan succeeds, the nut may, for rough work, be used over again, the burr raised by the chisel head being hammered down to close it as much as possible before filing it off. By holding the chisel precisely as directed, the seating of the nut acts to support it, and thus aids the heavy hammer in its duty. If this procedure fails we may cut the nut off, and thus preserve the bolt.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 442.]

To do this, we must use a cross-cut or cape chisel, and cut a groove from the end face to the seating of the nut--a narrow groove will do, and two may be cut if necessary; light cuts should be taken, and the chisel should be ground at a keen angle, so that it will keep to its cut when held at an angle, as nearly parallel to the centre line of the length of the bolt as possible, in which case the force of the blows delivered upon the chisel head will be in a direction not so liable to bend the bolt. The groove or grooves should be cut down nearly to the tops of the bolt threads, and then a wrench will unscrew the nut or else cause it to open if one, and break in halves, if two grooves were cut.

After the nuts are all taken off, we may take a hammer and two or three wedges, or chisels (according to the size of the joint), and drive them an equal distance into the joint, striking one chisel first, and the diametrically opposite one next, and going over all the wedges to keep an equal strain upon each. If the joint resists this method, we may take a hammer and strike blows between the standing bolts on the outside face, interposing a block of hard wood to prevent damage to the face, and holding the wood so that the hammer strikes it endwise of the grain; and this will, in most cases, loosen the material of which the joint is made, and break the joint. If, however, the joint, after repeated trials, still resists, we may employ the hammer without the interposition of the wood, using a copper or lead hammer, if one is at hand, so as not to cause damage to the face of the work. To facilitate the entrance of the wedges, grooves should be cut in the joint of one face, their widths being about an inch, and their depth 1/16 inch.

WASHERS.--Washers are placed upon bolts for the following purposes.

First, to provide a smooth seating for the nut in the case of rough castings. Second, to prevent the nut corners from marking and marring the surface of finished work. Thirdly, to give a neat finish, and in some cases to increase the bearing area of the nut and provide an elastic cus.h.i.+on to prevent the nut from loosening. Washers are usually of wrought iron, except in the case of bra.s.s nuts, when the washers also are of bra.s.s. The standard sizes adopted by the manufacturers in the United States for wrought iron washers is given in the following table:--


Adopted by "The a.s.sociation of Bolt and Nut Manufacturers of the United States," at their meeting in New York, December 11th, 1872.

+-----------+---------+-------------+---------+ | Diameter. | Size of | Thickness | Size of | | | Hole. | Wire Gauge. | Bolt. | +-----------+---------+-------------+---------+ | 1/2 | 1/4 | No. 18 | 3/16 | | 5/8 | 5/16 | " 16 | 1/4 | | 3/4 | 5/16 | " 16 | 1/4 | | 7/8 | 3/8 | " 16 | 5/16 | | 1 | 7/16 | " 14 | 3/8 | +-----------+---------+-------------+---------+ | 1-1/4 | 1/2 | " 14 | 7/16 | | 1-3/8 | 9/16 | " 12 | 1/2 | | 1-1/2 | 5/8 | " 12 | 9/16 | +-----------+---------+-------------+---------+ | 1-3/4 | 11/16 | " 10 | 5/8 | | 2 | 13/16 | " 10 | 3/4 | +-----------+---------+-------------+---------+ | 2-1/4 | 15/16 | " 9 | 7/8 | | 2-1/2 | 1-1/16 | " 9 | 1 | | 2-3/4 | 1-1/4 | " 9 | 1-1/8 | | 3 | 1-3/8 | " 9 | 1-1/4 | | 3-1/2 | 1-1/2 | " 9 | 1-3/8 | +-----------+---------+-------------+---------+

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 443.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 444.]

The various forms of wrenches employed to screw nuts home or to remove them are represented in the following figures. Fig. 443 represents what is known as a solid wrench, the width between the jaws a being an easy fit to the nuts across the flats. The opening between the jaws being at an angle to the body enables the wrench to be employed in a corner which would be too confined to receive a wrench in which the handle stood in a line with the jaws, because in that common form of wrench the position of the jaws relative to the handle would be the same whether the wrench be turned over or not, whereas with the jaws at an angle as in the figure, the wrench may be applied to the nut, rotating it a certain distance until its handle meet an ab.u.t.ting piece, f.l.a.n.g.e, or other obstruction, and then turned over and the jaw embracing the same two sides of the nut the handle will be out of the way and may again operate the nut.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 445.]

In some cases each end of the wrench is provided with jaws, those at one end standing at the same angle but being on the opposite side of the wrench.

Chapter 32 : [Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 433.]In cases where nuts are placed under rapid vibration or mot
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