A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 9 : _a-lutan_. (+A-+ 1.) +A-low+, on the low ground, on earth, ED, PP; +alawe+, S3; +alowe+,

_a-lutan_. (+A-+ 1.)

+A-low+, on the low ground, on earth, ED, PP; +alawe+, S3; +alowe+, PP.

(+A-+ 2.)

+Alowable+, _adj._ praiseworthy, PP.

+Alowaunce+, _sb._ praise, PP.

+Alowen+, _v._ to praise, commend, to approve of, sanction, to admit (intellectually), S3, PP; +allowen+, C2, G, PP.--OF. _alouer_; Late Lat.

*_allaudare_; Lat. _ad_ + _laudare_. (+A-+ 7.)

+Alowen+, _v._ to a.s.sign, bestow, to give an allowance to, NED, Palsg.; +allow+, Sh.--AF. _alower_, OF. _alouer_, _aloer_; Lat. _allocare_, to place. (+A-+ 7.)

+A-loyne+, _v._ to remove far off, NED, HD, AF. _aloyner_, from _loin_; Lat. _longe_. (+A-+ 7.)

+Alre+, _gen. pl._ of all, used as an intensifying prefix with a superlative, NED (_all_, see sect. D. II, p. 227), MD (p. 56); +allere+, H; +aller+, G, C; +alder+, C2, H; +alther+, G, C, W2; +aldire-+, H.--AS.

_ealra_. [[cross-references use hyphen +Alre-+]]

+Alre-best+, best of all, S2; +alderbest+, H; +altherbest+, NED, HD, C; +altherbeste+, S, HD.

+Alre-fyrst+, first of all, NED; +altherfirst+, NED, HD; +alderfirst+, C2, C3.

+Alre-mest+, most of all, S; +aldiremast+, H; +althermoost+, HD.

+Als+, _adv._ and _conj._ also, as, S, S2, S3, C2; see +Also+.

+Als-as+, _conj._ just as if, S3.

+Al-so+, _adv._ and _conj._ (1) even so, likewise, also, (2), as, MED, PP, S, S3, C3; +allswa+, S; +alswo+, MED; +alse+, S; +alsse+, S; +als+, S, S2, S3, C2; +alls+, S; +ase+, S, S2; +as+, S, S2, S3, C2; +es+, PP; +alsswa+, S2; +alsua+, S2; +als-so+, S2; +alswa+, S, S2, MED.--AS.


+Al solne day+, All Souls' Day, NED; +alle soule day+, S2.--AS. _ealra sawlena daeg_.

+Als-t.i.te+, _adv._ as quick, immediately, MED, S2.

+Al-suic+, _adj._ all such, S.

+Al-swithe+, _adv._ as fast, immediately, MED; +alswythe+, PP; +als-suith+, S2; +aswithe+, S2; +a.s.swythe+, S2.

+Alther-+, _gen. pl._ of all, C, G, W2, PP; see +Alre-+.

+Alther-best+, _adj._ best of all, S, C; see +Alrebest+.

+Alther-feblest+, _adj._ feeblest of all, S2, HD.

+Alther-first+, _adj._ first of all, HD; see +Alrefyrst+.

+Alther-moost+, _adj._ most of all, HD; see +Alremest+.

+Al-to+, _adv._ entirely, S, NED (s.v. _all_, see C, sect. 15), W, W2, H; +all-to+, H.

+Al-togidere+, _adv._ altogether, G; +altegaedere+, S.

+Al-wat+, _conj._, _adv._ all the while, till, S, MD (s.v. _al_, p. 57); +alwet+, MD; +alhuet+, NED (s.v. _all what_). See +What+.

+Al-weldand+, _adj._ all-wielding, S2; +alwealdent+, S.--AS.


+Al-weye+, _adv._ all along, at all times, perpetually, at any rate, NED; +alne-way+, S2; +alwey+, C2, C3, PP; +alwais+, S2; +alleweyes+, NED.--AS. _ealne weg_.

+Alynen+, _v._ to besmear; +alyned+, _pp._, S2.--Lat. _allinere_.

(+A-+ 7.)

+A-lyue+, _adv._, _adj. as pred._ alive, C2, S2, PP; +onlyue+, C2, G; +onliue+, S.--AS. _on life_. (+A-+ 2.)

+Am+, _1 pr. s._ am, S, C3; +aem+, S, MD; +ham+, S; +eam+, MD; +eom+, MD.--ONorth. _am_, OMerc. _eam_ (VP), AS. _eom_.

+A-mad+, _pp._ as _adj._ distracted, mad, MD, S; +amed+, MD; +amadde+, _pl._ MD.--AS. _ge-m?d_, pp. of _ge-m?dan_, to madden; cp. OHG.

_ga-meit_, foolish. (+A-+ 6.)

+Amaistrien+, _v._ to master, teach, PP; +amaistrye+, P, HD.--OF.

_amaistr(i)er_; Lat. _ad_ + _magistrare_. (+A-+ 7.)

+Amalgame+, _sb._ a soft ma.s.s, mixture of metal with mercury, NED; +malgam+ NED.--OF. _amalgame_; Low Lat. _amalgama_.

+Amalgaming+, _sb._ the formation of an amalgam, C3.

+Amang+; see +Amonge+.

+A-mansien+, _v._ to curse, to excommunicate, MD; +amansi+, MD; +amansy+, MD; +amonsi+, HD; +amawns+, HD; +amansed+, _pp._, S.--Contracted from AS. _a-mansumian_, to put out of intimacy, from _mansum_, familiar, intimate; pp. _a-mansumod_, also _amansod_; see Schmid. (+A-+ 1.)

+A-masen+, _v._ to amaze, stupefy, NED; +amased+, _pp._, C3. (+A-+ 1.)

+Amba.s.sade+, _sb._ the function of amba.s.sador, an amba.s.sador and suite, NED; +emba.s.sades+, _pl._, S3.--OF. _amba.s.sade_, _ambaxade_; OSp.

_ambaxada_, from Low Lat. _ambaxia_, _ambactia_, office, employment, from _ambactus_, va.s.sal, retainer, a Celtic word found in Caesar.

+Amba.s.sadrie+, _sb._ amba.s.sadors.h.i.+p, NED; +emba.s.sadrie+, S2, C3.--F.


+Amba.s.sage+, _sb._ emba.s.sy, NED; +amba.s.sages+, _pl._, S3.

+Amblen+, _v._ to move at an easy pace, NED.--OF. _ambler_; Lat.

_ambulare_, to walk.

+Amblere+, _sb._ an ambling horse or mule, C, NED.

+Amellen+, _v._ to enamel, MD; +ammell+, Palsg.; +amelled+, _pp._, Palsg.; +amelyd+, HD; +amiled+, HD; +ameled+, NED.--AF. _aymeler_, OF.

_esmailler_; OHG. _smalzjan_, to smelt, liquefy; cp. It. _smaltare_, to enamel (Florio). Cf. +En-amelen+, +Mute+.

Chapter 9 : _a-lutan_. (+A-+ 1.) +A-low+, on the low ground, on earth, ED, PP; +alawe+, S3; +alowe+,
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