A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 10 : +Amenden+, _v._ to amend, mend, MD, S, S2, C2, W; +amended+, _pp._ S2; +amendid+, W2.--

+Amenden+, _v._ to amend, mend, MD, S, S2, C2, W; +amended+, _pp._ S2; +amendid+, W2.--OF. _amender_; Lat. *_e-mendare_, from _ex_ + _mendum_, fault. (+A-+ 9.)

+Amene+, _adj._ pleasant, S3, NED; +ameyn+, S3.--OF. _amene_; Lat.


+Amerant+, _sb._ amaranth, a fadeless flower, S3.--OF. _amarante_; Lat.

_amarantum_ (acc.); Gr. ???a?t??. (+A-+ 11.)

+Amercy+, _v._ to amerce, fine, P, NED.--AF. _amercier_; from OF. _estre a merci_ came _estre amercie_, then _amercier_.

+Amete+, _sb._ ant, emmet, NED; +amte+, W2; +emete+, Voc.; +emote+, NED; +ematte+, Voc.; +amtis+, _pl._, W2; +amptis+, NED.--AS. _?mete_, _emete_. Cp. OHG. _ameiza_; from OHG. _a_, off + _meizan_, to cut, as if 'the cutter or biter off.'

+Ametist+, _sb._ amethyst, NED; +ametistus+, W (Rev. 21. 20); +amatyste+, HD; +amaste+, HD; +amaffised+, MD.--OF. _ametiste_; Lat.

_amethystum_ (acc.); Gr. ????st??. (+A-+ 11.)

+Ameuen+, _v._ to be moved, NED; +ameued+, _pt. s._, C2.--OF. _esmeuv-_, accented stem of _esmover_; Lat. _exmouere_. (+A-+ 9.)

+Ameyn+; see +Amene+.

+A-midde+, _adv._ and _prep._ amid, S2, C2, PP; +amidden+, S; +amydde+, PP.--AS. _on middan_, _on middum_. (+A-+ 2.)

+Amirail+, _sb._ a Saracen ruler or commander, an emir, an admiral, MD; +amerel+, Prompt.; +amyralle+, MD; +amrayl+, HD; +admirald+, S.--OF.

_amirail_, _amiral_; cp. Arab. _amir-al-bahr_, commander of the sea, _amir-al-muminim_, commander of the faithful.

+A-mis+, _adv._ amiss, C2; +amys+, G; +onmys+, NED. (+A-+ 2.)

+Amome+, _sb._ an odoriferous plant, amomum, NED; +amonye+, W, HD.--OF.

_amome_ (Cotg.); Lat. _amomum_; Gr. ????, a name applied to several spice plants.

+Amoneste+, _v._ to admonish, warn, HD.--OF. _amonester_; Late Lat.

*_admonitare_, from Lat. _admonitus_, pp. of _admonere_, see Constans.

(+A-+ 7.)

+Amonestement+, _sb._ admonishment, S, HD.--OF. _amonestement_.

+Amonestyng+, _sb._ admonis.h.i.+ng, CM.

+A-monge+, _prep._ and _adv._ among, in, at intervals, PP; +amange+, NED; +omang+, MD; +amang+, S, S2; +among+, S, PP. _Phr._: +eure among+, ever among, every now and then, S; +ever and among+, NED.--AS.

_on-mang_, _on-gemang_. (+A-+ 2.)

+A-monges+, _prep._ among, S2, S3, C2, C3 G, PP.

+A-morewe+, on the morrow, S2, W; +amor we+, HD, PP, S2; +amore?e+, S; +amor?e+, S (16. 432).--AS. _on morgen_. (+A-+ 2.)

+Amountance+, _sb._ amount, NED; +mountouns+, S2, HD.

+Amounten+, _v._ to ascend, rise, amount, mean, S2, C2, PP; +amunten+, S.--AF. _amunter_, from Lat. _ad_ + _montem_. (+A-+ 7.)

+Ampole+, _sb._ a vessel for holding consecrated oil, or for other sacred uses, NED; +ampulles+, _pl._, P; +ampolles+, S2, PP; +hanypeles+, PP.--OF. _ampole_; Lat. _ampulla_.

+Ampre+, _sb._ a tumour, flaw, blemish; +amper+, HD; +ampres+, _pl._, S.--AS. _ampre_, 'varix' (Voc.).

+Amte+; see +Amete+.

+A-murrin+, _v._ to murder, S; +amorthered+, _pp._, MD.--AS.

_a-myrrian_ (Schmid). (+A-+ 1.)

+Amyable+, _adj._ friendly, lovely, NED; +amyabill+, S3; +amiable+, WW.--OF. _amiable_; Lat. _amicabilem_.

+An+, _1 pr. s._ I grant, allow, S; on, _pr. s._, S. See +Unnen+.

+An+, _num._ and _indef. art._ one, an, S, S2, PP; see +Oon+.

+An+, _prep._ on, upon, in, PP, S, S2; see +On+.

+An+, _conj._ and, if, PP, S, S2; see +And+.

+Anaunter+, for +an aunter+, a chance, S2; see +Auenture+. [[Addition]]

+Anchesoun+, _sb._ occasion, MD; +ancheisun+, MD; +anchaisun+, HD.--AF.

_anchesoun_. See +Achesoun+.

+Ancre+, _sb._ an anchorite, recluse, hermit, a monk, a nun, NED, S, S2; +auncre+, S2; +anker+, S2; +ancres+, _pl._, P.--AS. _ancra_, m.

(*_ancre_, f.); Church Lat. _anach.o.r.eta_; Gr. ??a????t??.

+And+, _conj._ and, also, if, G, S, S2, S3, C2 +ant+, S, S2; +an+, S, S2; +a+, MD.--_Phr._: +and if+, MD.

+Ande+, _sb._ breath, H; see +Onde+. [[Addition]]

+Anefeld+, _sb._ anvil, W2; +anefelt+, NED.--AS. _onfilti_ (Voc.).

+An-ent+, _prep._ and _adv._ on a level with, among, opposite, towards, in respect of, NED; +anont+, MD; +onont+, S; +onond+, S; +anende+, MD; +anonde+, MD; +ononde+, MD; +anendes+, MD; +anentes+, NED; +anentis+, W, W2; +anemptis+, MD; +anempst+, NED; +anence+, H; +anens+, H; +ynentes+, H.--AS. _on efen_, _on efn_, _on emn_, on even ground with.

+Anentesch+; see +Anientise+.

+Aner-ly+, _adv._ only, alone, S2, NED, JD.

+Anete+, _sb._ the herb dill, Voc., W, NED.--OF. _anet_; Lat. _anethum_ (Vulg.); Gr. ??????, dial, form of ???s??. See +Anise+.

+A-netheren+, _v._ to lower, humiliate, NED; +anethered+, _pp._, HD.

(+A-+ 1.) See +Anierien+.

+Anew+, _sb._ ring, wreath; +anewis+, _pl._, S3; +aneus+, links of a chain, NED.--OF. _aniaus_, pl. of _anel_, ring; Lat. _anellus_, dim. of _anulus_, dim. of _annus_, a circuit, year.

+Anew+, enough, S3. (+A-+ 6.) See +Ynow+.

+A-newe+, _adv._ anew, NED. (+A-+ 3.) See +Of-newe+.

+Anfald+, _adj._ single, simple, S, HD; see +Oone-fold+. [[Addition]]

Chapter 10 : +Amenden+, _v._ to amend, mend, MD, S, S2, C2, W; +amended+, _pp._ S2; +amendid+, W2.--
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