A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 8 : +A-lesednesse+, _sb._ redemption, MD.+A-lesen+, _v._ to loose, deliver, S; +alesde+, _pt

+A-lesednesse+, _sb._ redemption, MD.

+A-lesen+, _v._ to loose, deliver, S; +alesde+, _pt. s._, S; +alesed+, _pp._, S, HD.--AS. _a-lesan_, _alsan_. (+A-+ 1.)

+A-lesendnesse+, _sb._ redemption, MD.

+A-lesnesse+, _sb._ redemption, S, MD.--AS. _a-lesnis_.

+Al-gate+, _adv._ every way, always, in any case, NED, S3, C, C2, C3; +allegate+, S; +algates+, S2, C2, C3; +algatis+, W.--Cp. Icel. _alla gotu_, every way.

+Algorisme+, _sb._ the Arabic or decimal system of numeration, arithmetic, NED; +algrim+, MD; +augrim+, S. _Phr._: +cipher in algorisme+, the figure +o+, a mere cipher, NED.--OF. _algorisme_ (_augorime_); Low Lat. _algorismus_ (cp. Span. _guarismo_, arithmetic, Minsheu); from Arab. _al-Khowarazmi_, the surname of an Arab mathematician of the 9th cent.

+Al-halowen+, _sb. pl._ all saints, NED; +alhalowes+, NED; +halalwes+, S2.

+Al-halowen day+, _sb._ All Saints' Day, NED.--AS. _ealra halgena daeg_.

+Aliance+, _sb._ alliance, NED; +alliaunce+, C2.--AF. _aliance_.

+A-liche+, _adv._ alike, PP, NED.--AS. _ge-lice_. (+A-+ 6.) See +Iliche+.

+ Alie+, _sb._ ally, relative, PP; +allye+, C2.

+Alien+, _v._ to combine, unite, ally, NED; +allyed+, _pp._, C2.--OF.

_alier_; Lat. _alligare_. (+A-+ 7.)

+A-liri+, _adv._ across (said of the legs), P; +alyry+, PP.--AS. _on_ + _lira_, the fleshy part of the leg (Voc.). (+A-+ 2.)

+A-li?ten+, _v._ to alight, get lightly down from a horse, to descend, also, to lighten, MD; +alyghte+, C2; +alyghte+, _pt. s._, PP; +aly?te+, PP; +alihte+, MD; +ali?te+, S; +alyhte+, S2; +ali?t+, _pp._, S2.--AS.

_a-lihtan_. (+A-+ 1.)

+A-li?ten+, _v._ to enlighten, illuminate, to light (a fire), NED.--AS.

_on-lihtan_. (+A-+ 2.)

+A-li?tnen+, _v._ to enlighten, NED; +alichtyn+, S3; +alyctnyng+, _pr. p._, S3. (+A-+ 1.)

+Al-kaly+, _sb._ alkali, C3.--Arab. _al-qaliy_, calcined ashes; from _qalay_, to roast in a pan.

+Alkamistre+, _sb._ alchemist, C3, NED. OF. _alkemiste_.

+Al-kamye+, _sb._ medieval chemistry, PP.--OF. _alcamie_, _alquimie_; Sp. _alquimia_; Arab. _al-kimia_; Late Gr. ???a, of doubtful origin, prob. from ??e?a, pouring.

+Al-karon+, _sb._ the Koran, S2.--OF. _al-coran_; Ar. _al-qoran_, the reading, from _qara'a_, to read aloud.

+Al-katran+, _sb._ the resin of fir trees, pitch, also, bitumen, NED, S2.--OF. _alketran_; Sp. _alquitran_; Ar. _al-qatran_, from _qatara_, to drop.

+Al-kin+, _adj._ of every kind, MED, PP; +alkyn+, S2, PP; +alkynnes+, PP; +alle kynez+, S2.--AS. _alles cynnes_, gen.

+Al-kynd+, _adj._ of every kind, S3.

+All-+; see +Al-+.

+Allunge+, _adv._ altogether, S, MD; +allynge+, MD; +allinge+, MED.--AS.

_eallunga_, _eallunge_.

+Allure+, _sb._ a place to walk in, a gallery, a walk by the parapets of a castle, a cloister, S3; +alure+, Prompt., NED.--OF. _alure_ (now _allure_), walk, going, a gallery, also, _aleure_ (= Low Lat.

*_alatura_), from _aler_, to go (F. _aller_).

+Almain+, _adj._ German, NED; +Almaines+, _pl._ Germans, NED; +Almaygnes+, S3.--OF. _aleman_ (F. _allemand_).

+Almain+, _sb._ a kind of dance, NED; +almond+, NED. _Comb._: +almain-leap+, ND; +almond-leape+, Cotg. (s.v. _saut_).

+Almaine+, _sb._ Germany, H; +Almayne+, NED; +Alemaine+, S; +Almeyne+, NED; +Almen+, NED; +Alamanie+, S.--OF. _Alemaigne_; Lat. _Allemannia_, the country of the _Allemanni_.

+Almes-dede+, _sb._ deed of mercy, S2.

+Almesse+, _sb._ alms, charity, S, PP, Prompt., S2, C3; +aelmes+, S; +elmesse+, MD; +almes+, S, S2, W; +almous+, S2; +almessis+, _pl._, W.--AS. _aelmysse_; Church Lat. *_alimosina_ (cp. OF. _almosne_); _eleemosyna_ (Tertullian); Gr. ??e??s??? alms, Lu. 12. 33; orig. pity.

+Al-mest+, _adv._ almost, S2, C2, W, W2; +almeest+, W2; +almost+, PP.

+Al-mi?t+, _adj._ all-powerful, MD; +almight+, NED, G.--AS. _aelmiht_.

+Al-mi?ti+, _adj._ almighty, NED; +almichti+, S; +allmahhti?+, S; +almy?ty+, S2; +almihti+, S.--AS. _aelmeahtig_.

+Al-mi?tin+, _adj._ almighty, NED; +almihten+, NED; +almihtin+, S.

+Alne-way+; see +Alweye+.

+A-lofte+, _adv._ on high, aloft, PP; +aloft+, PP; +on-lofte+, S2, C2; +o lofte+, NED; +o loft+, NED.--Icel. _a lopt_ (of motion), _a lopti_ (of position); _lopt_, air, sky, loft; cp. AS. _on a lyft_, into the air, (+A-+ 2.)

+A-londe+, on land, in the land, S2, HD; +alond+, S2.

+Al-one+, _adj._, _adv._ alone, MED. _Phr._: +hym allane+, S2. See +One+. [[headword spelled +Oon+]]

+A-longen+, _v._ to seem long to, to long, NED; +alonged+, _pp._ filled with longing, G, HD; +alonget+, S2.--AS. _of-langian_. (+A-+ 3.)

+A-long on+, _prep._ on account of, S2, NED.--AS. _ge-lang_, along.

(+A-+ 6.) See +Ilong+.

+Al-only+, _adv._ merely, S2; +alle only+, S2.

+A-loofe+, _adv._ aloof, more nearly to the wind, NED; +alofe+, S3; +aluffe+, HD. Probably from Du. _loef_, in _te loef_, to windward.

(+A-+ 2.)

+A-losen+, _v._ to praise, PP; +alosed+, _pp._ notorious, S2, NED, HD.

(+A-+ 7.)

+Al-out+, _adv._ entirely, NED: +all out+, H.

+A-louten+, _v._ to bow down, S3, NED; +alowtid+, _pt. s._, PP.--AS.

Chapter 8 : +A-lesednesse+, _sb._ redemption, MD.+A-lesen+, _v._ to loose, deliver, S; +alesde+, _pt
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