Qing Guo Yingxiong
Chapter 17 : The matter very quick expanded to a get out of hand extent. Finding out the two’s love

The matter very quick expanded to a get out of hand extent. Finding out the two’s love affair, the Crown Prince’s wife, w.a.n.g s.h.i.+, excessively shocked to the point without the least bit considering the consequence, she reported this matter to Feng Zong. The grave and utmost severe scandal in Datong’s dynasty broke out to the open in a flash.

The Palace’s servants of the Eastern Palace because of the scream were woken up and started to gather. All of the guards then changed to the dressing up in the uniform of the inner Palace’s elite squad of bodyguards. The entire of Eastern Palace’s lanterns were lit up. The people in the Palace all knew that something big happened in Eastern Palace, but didn’t know what actually was the matter.

The Left and Right Prime Minister were urgently summoned to enter the Palace to discuss about this affair. Hurriedly freshened up and dressed neatly, the two who were led to the Crown Prince’s sleeping quarter was shocked by the scenery on the site.

The clothes was a little messy, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng, with a whole face deep and unmeasurable, was kneeling under the stair. Behind him was, with the arms tied behind the back and rope looped around the neck, previous Pingnan’s surrendered General, Duan Shun Jie. Duan Shun Jie’s hair was unfastened and hung down, clothes also the same messy to the extreme. In the Crown Prince’s sleeping quarter, drifted through the air, the beyond word could describe ambiguous atmosphere.

“Beast! Beast! How do you explain to me, what actually is this about!” Feng Zong’s face was ashen and cold. When he arrived at the Eastern Palace, the two had put on their clothes, but the thick scent of lovemaking in the air couldn’t be concealed. The Doctor also had examined Duan Shun Jie’s body, indeed there was the trace of having a s.e.xual intercourse with a male. Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng under this undeniable circ.u.mstances could only silently admit their secret relations.h.i.+p.


Although Datong’s dynasty most renowned Emperor, Emperor Jing Zong*, also bestowed all his favor on a male, however, in Jing Zong’s rear Palace, this matter was regarded as an important matter that must be kept secret, not a single person dared to mention about it. But now, the Palace unexpectedly burst out such scandal. Feng Zong even though intimidated by Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s power and influence within the court so that didn’t dare to immediately declare to demote him from Crown Prince’s position, instead, decided to dump all of his anger on Duan Shun Jie.

(t/n : * Emperor Jing Zong, yesh, they are mentioning MY JING... teehee... XD *me heart is fluttering for Jing made a cameo appearance in this story* wuahahahhaha.... XD)

“Report, Your Majesty. This Duan Shun Jie, even if could be counted as had a heroic contribution for His Highness the Crown Prince, but as far as Your Subject knows, his real status is of the great traitor Ouyang Fa De’s illegitimate son. Your Subject’s suggestion, absolutely must not let off. But considering he also had contributed meritorious deed for our Datong, to bestow upon him his intact corpse is because of Our Emperor has a benevolent heart. As for His Highness the Crown Prince, Your Subject opinion is, he must be temporarily confused by the villain. Your Majesty could decree a seclusion to reflect on his past errors, lighten a punishment and see how the offender behaves.” Afraid that he would be pushed aside by the Left Prime Minister who had the aid of the Crown Prince’s power, the Right Prime Minister when he was being asked how to deal with this matter by Feng Zong, certainly in thousand ways hundred plans* tried to attack Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng.

(t/n : * thousand ways, hundred plans (id) : by every possible means.)

“Then, Prime Minister w.a.n.g, what do you think?” Feng Zong obviously rather satisfied with Right Prime Minister’s suggestion, yet he turned to ask the Left Prime Minister.

Left Prime Minister was the Crown Prince’s wife’s father. Of course wouldn’t have a pity on Duan Shun Jie, also made a difficult decision to have an identical opinion with Right Prime Minster : “Your Subject’s opinion exactly the same as the Right Prime Minister’s suggestion.”

Once this speech said, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s heart became cold at once. In regard to today’s situation, it was already more than enough for Feng Zong to decide to execute Duan Shun Jie. Now the Right Prime Minister pulled out this fact about his status as Ouyang Fa De’s son, he was afraid that today Duan Shun Jie already difficult to have a good luck.

“This is somewhat good.” Feng Zong since earlier had decided, must eliminate Duan Shun Jie. After all, The Crown Prince’s side was absolutely inappropiate to have this kind of man existence. “Grant Duan Shun Jie a bottle of Crane Head red wine. And will be buried with full honours.”

Though since earlier had been in antic.i.p.ation, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng still creased and twitched his brows. A flash of complicated expression swept pa.s.s his pair of pupils.

Feng Zong didn’t overlook his expression, turned to look at his son, his expression was a little unfathomable. In his memory, this seventh son had never, for whatever matter whomever person, been moved. Before, when he requested him to hand over his conceiving a child concubine, Ouyang Si Qi, he also with his unchanging face agrred to it. Never had thought, the him who usually heartless, ruthless, infamous for his vicious method, would actually commit this kind of absurd mistake.

Just now, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng in private had admitted that his intimate secret relations.h.i.+p with Duan Shun Jie was a long-standing issue. The beginning was because of to get rid Pingnan, accepted Duan Shun Jie as a surrendered General. But when being asked further, why now, when the world had stable, Duan Shun Jie also didn’t have any usable value anymore, why did he still in the Crown Prince’s sleeping quarter, with him commit such an absurd affair, in addition, with Xuan Yuan’s skill, actually engrossed to the point wasn’t aware when w.a.n.g s.h.i.+ appeared, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s answer was faltering, unable to clarify and speak out the whys and wherefores.

“Xi Cheng, you and General Duan have known each other for a while. This wine, just leave it to you to feed him.” Considering this considering that, Feng Zong could deeply sense this Duan Shun Jie’s position in Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s heart was absolutely not ordinary. If couldn’t perfectly settle this matter, he was afraid that this could shake Datong’s domination. Signaling the personal attendant to carry the wine to Xuan Yuan’s side, he was indeed being tardy, unwilling to strecth his hand to take it.

Seeing Xuan Yuan unwilling to receive the order, Feng Zong creased his brows. In the end, he couldn’t help but flare up. Looking for a way out from his awkward position, he said : “Since you are unwilling, then just leave it to the personal attendant to carry out the death sentence.”

“Imperial Father, let me do it.” Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng was seemingly had decided on whatever resolution, in an abrupt, he raised his body to stand up. Taking from the personal attendant’s hand the cup filled with poisonous wine, slowly walked to Duan Shun Jie’s side.

The two’s eyes met. Staring at Xuan Yuan’s complicated eyes, Duan Shun Jie was smiling instead --- even if only up to this moment he just found out that Xuan Yuan’s heart also could be confused because of him seemed like already too late, but could be able to know in his very last moment, at the time of bidding farewell, that he was not completely without regard for his feeling, already made him happy to the point even death he was not afraid the least bit.

“Don’t forget that Chast.i.ty Powder....” Seeing Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng being tardy and hadn’t fed him the wine, Duan Shun Jie after being in a shock, couldn’t help but remind him that he basically didn’t have much time to live, now fed him to swallow down that poisonous wine also couldn’t change the situation to an even worse situation.

He already didn’t frighten by death. Could have his most beloved person to personally send him off was a form of happiness. Besides, by doing this, much or less he still could retrieve Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s dignity as a Crown Prince.

“Fool!” Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng whispered in annoyance. His expression was of a gleam of Duan Shun Jie never had seen before gentleness, caused him to be fascinated upon the sight. “You fool, how can you just believe in everything? In this world, there wasn’t such a Chast.i.ty Powder. That not more than an ordinary aphrodisiac!”

Duan Shun Jie blanked in an instant. Thinking back, the just now under his body letting loose all of his restrain appearance, couldn’t help but his face turned to red, he said inwardly, no wonder, just now he had become so sensitive.

“Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng, what are you doing!” The two’s ambiguous behaviour made Feng Zong’s anger burn to its boiling point at once. He furiously glared at Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng, didn’t dare to believe this whispering gently man was actually that usually infamous for his cruelty, the Cruel Prince.

Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng as if, instead of this, had made up his mind. His hand was slanted, unexpectedly pouring that fully filled poisonous wine, spilling all of it on the floor. In an instant, all was in an uproar.

Feng Zong’s eyes nearly jumped out, unable to believe this was the same with that unchanging expression came to him and promised to hand over Ouyang Fa De’s daughter seventh son --- for information, that Ouyang Si Qi at that time was conceiving his flesh and blood. Had no way to believe this kind of him actually could commit such foolish act.

“Imperial Father, Duan Shun Jie is Your Subject Son’s saviour, also had a heroic contribution for our Datong. Your Subject Son earnestly requests Imperial Father for having mercy on him, not to execute him.” Spilled off the poisonous wine, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng as if in that moment regained the coldness and calmness of the Cruel Prince. His speech thoroughly with the firm determination.

“Xi Cheng, you.....” Duan Shun Jie didn’t dare to believe his own ears for hearing that words. He looked at Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng in disbelief, trying to prevent him from continuing saying the words he would regret afterwards.

“If I insist on killing him?” Feng Zong seemingly also the same couldn’t believe that actually would hear his son plead for someone else. Even more definite that Duan Shun Jie was a harmful being. Secretly decided that toward this matter he absolutely couldn’t be softhearted.

“Earnestly request Imperial Father for having mercy on him, not to execute him.” Kneeling in front of Feng Zong, knocking his head, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng knew he most probably was doing the most foolish thing in his whole life. But a stream of beyond words could describe impulse was supporting him not to let Duan Shun Jie died just like this.

Agitated by Xuan Yuan’s different from usual behaviour, Feng Zong in an instant changed his face color. With a loud voice ordered a decree : “All the Imperial Bodyguards listen to the decree. Fight and kill Duan Shun Jie, will be prettily rewarded.”

A large quant.i.ties of Imperial Guards very quick arrived, surrounding Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng and on his back Duan Shun Jie to the point of not even a drop of water could trickle through*. Only out of consideration for his status as Crown Prince they didn’t dare to advance.

(t/n : * not even a drop of water could trickle through (id) : impenetrable.)

“Imperial Father!” Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s voice all the more serene, it was like carrying out the very last earnest request.

“Get up! Holding up an execution, according to laws and decrees, to be beheaded immediately!” Feng Zong couldn’t stand it, the all along displaying an overlord style beloved son could defy him because of a man, the tone became not the least bit lenient, in a stern voice he shouted an order.

Could see that Feng Zong had truly furious, the Imperial Bodyguards also didn’t dare to take it lightly. One after another they pulled out their weaponries, together charged toward Duan Shun Jie’s direction.

Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng knitted his brows. Very fast raised to stand up, also didn’t know how he moved, already holding a long sword in his hand which he took by force. Cutting off the rope on Duan Shun Jie’s body, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng s.h.i.+elded him behind his body. He himself took care of forcing the Imperial Bodyguards to retreat.

Watching him actually made a move, Feng Zong’s anger became even more uncontrollably : “Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng, if you don’t stop and hand over Duan Shun Jie, this Datong Imperial Family from now on will not have such disobedient and unfilial son like you!”

“Your Majesty!” All along watching in a daze w.a.n.g s.h.i.+ was shocked and crying out loud. Seeing Feng Zong not the least bit moved his countenance, she could only turn to plead Xuan Yuan, “My husband, I beg you! Even if you don’t regard the feeling between father and son, not regard you and me as husband and wife, at least consider about your children....”

Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng only creased his brows, his hands’ movement didn’t stop at all. His martial arts skill was much more superior than the Imperial Bodyguards, adding more none of the Imperial Bodyguards dared to hurt or kill him, only in a count of minutes there was no one who able to get near to him.

Staring at the desperately protected him while moving towards the outer side of the Palace Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng, Duan Shun Jie’s feeling could be said as complicated to the utmost point. He didn’t dare to believe that heartless and unfeeling Xuan Yuan actually could do such universally shocking action for his sake. His touched heart was hard to describe. He unstoppingly suspected himself, whether or not he was dreaming, to the point he used his left hand to pinch his own thigh, but couldn’t stand the pain so he let out a groaning sound.

“What are you doing?” Seeing Duan Shun Jie’s peculiar action, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng wrinkled his brows, handing over the long sword in his hand to him, “Take this!”

Duan Shun Jie received the sword. Although using the left hand, compared to using the right hand, the reaction was slower a great deal, but after all he was among the few experts of the present era. Combined with Xuan Yuan’s move, in an flash, the surrounded the two, large amount of Imperial Bodyguards, were repelled to several Zhang.

Now it had come to this point, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng also knew, in front of Feng Zong he already had no way back. What strange was his heart was not containing resentment, instead, there was a sort of heartily content feeling as well as calmness, as if he could experience Duan Shun Jie’s frame of mind on that day, when he would rather give up everything to follow him.

Could see that there was no one who could block him, he waved his long sword, holding Duan Shun Jie’s hand, he soared up high in the sky then left. Only a several rose and fell, they already went far away.

Feng Zong was furious to the point of s.h.i.+vering from head to toe. After quite a while had pa.s.sed, by then he voiced out his order : “I decree, The Crown Prince, being disobedient and unfilial, has abandoned the Easten Palace, thus demote to be a plebeian.”


“Why do you do this?”

Following behind Xuan Yuan to the direction of Tong’an City’s outer part, das.h.i.+ng towards it, Duan Shun Jie no matter how still couldn’t comprehend everything that just now happened in Eastern Palace. With Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s behaviour and style, he did not by every means shove the fault on himself was already could be said as mercy, for his sake took action and defied his Imperial Father was absolutely unlikely him to handle a matter. Duan Shun Jie no matter what didn’t dare to come to a conclusion of because he had an affection feeling towards himself. However, the uncertainty in his mind, indeed couldn’t be unknotted no matter how.

A thread of awkwardness flashed through Xuan Yuan’s face. The today him, seemingly had an even intriguing expression than the usual him, caused Duan Shun Jie nearly couldn’t recognize the person in front of him.

“Don’t ask! What if I keep asking you, why do you want to carve my name on your body?” Being gazed by Duan Shun Jie’s enquiring eyes until he was slightly annoyed, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng sarcastically replied to him.

Duan Shun Jie was surprised, soon after that came to a realization. Could it be that Xuan Yuan actually meant..... actually meant.....

Stopping his foot steps, he gazed at Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng in disbelief, “Xi Cheng, are you saying......”

Seeing the sparkling and translucent water floating on his eyes, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng couldn’t help but be fl.u.s.tered. Stopping his foot steps and walked to Duan Shun Jie’s side, he pulled him to a hidden alley by the road side and pressed him to the wall. Slowly but surely printed his lips on him.

“I am sorry.....” Between the extremely intimate interlinking of lips and teeth, Duan Shun Jie as if hearing Xuan Yuan unclearly whispering something between his teeth. In the transient darkness before daybreak, the two, in a secluded corner inside the city, unrestrainedly kissing each other, completely forgot that a large amount of Palace Guards were all over the city to hunt and arrest the two.

Until they almost suffocate from lacking of air, by then they finally parted themselves. Never had crossed his mind, the originally thought as an extravagant wish in a dream could actually come true in reality, the corner of Duan Shun Jie’s lips couldn’t control a thread of gentle smile from slowly floating up, but caught off guard by Xuan Yuan’s hard pinch on his palm.

“What’s with the stupid smile! Let’s quickly go!”

Before his eyes already the wall of Tong’an City. Xuan Yuan knew, once he stepped out of Tong’an City, he was no longer Datong’s Crown Prince anymore. The several years ago, to strive for this supreme position he invested all of his effort, in a flash had been wasted like the flowing water. But his heart was of such peacefulness and delight, never had thought he actually could calmly put down his stubborn attachment for power and position.

Swift as the wind quick as the lightning, the two already leaped over the city’s wall. At this time, the sky already slightly bright. Under the light of the rising sun, the two who hadn’t slept for a whole night were wearing a tired out and exhausted face, but the tip of their brows, the outer corner of their eyes, was having this sort of beyond words could explain kind of relax, it might be happiness but might also be satisfaction.

“Where are we going to?”

Everything was so beautiful like it was a dream. Duan Shun Jie truly afraid that he would suddenly wake up and realize each and every was merely his own wish. Following behind Xuan Yuan walked along the road, he finally couldn’t restrain himself from asking.

“Don’t ask anymore. Just go with me.” Seemed like had recovered from his former awkwardness, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng returned to become that strong to the utmost point man. Pulling Duan Shun Jie to continuously dash on the field.

Travelling for more than an hour, The Duan Shun Jie had come before, Xuan Yuan’s other’s house by the outskirt of the City, already within sight. This was Xuan Yuan’s secret property, Feng Zong also didn’t know at all, that’s why hadn’t sent the guards to search this place.

Fetching some clothings and valuables from his other residence, as well as ordering the servant to prepare two fine steeds, Xuan Yuan changed his Imperial robe with the commoner confucian attire, but even though donned in simple attire, it still couldn’t conceal his unworldly n.o.ble disposition.

Smiled and looked attentively at Duan Shun Jie, Xuan Yuan helped him to ride on a horse then he himself flipped over to the other horse’s back. The bright and clear voice loudly shouted : “Let’s go! Duan Shun Jie, come together with me to venture out into the world!”


Feng Zong’s sudden act on discarding the Crown Prince initiated an uproar in the court.  Knowing what had happened, all without exception uttered a sigh, felt that no matter what, this matter was unlike the always scheming, reserved, infamous Seventh Prince way of doing. The dumped w.a.n.g s.h.i.+ and the other Concubines were crying all day long, a very noisy uproar.

However, Feng Zong dispatched his men to search for several months, Xuan Yuan and Duan Shun Jie were as if had evaporated from the world of mortal, disappeared without the slightest trace. Feng Zong finally believed that his always took great importance of power and influence son really had thrown down the readily available position as the world number one person and had left. The in despair him, after three months, confered the Second Prince Zhong Cheng as the Crown Prince. Then made a statement that the former Crown Prince, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng, had pa.s.sed away during the banishment. Considered that as to write down an ending for the scandal of the Imperial Dynasty.

And after another several months had pa.s.sed, Ouyang Si Qi’s left behind baby all of a sudden disappeared from the previous Manor of the Seventh Prince. The didn’t even have the time to take care of their own sorrow w.a.n.g s.h.i.+ and the others, though had searched for everywhere, but all and all, since earlier they had been both mentally and physically exhausted, after searching for several days not even got the vaguest of news, they just gave it up.

In Mount Panlong, an already neglected for very long time residential suddenly became bustling. Didn’t know from what place coming from, a family had moved in to that house. The brought along a large amount of attendants, in no time had fixed and rebuilt the house, completely renovated and decorated as good as new, the dignified and neatly arranged residence had made the family acknowledged as the region most prosperous family. The busybody who went to make an inquiry said, the owner was of surname Yan, coming from other place and just recently moved in.

This so-called Yan Master of course was the several months ago revolted and left Tong’an, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng. He always had his own calculation. Long ago, when he was still with the status of the Seventh Prince, he had been establis.h.i.+ng his own power and influence within Jianghu. Previously, succesfully defeated Jiang Rong also because he had the aid of this influence. Now that he had taken off his Crown Prince status, he just held on to his firstly established foundation, the property he had acc.u.mulated over a long time, and as it should be by rights, became the local Landlord among the commoners.

Losing the Crown Prince mighty status, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng realized that he was not at all sad like he had imagined. Instead, the life without the need to be abided by the Palace’s elaborate laws and formalities had given him a hadn’t experienced fresh feeling. Everyday only needed to travel from one scenic spots to another to his heart content, freely and easily spent the acc.u.mulated money was more satisfying.

Never dared to extravagantly wish for the days he could be with Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng everyday rested and flew together* would become reality, Duan Shun Jie needed a very long time before finally could believe that he actually was blessed with such good fortune.

(t/n : * To rest and fly together (id) : to be inseparable.)

At first, he wanted to use his own pair of hands to make his beloved person gained the happiness, but Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng obviously formidable to the point he didn’t need him to worry over this trouble. He had lost the Crown Prince mighty position, yet his secretly collected wealth was more than enough for their lifetime living.

And if asked Duan Shun Jie, what was his only regret for now, most likely was completely needless to worry about their living. Had completely turned into a remarkable disgraceful rice insect. 

End of Fallen Hero chapter 17.

Chapter 17 : The matter very quick expanded to a get out of hand extent. Finding out the two’s love
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