Qing Guo Yingxiong
Chapter 16 : The night was still. Even the moon was hiding somewhere within the clouds.A tall and sl

The night was still. Even the moon was hiding somewhere within the clouds.

A tall and slender shadow swiftly moved in an almost invisible movement towards a closely guarded tent in the middle of the military camp. The pitch black night completely concealed him from the guards eyes. Soaring up high, he made a noiseless landing on the top of the tent.

Putting into use to the utmost point his peculiar air-kungfu, he listened closely to the conversation inside the tent.

“Captain w.a.n.g. The preparation for a surprise attack, I leave it to you.” The loud and strict voice, seemingly belonged to the Commanding General of this revolting army, gave an order to his Captain. “The previous successful surprise attack surely had put Datong into panic state, thus they will be more cautious. But I am sure, like the previous one, this time you will find a way to attack them as well.”

“General is praising me too much. It is a success due to the team work of our soldiers and General’s perfect leading.”

The shadow on the tent top seethed in anger due to this conversation.

So, the one who was responsible for the several hit-and-run surprised attack was this Captain w.a.n.g.

Humph!! Only a few successful attack they were already this satisfied. Just you all wait.

The shadow leaped and disappeared in the dark color of the night.

This shadow was, who else but the infamous Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng. The Crown Prince of Datong, donned himself in all black outfit, came alone to the enemy camp to make a secret inquiry, as always.

He actually had left this war to Pei Jin Tian, his senior General. This revolting army was only a small group compared to the previous traitors army. Thus, Pei Jin Tian alone would be more than enough to wipe them off. But who would have thought, this small group actually could give a great number of casualties within Datong’s army. Not only that, the fact that they could hold out for more than three months were another admirable achievement for such a small group.

Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng as the Crown Prince originally didn’t want to take part in this small war, but no matter what, Pei Jin Tian was his subordinate. Pei Jin Tian’s failure was also his failure. Didn’t want to have any failure to stain his reputation, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng set out with his elite army, determined to crush this group in one sweep.

However, Pei Jin Tian’s report had made him curious. Except for the cowardly hit-and-run tactic, this small group military tactic was so much alike with the one he encountered during the war in Mount Panlong. Could it be that.....

To confirm his suspicion, he came himself to this camp. But hearing that kind of conversation, he was somewhat disappointed. Such a premature sense of triumph from the General truly displayed the low quality of that said General.

Seemingly the one behind those surprise attacks was this Captain w.a.n.g. Waiting in the shadow for the Captain to come out from the tent, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng s.h.i.+fted his line of vision to the standing in alert guards. Didn’t know why, his heart faintly skipped a beat. It was as if he felt anxious all of a sudden without any clear reason.

Looking at the guards again, indeed, their numbers were a bit off. Ordinarily, there were two guards at the tent’s entrance, yet, the tent was guarded by three guards. He wanted to see clearly their faces, but the dim light transmitted from the tent was not enough to illuminate their covered by helmet face.

At the time he was aware that he paid too much attention to mere guards, the Seventh Prince now the Crown Prince couldn’t help but sneer at himself. A surge of annoyance filled his mind at once when the realization hit him --- he expected to see someone.....

Before he could ponder further, a figure emerged from inside the tent. Judging from his smiling in all satisfaction face, this man ought to be the Captain w.a.n.g himself. He was praised to the greatest extent, no wonder if he felt proud of himself.

One of the guards immediately followed him as he left the General’s tent --- so, he also had a personal guard to follow him around, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng made a soft snort under his nose.

When Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng was about to follow them, unexpectedly, that guard shot a look to his direction. Even though completely aware that he was hidden perfectly within the shadow, Xuan Yuan couldn’t help but hide out of reflex. He cursed inwardly for his foolish reaction, there was no way that ordinary guard could see him from such distance. Maybe it was just a coincident that the guard looked his way. Xuan Yuan reasoned with himself.

“What?” Captain w.a.n.g asked his guard when he saw him fixed his eyes at a faraway distance, seemingly wanted to see something.

“Ah, no... Nothing.” The guard awkwardly replied to his superior.

w.a.n.g Tie Xin stared at his guard for a while before shrugging his shoulder, as if saying ‘whatever’ then proceeded to return to his tent to have a rest. Tonight was not his turn for night watch, might as well have a nice rest before preparing for another surprise attack.

“I want to discuss something with you again tomorrow. For tonight, you can have an earlier rest.” Dismissing his guard, w.a.n.g Tie Xin entered his tent in all delight. The General was relying on him and regarded him as an important figure, surely, promotion was within the sight.

Thinking that he would have a peaceful sleep, w.a.n.g Tie Xin didn’t even notice the brief moment when Xuan Yuan entered his tent.

Seeing the Captain sleeping peacefully without any awareness, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng shook his head. There was no way such a foolish person could think of that high level strategy. There must be someone else behind him, someone who pulled the string behind the shadow.

Taking out his dagger to a.s.sa.s.sinate the Captain, Xuan Yuan had to abort his plan from taking the Captain’s life when, in an abrupt, a soldier notified from outside the tent, “Captain w.a.n.g. Brother Xi asked me to replace him to guard your tent. I will be at your service.”

A gust of wind made the curtain of the tent slightly lifted. The guard just blinked in confusion. How could in such windless night, a gust of wind raised from inside the tent? He couldn’t help but having a gooseb.u.mp --- he had heard from the fellow soldiers that this place was actually haunted.

“Your Highness.” Pei Jin Tian anxiously greeted Xuan Yuan as soon as he returned to his tent. The Seventh Prince seemed somewhat rather irritated. When Pei Jin Tian saw his drawing together brows, and the narrowed eyes, Pen Jin Tian couldn’t help but complain bitterly inwardly. Something bad surely would befall him.

Upon the sight of Pei Jin Tian, Xuan Yuan only threw him a brief sideway glance then wordlessly advanced to his inner room to change his all black outfit to his elegant bright yellow robes.

Pei Jin Tian patiently waited for him with heart jumping in anxiety.

“I can’t see why this small group can give you such trouble.” Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng went straight to the subject. Clearly, he was extremely displeased with Pei Jin Tian’s performance.

Pei Jin Tian uncomfortably lowered his head. As a matter of fact, he was confident that he could take care of this small group in no time. But who would have thought, all of a sudden, the group moved their camp to a very favorable place for them, a place where they had the nature to act as their s.h.i.+eld. Not to mention their small but very troublesome attack such as set fire to Datong’s camp in the middle of the day, releasing the horses, and poisoning the food for the soldiers, resulting in the soldiers weakened body due to diarrhea.

Moreover, when Pei Jin Tian actually moved his troops to make a frontal attack, more than half of his soldiers were annihilated before reaching the rebel’s camp --- traps were set everywhere along the way to the camp. When they finally reached the camp, their force had been reduced a great deall, thus, the outcome was clear, they had to run back with tail between their legs.

When asking for reinforcement, Pei Jin Tian didn’t thought that the Seventh Prince would personally come. Now that he had come and went through the trouble of scouting out the enemy camp all by himself, Pei Jin Tian could dimly see his own doom.

“Forget it! I will deal with your failure later. For now, alert the troops for any surprise attack. Capture at least one of the attackers alive to be interogated.”

Waving his hand to dismiss Pei Jin Tian, Xuan Yuan threw his gaze to the unseen camp far beyond the trees and forest. His eyes narrowed dangerously. A flash of expectation past through his heart in a brief moment.

“Xi Yang ah, I don’t get it. Why did you cancel the surprise attack?” w.a.n.g Tie Xin carefully watched the face of his guard to see any change in his dimmed eyes.

Truthfully, all of w.a.n.g Tie Xin successful attacks was thanks to this new guard. His advice on military tactic was brilliant. In fact, their camp moving to this strategic topography of the mountain was also this Xi Yang suggestion. Evidently, this Xi Yang was not some ordinary man. His knowledge in Military plan was above even the General himself --- Captain w.a.n.g must admit bitterly for this fact. Besides, he seemed to know a lot about Datong’s General.

Xi Yang didn’t immediately reply. Instead, he heaved a sigh then point at the ground. “A spy had penetrated our camp last night.”

“Eh?” Utterly confused by Xi Yang’s statement, Captain w.a.n.g tried to look at the pointed spot, yet, he couldn’t see anything unusual on that place.

Xi Yang could see the confusion in w.a.n.g Tie Xin’s eyes, but he had no intention to explain further. He actually had set the sand around the tent to such extent so that when someone with high skill step on it, it could be detected.

“If we attack, we will only be a lamb entering the wolf’s den. It is better to wait for them to make the move from now on. Furthermore....” Creasing the brows, Xi Yang paused his tongue.

w.a.n.g Tie Xin could only wait for him to continue without the nerve of pressing further. To be honest, w.a.n.g Tie Xin was actually a little bit scare of this Xi Yang. This Xi Yang exuded an aura of a leader. Even more than the General. But oddly, he refused to be promoted to a higher rank. He only wanted to be an ordinary low rank soldier.

w.a.n.g Tie Xin met him several months ago in a little tea shop. When w.a.n.g Tie Xin saw his st.u.r.dy body, w.a.n.g Tie Xin couldn’t help but offer him to join their small group. Their small group was actually part of the Eastern revolting army led by Li Shu, the General’s father. They were sent to create little trouble for Datong, to temporarily avert Datong’s attention from the main force while the Eastern force complete their preparation for revolting.

Who would have thought, his simple attempt on recruiting could actually let him have such a great talent. The young man, professed his name as Xi Yang, agreed to join them in one condition, to let him be on the frontline all the time, to fight with the enemy directly. Although baffled by his request, --- it was as if he asked to die in a battlefield, w.a.n.g Tie Xin was more than happy to have more people in their group. When he brought him to their camp, after briefly looked at all direction, Xi Yang shook his head and said that their place was no good. Too vulnerable for a military camp then suggested them to move to a higher place, --- now their camp.

When w.a.n.g Tie Xin told him that Datong sent Pei Jin Tian to deal with them, after a slight change of expression, he adviced w.a.n.g Tie Xin to provoke Pei Jin Tian with small surprise attack to make him move his army and crush them with the traps set along the path. It was as if he knew perfectly how Pei Jin Tian would react.

Even with all of the succesful plan, he still refused w.a.n.g Tie Xin’s offer to introduce him to the General. He only wanted to lay low and rather be a low rank soldier to fight on the frontline. He let w.a.n.g Tie Xin to have the merit from his strategy.

“Then, what should I say to the General?” Knowing Xi Yang for several months, Captain w.a.n.g knew, once he stopped his tongue, it was impossible to hear anything anymore from the man, thus, he changed the subject.

“Just say that, Datong most probably has used to our pattern. Now they are waiting for us to make the move. It will be unwise to move now.”

“But.... “ Captain w.a.n.g wanted to say that the General had trusted him with this attack, how could he afford to disappointed the General? Heaving a sigh, Captain w.a.n.g finally gave up. “Alright. I will discuss it with the General then.”

Seeing the Captain as he left, Xi Yang’s originally stiff face gradually changed. The sadness on his eyes became apparent.

The day he would face with that man sword to sword came at long last. His one and only wish would come true. To die under that man’s sword.

Of course, this Xi Yang was none other than the once shook the world with his betrayal to his country, Duan Shun Jie.

After his only sister’s death, he was captured by Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng. For a period of time, he was being imprisoned. When he regained enough strength, he escaped and went as far as possible from Tong’an.

Wandering alone in the vast and wide world, he was searching for an appropiate place to die. For a warrior like himself, where else but the battlefield be the best place to die? Therefore, he accepted w.a.n.g Tie Xin’s offer. Yet, for redeeming himself, he decided to help them a little in troubling the Datong’s army.

Subconsciously, his left hand touched the scar on his right arm. The wound had healed and left a deep scar, but his right arm, though not that obvious in the daily routine, already lost the ability to wield sword. He trained his left arm to take over that duty.

Ten days had pa.s.sed since the day Xuan Yuan went to spy on the enemy camp. But the said ‘surprise attack’ was not coming at all. Even a great Commander such as Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng couldn’t help but lose his composure. The soldiers were already weary from being in their highest alert every day. So to say, now it was their mentality which was being targetted.

Calling in Pei jin Tian and several others commanders, Xuan Yuan issued an order to attack with all of their power. With his elite guards leading to take care of the traps, the large amount of the troops finally marched to the enemy camp.

Upon receiving this news, Captain w.a.n.g and the others waited excitedly, expecting the same result as the first time Pei Jin Tian moved the troops for the direct attack.

But Xi Yang, no, Duan Shun Jie knew better than anyone else, this time would be an entirely different case. There was no way they would fall to the same hole twice. The same trick wouldn’t work for the second time. Especially this time. When the troops was led by Datong’s number one warlord, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng.

That night, he thought it was only his illussion when he caught a glimpse of a black shadow flying to the General’s tent right in the middle of the camp --- he was accompanying Captain w.a.n.g and waited for him outside the tent. Didn’t want to make them in panic, he just silently watched the movement of the shadow. He had a faint idea who that shadow was, yet, he didn’t want to let his own expectation let him down again. It would be too rich to wish for that man to come to this little battlefield. That man’s pride wouldn’t allow him to be in such struggle with a nameless small revolting group. But just for safety sake, he secretly moved the sand in front of the Captain’s tent with his foot and asked another soldier to stand on guard.   

In the morning, a trace of someone with high level air-kungfu was seen on that sand. Within the Datong’s army, the only one who possessed such high level of air-kungfu, none other but Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng himself. Had seen him in action with his own eyes, of course Duan Shun Jie could see that his air-kungfu was very exceptional.

In addition, Xuan Yuan was skillful in holding back the army and attack at the least suspected time --- if it was only Pei Jin Tian, Datong wouldn’t wait for more than three days to attack.

All this only had one conclusion, Xuan Yuan really had came to this place, to this very battlefield.

Never had thought that his impossible to come true dream really could come true, Duan Shun Jie’s heart unexpectedly filled with unable to be described by words feelings. There was excitement mixed with happiness to be able to have the last glimpse of that unworldly beautiful face. Yet, sadness and fear also blended with the anxiety upon the thought of seeing that indifferent face coldly laugh at his pathetic self.

Xuan Yuan, will you grief for my death, even for the briefest moment?

Duan Shun Jie couldn’t help but laugh at himself upon this foolish thought. There was no way that heartless man would grief over an insignificant man like himself. Moreover, did Xuan Yuan even know that he was in this war, standing at the very front line of the battlefield, wis.h.i.+ng for his own end in an honorable way?

Receiving the news that most the traps had been crippled and Datong’s army had advanced further, Duan Shun Jie adviced Captain w.a.n.g to guard the General to go back to their main force and leave the front line to him. This battle would be the final battle for this small group. As his grat.i.tude for letting him having a place to die, Duan Shun Jie would buy them as much time as possible so that they could safely leave the battlefield.

As the result, when Datong’s army finally arrived at their camp site, they were fiercely blocked by Duan Shun Jie. Most of them were annihilated before could reach the second line.

“General, we have a situation.” A soldier hurriedly made a report. “Our soldiers suffer a great deal of casualties.”

“What?!” Pei Jin Tian hardly could believe his ears and shouted out in alarm. “Hadn’t all the traps been crippled?”

“Report General. It is not the trap, but they actually fight back. Most of the front line soldiers have been annihilated.”

Hearing this, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng twitched his eyebrows in dismay. The front line soldiers were none other but his elite guards. How could they be annihilated that easily?

“Who is their leader?” Xuan Yuan’s voice was deep with a certain degree of coldness, causing whoever hearing it s.h.i.+ver in fear.

“Report Your Highness. We can’t see their General. But there is one soldier who seemingly lead them.”

“Soldier? Not Captain?” Of course Xuan Yuan needed to confirm it. A mere soldier wouldn’t have the ability to defeat his elite guards that easily.

“We can’t be sure Your Highness. But he is at the very front line and wearing the same uniforms with the soldiers. There is a possibility he is a higher official... But.... ”

“But what?! Speak clearly!”

“But he acts as their s.h.i.+eld.” In all common sense, a commanding figure wouldn’t be placed in the very first line, all the more impossible to act as s.h.i.+eld for the soldiers.

For some unknown reason, that certain guard’s figure flash before Xuan Yuan’s eyes. The same restless feeling at that night filled his heart once again.

All of a sudden, he felt the urge to see this soldier with his own eyes.

From a higher place, he could clearly see that the said soldier was fighting desperately, blocking one after another soldiers who charged at him. From a far, there was nothing out of ordinary from that soldier --- he was indeed very strong for a mere soldier. But upon a closer observation, that soldier was fighting with his left hand. For ordinary people, there was nothing wrong with his movement, however, Xuan Yuan could be said as one of rare high-skilled martial artist, how could the clumsy movement of the left arm escaped his keen observation.

Knitting his brows together, he drew out his long sword from its sheath. Flying straight to the center of the battle, he landed lightly in front of that soldier and pointed his long sword right to his face.

 “Leave this one to me. All of you, move forward!” Seeing the highest figure of their troops joining the battle, Datong’s soldiers spirit elated at once. With a loud shouting voice, all of them advanced like tide water.

At long last, they finally reunited again, but not as friend, even more impossible as lover.

They were face to face, sword to sword as enemy in the battlefield, as how they should be from the very start.

A smile floated from the corner of Duan Shun Jie’s lips. A sweet fulfilment smile.....

End of Chapter 16

Chapter 16 : The night was still. Even the moon was hiding somewhere within the clouds.A tall and sl
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