Qing Guo Yingxiong
Chapter 18 : “Remember? Looks like our first meeting was in one of summer night?”Under the starry sk

“Remember? Looks like our first meeting was in one of summer night?”

Under the starry sky, summer night in the mountain was not hot and dry at all. From time to time, the blowing cold wind would blow away the day time pented up summer heat, causing the air filled with the cozy and gentle scent.

With his all happy and content gesture, soaking in the hot spring, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng leisurely strike up a conversation with Duan Shun Jie who was by his side.

“That’s right. I thought you were a girl.” Displaying a gentle and mild expression because of recalling one sweet memory, the aura of despair which once occupying Duan Shun Jie seemed as if had scattered and disappeared completely. The him now had returned to that first time seeing Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s bright and cheerful man,  limpid and clear eyes made his ordinary countenance appeared to be sincere and moving one’s heart.

Together with Xuan Yuan living in Mount Panlong was already more than a year. The two had been accustomed to this having each other as company way of living. In their free time, they often left the mountain to travel to every places, and when returned to Mount Panlong, they didn’t forget to come to this hot spring, together enjoying their private happy times.

The him from one year ago could never imagine that he and Xuan Yuan actually could be together like this. That kind of even in the dream he knew it would never become true sweetness was really truly indeed surely happened in reality, he felt that himself, because of this awfully heavy happiness, had been pressed to the point he almost couldn’t endure it. And yet, Xuan Yuan seemed to be by Heaven’s law and Earth’s principle* doting on him, as if he wanted to compensate for the heartless things he had done.

(t/n : * by Heaven’s law and Earth’s principle (id) : as matter of course, perfectly justified.)

“If one year before, someone told me I still have the chance to be with you, I definitely would not believe.” Walking to Xuan Yuan’s side, using the well practiced gesture started to help him wash his long hair, Duan Shun Jie continued with the idle chat.

“You at that time, didn’t you hate me to death?” Xuan Yuan’s expression was of beyond words could describe gentleness. If not because his exceptionally unworldly beautiful visage hadn’t changed at all, whomever also couldn’t imagine this a whole face of a household man could be that commanding the winds and clouds* Cruel Prince.

(t/n : * commanding the winds and clouds (id) : shaking the whole world, all powerful.)

Duan Shun Jie lightly shook his head : “No. That time, every time I thought about you, my heart would be very much throbbing in pain, but when you actually appeared in front of me, I also felt an unspeakable delight. Although understood that I shouldn’t love you any longer, but I also couldn’t restrain myself.....”

Compared to the present, ever in a bitter relations.h.i.+p struggled to the point hardly propped himself up, that how suffering he was, even so, the love in his heart at that time had never dimmed even the faintest, supporting him to persist until the very end.

“In fact, I still couldn’t understand why did you want to help me in the end?” Softly heaved a sigh, Duan Shun Jie began to wipe dry Xuan Yuan’s wet hair. “Honestly speaking, until today I still fell that this all is unreal. You before towards me was so....” Curled his lips, Duan Shun Jie in the end didn’t let the “heartless” word out of his mouth. He knew Xuan Yuan extremely detested him discussing about his way state of mind at that time, but always having a hidden insecurity caused him wanted to know, what exactly that made Xuan Yuan at that time without hesitation decided to protect him even if he had to defy Feng Zong.

Truthfully, Duan Shun Jie within this one year for countless times had been wanting to talk to Xuan Yuan about this matter, but each time, he was being looked at left and right and then talked of other things* by him. Being asked again by Duan Shun Jie, stating clearly this matter in front of him, a thread of peculiar awkwardness again emerged on Xuan Yuan’s face. 

(t/n : * Looked at left and right and then talked of other things (id) : trying to evade a question by changing the sucject.)  

The matter regarding affection, it could not at all occure in a one morning and one evening*. Maybe, towards Duan Shun Jie, since earlier, when the two met for the very first time, the moment when he wanted to tease him, the root of the unknown feeling had been planted. And the situation afterwards gave this feeling an even more turning point to develop and to be used as an excuse. To put it bluntly, when he half forcefully, half seductively induced Duan Shun Jie to surrender*, his motive was already impure. At Sudu City, he had saved him and during the time they were in the mountain cave for several days made this affection overflowed even more to the point he himself had no choice but to face it up head on.

(t/n : * one morning and one evening (id) : over night, in a short period of time. * he was referring to chapter ten, when he half threatening half asking Duan Shun Jie to join Datong.)

Maybe afraid that he would really come to love this mediocre man, his att.i.tude towards him turned into an unusual cruelness. Initially thinking of let him stay by his side while he steadily took time to clarify his feeling, but the jealousy, when he saw him even if had to sacrifice himself he still wanted to protect Ouyang Si Qi, had burnt down his rationality. Nearly with his own hands exterminated the first bud of little love sprout between the two.

At first, when he found out Duan Shun Jie had escaped, Xuan Yuan had admonished himself that he should let go, forget about him. But the still hadn’t given up Duan Shun Jie unexpectedly wearing that same melancholy face wanted to see him again. Probably only at that moment he finally let himself confirm that in his heart, towards this man, indeed existed a little and not the same from other kind of affection. The answer became all too clear during that time infinite pleasant lovemaking.

However, barely confirmed his own feeling, he had to face Feng Zong’s decree on Duan Shun Jie’s execution. With his ability and wisdom, he originally could perfectly retain both the Crown Prince position and Duan Shun Jie’s life, but the panic-stricken him, to his own surprise, lost his cool to the point lift up the sword to dispute with his Imperial Father, throughly abandoned the power and influence he had possessed, thrown them down by his own hands.

Although couldn’t accomplish his desire to be the Supreme Ruler under the Heaven indeed couldn’t be said as not having a slight regret, but the contented days like these days was not bad at all. Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng didn’t have the intention at all to chase back everything he had given up. Even if with his own influence within Jianghu, re-establis.h.i.+ng a Kingdom for himself was not impossible at all, but the present him had understood what was most appropriate to be pursued in this life, thus he didn’t consider to pursue those vague and entirely unreal position, power and influence any longer.

These sorts feeling was during the life together with Duan Shun Jie in this one year he finally slowly clarified, but Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng didn’t have the slightest intention to tell Duan Shun Jie.

Just let that fool to make a wild guess wild thought by himself, the more he thought the more he was in a mess would be good --- a line of evil smile slowly floated up on the corner of Xuan Yuan’s mouth, little by little changed into the cla.s.sic expression which belonged to the Cruel Prince.

Seeing Xuan Yuan revealing that wicked evil expression, Duan Shun Jie certainly knew he mustn’t think it was possible to hear whatever proper answer from his mouth. But he didn’t care at all. After all, with Xuan Yuan’s disposition, willing to freely and leisurely accompany him to pa.s.s the days was already more than enough to clearly explain the matter.

Had an affection, not at all must be announced out loud, right?

“Do you know, recently you seem to put on weight?” Feeling that he had enough soaking, Duan Shun Jie turned his body to prepare to climb the sh.o.r.e and put on clothes, then realized Xuan Yuan was using the finding new continent kind of eyes to stare at his waist, afterwards stating a line of observations that could make his chest extremely in pain.

That’s right, having his heart’s dearest person to accompany by his side, everyday only needed to eat drink play to heart content, this kind of him how could not be fat? These two days, when soaking in the hot spring, from the water he saw his own reflection, seemingly his cheeks had become very plump and smooth-skinned. He couldn’t help but jealously glance and look at Xuan Yuan’s figure which remained the same solid, st.u.r.dy and tall, every part just perfect. Duan Shun Jie honestly couldn’t stand, why must he be richly endowed by nature so much.

“That’s right. Every day no need to worry, no need to do anything. Only eat and drink. I roughly almost come the same size as Old man Sai Meng Chang.” Sai Meng Chang was one of Xuan Yuan’s subordinate, one of Senior General. The figure was six feet tall but the waist measurement was more than three feet. Looked from afar, it would like a mountain of meat.

Almost by Duan Shun Jie’s dejected tone amused to burst out a laughter, Xuan Yuan diligently restrained himself, making his voice sounded extremely solemn : “Shun Jie, do you know? Even though your face is ordinary, but the waist was rather slender and the b.u.t.tocks was rather stick up, it is very cute. If you kept on gaining weight, I am afraid that I could not help but want to have the red apricot tree leans over the garden’s wall*.....”

(t/n : * The red apricot tree leans over the garden’s wall (id) : a wife having an illicit lover.)

“You.....” Being talked about his what waist what b.u.t.tocks until his face lost control in embarra.s.s.e.m.e.nt, Duan Shun Jie tried his best to ignore the embarra.s.sment. Both his arm were propping up him to the sh.o.r.e edge, half kneeling on the sandy land of the sh.o.r.e, intending to leave, yet he was embraced from behind by Xuan Yuan.

“Do you want me to help you to lose weight or not?” Xuan Yuan smilingly used his hands to lightly stroke on Duan Shun Jie’s b.u.t.tocks, accidentally sensed that his body became rigid, “Don’t you know, doing a s.e.xual intercourse under a high temperature will consume very much physical strength, like in this hot spring..... do it for several times, definitely will lose weight.....” Slowly led his fingers to explore on his lower body, Xuan Yuan couldn’t help but because of the feeling of flirting in an outdoor had a hidden pleasure.

“Go to h.e.l.l!” Slightly couldn’t stand Xuan Yuan’s trick in which could lead whatever subject to the s.e.xual matter, yet, honestly speaking, his since earlier had been accustomed to be doted on body, being attacked from the front and rear simultaneously, caused him hard to keep his cool, could only maintain his a little ambiguous posture.

Seeing him like this, Xuan Yuan became even more vigorous. Simply used the same posture as Duan Shun Jie, propping his hand on the sh.o.r.e, taking the lower part erection directly nestled closely to Duan Shun Jie’s b.u.t.tock.

“What the h.e.l.l are you doing! It could be seen by others!” Didn’t know whether he should be embarra.s.s or angry, under this posture, when the tip of his manhood was being wrapped by Xuan Yuan’s hand, seemingly struggling would only turn into provocation, Duan Shun Jie slightly embarra.s.sed while writhing his body in attempt to break free.

He could hear the Xuan Yuan on his back seemed to be drawing in a mouthful of cold air --- he actually only wanted to tease Duan Shun Jie, but the more he did it, indeed, it was like he really had aroused the flaming desire within his body, it had become adventurous and uncontrollable.

“No way. Without my order, they will block the insignificant people....” The ‘they’ of course referred to the guards of Mount Panlong’s Manor. Honestly speaking, Duan Shun Jie also couldn’t figure these men where exactly Xuan Yuan found them. Each and every of their skill could raise them to the list of Jianghu high-ranked martial artists expert. Yet, willingly to be Xuan Yuan’s subordinates became a small time bodyguard. When he asked him, Xuan Yuan only said from the former trusted subordinates. Seeing him didn’t have the intention to talk further, Duan Shun Jie also didn’t want to pursue on the matter.

Since there was a group of high-skilled martial artist skimming the area for them, undoubtedly there wouldn’t be the possibilities of being seen by other people. But all in all, the teaching he received since he was small didn’t allow him to be embraced by a male in the outdoor. No matter how, there was a barrier existed in his heart.

Duan Shun Jie although in difficulties, Xuan Yuan completely didn’t have the intention to be courteous. The two when bathing initially only wore their trousers and underwear. The drenched trousers nearly unable to hide anything. Xuan Yuan lightly kneaded for two times already could undo Duan Shun Jie’s waist knot. Lightly and easily lifted his clothing and took them off until his knee.

“Don’t be like this.... it is very unsightly.....” Maintaining his bend over in a kneeling posture, the naked b.u.t.t and the stick up b.u.t.tocks appearance made Duan Shun Jie embarra.s.sed to the utmost. But Xuan Yuan’s long and slender fingers had used the proficient and indecent gesture begining to move back and forth on his b.u.t.tocks. That kind of moment when the pleasure was ignited nearly made Duan Shun Jie unable to speak orderly.

“To do something once in a while, you just let me do it.....” Xuan Yuan became more versed in handling Duan Shun Jie, knowing once he started to act coquettishly he would become helpless.

“This.... Ai ya. What on earth are you doing? It’s dirty! You....” Xuan Yuan was bending his body, began to use his mouth to moisten his narrow hole between the pair of mound, from time to time using his tongue to explore, entering the center of the chrysanthemum bud, licking and stirring. That both hot and wet feeling made him couldn’t control the area around his waist to slightly quiver, the lower body also couldn’t refrain from firmly erected.

Xuan Yuan had never done this kind of foreplay for him before, but at this moment, on the outdoor..... he truthfully was being too reckless.....

Sensing the very well-known limp and numb feeling began to rise from the lower abdomen, Duan Shun Jie himself knew it was impossible to turn around on Xuan Yuan, might as well just stop the struggle, began to allow him as his please to employ his hand up and down on him.

The nimble fingers continuously on Duan Shun Jie’s already firm and upright erected lower body made a rubbing movement. He could see the gradually swollen tip began to overflow with transparent juice. The two breathing sound also became louder and heavier. In this world seemingly only remained the two of them, since long ago had absolutely forgotten that they were having the sky as tent and earth as mat as they made love.

Could no longer endure it, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng put his firm and upright lower hip on Duan Shun Jie’s back entrance. Yet didn’t immediately thrust in, instead, subtly beat on the ring of the entrance, letting the overflow fluid from that bell like entrance tainted Duan Shun Jie’s bud to the point of both wet and sticky.

His face already red to the point couldn’t be even redder anymore. Duan Shun Jie himself could feel the certain part of his inner body skin and muscle was unceasingly contracting and twitching, as if calling out for Xuan Yuan to enter and ravage it. He almost opened his mouth to beg him to stop this kind of sweet torment, but the last shred of remaining self-esteem prevented him from saying out such shameful words, could only helplessly gasp and pant while waiting for Xuan Yuan to enter.

Finally, from the back yard transmitted a beyond words could explain kind of swelling, aching, numbing and limping feeling. After a period of loosening and tantalizing, Xuan Yuan finally took his already unable to wait desire to thrust in his inner body. That leisurely slow in entering caused Duan Shun Jie nearly could feel the rubbing detail of blazing hot flesh and each crease of his inner body, could feel how Xuan Yuan inch by inch arrived to the deepest part of his body.

Completetly burying himself in Duan Shun Jie’s inner body, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng not at all impatient to use great force to thrust in and out. Instead, his pair of hands were supporting his b.u.t.tocks, using the smallest extent to continuously moved the tip forward, as if intending to take his tip to enter deeper into his body to unstoppably reach his sensitive instentines. Until he heard Duan Shun Jie couldn’t bear it any longer and starting to groan, until then he just slowly increased the sliding in and out pace. The friction brought along an intense pleasure nearly caused Duan Shun Jie to lose his soul because of it. 

After e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.n.g. his essence for one time, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng didn’t at all have the consideration to change the battlefield. The outdoor s.e.xual intercourse seemingly could arouse him even more. After taking out his manhood, in a quick speed he had turned the all over languid Duan Shun Jie to a facing him face to face posture, and then lifted his pair of legs and one more time entered his body.

“Shun Jie, do you know? Your inside is very hot! Did I make you feel very comfortable or not! How is it, isn’t it very wonderful?!” Looking at Duan Shun Jie tightly closed his eyes with the whole face flushed red, Xuan Yuan’s heart was like a surging wave, completley forgotten that he was older than himself, began to consider himself as the older lover.

Because still bashful and didn’t dare to see Xuan Yuan’s face when he was galloping on his body, Duan Shun Jie helplessly ignored Xuan Yuan’s loud teasing words. The shyness as if prompting the dose of lewdness causing his body to become even more sensitive. The nipples which had been kneaded by Xuan Yuan, the lower abdomen, these sensitive places were scalding hot to a shocking extent.

Accompanied by a low grumbling voice, Xuan Yuan again released a great ma.s.s of his bodily fluid into Duan Shun Jie’s body. That both hot and sticky feeling, truthfully not comfortable at all, but Duan Shun Jie was unable to overlook this kind of extremely intimate feeling, it was as if he and Xuan Yuan was connected become one body at that moment. I am inside you, you are inside me. This kind of overly sentimental to the point of couldn’t be dissolved feeling of happiness was something he had never experienced before.

The two people at this moment, whole body was on the sandy land beside the pond, although Xuan Yuan’s outer robe was under their body as their mat but still couldn’t avoid the whole body stained by sand and soil. The stick by grain of sand body was being kneaded, rubbed and fondled. The subtle pain indeed aroused the eroticsm from their inner body, causing the two because of this unable to be explained impulse slightly trembling.

Like this, got entangled in the moving back and forth intercourse, the two totally satisfyingly intertwined for four, five times before finally beat the gong to recall the troops*. Xuan Yuan had always been luxuriant in vigour, he still could sustain himself, Duan Shun Jie indeed already bewildered in a daze. Xuan Yuan helped him to slowly walk on the path before simply carried him on his back, just like that, step by step walk back to not so far away from the hot spring the Manor of Mount Panlong.

(t/n : * to beat the gong to recall the troops (id) : call off a battle, to order a retreat. --- I think the author was trying to make a funny remark here since both of them are warlord. LOL... XD) 

The next day, Xuan Yuan since morning had left the Manor with Sai Meng Chang who came to ask for help. Duan Shun Jie also had his rare chance to s.n.a.t.c.h a long leisure time. He was thinking about strolling all around the mountain and regarded it as pa.s.sing time amus.e.m.e.nt.

Randomly took a stroll, without any awareness he had walked to the hot spring’s pond side out of habit. All by himself taking a stroll at the last night fantastic sh.o.r.e, Duan Shun Jie’s heart was timid and delighted at the same time. In the end, with his flush red face he walked on the pond’s side little path to the mountain forest.

This mountain path though he knew about it, indeed he didn’t walk on it much. Once he walked on the path, the terrain gradually got higher. Along the path, the trees were luxuriantly green, the flowers were plentiful. Surprisingly, it was such a beautiful scenery. Thinking, tomorrow must take Xuan Yuan here to also have a look, but he was jumped out of surprise by the figure that suddenly appeared before his eyes.

“Greeting, Lord Duan.” Focusing his eyes to see, it was actually one of the Manor’s guards, Master* Qin.

(t/n : * Master 師傅 (s.h.i.+fu) – A respectful form to address a skilled worker or older men.)

“Master Qin, how can you also be here?” Nodding with a contained smile while greeted back, Duan Shun Jie astonis.h.i.+ngly realized Master Qin’s eyes slightly s.h.i.+fted, seemed like he found it embarra.s.sing to look straight at him.

While he was puzzled, he heard Master Qin’s reply : “Report Lord Duan, this part is a high terrain, this is a hidden standing place. Day and night always have someone to stand on guard.”

Duan Shun Jie heard him said that, instantenously had an ominous premonition, busily turned his body to see the direction on his back. Upon the sight, in an instant he was shocked to the point almost fainted --- this terrain was the best spot, could extremely clearly see the pond under it. Mentally connected last night was brightly lit by moonlight and this Master Qin’s evading eyes......

Inwardly saying no good in secret, his voice was inevitably had a slight quiver : “Last night here......”

Master Qin’s dark face as if also became red, a little bit awkward he explained : “Master Fu was in charge of keep watch. This morning when changing s.h.i.+ft, he mentioned about last night seeing the two Lords .....” Speaking to the last sentence, his voice gradually became lighter, most probably because he was frightened by Duan Shun Jie’s face rapid change of color from red to green.

Cursing inwardly the clearly had known up there someone was keeping guard but still forced him to have a s.e.xual intercourse in an open air with him Xuan Yuan for two tens of thousand times, Duan Shun Jie didn’t have whatever mood to go on a scenic tour anymore. Unable to imagine the relation between him and Xuan Yuan inside the Manor had been spread into what, at the very least, he had lost his courage to continue the chat with Master Qin.

Almost like running away, he hurriedly asked to be excused from Master Qin. Staggering and swaying on his way down the mountain. Half way, Duan Shun Jie finally unable to hold it in any longer, with all his might he punched the tree by his side : “d.a.m.n you Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng! When you return, I definitely will teach you a lesson!!”

Even if wholeheartedly wanted to seek out Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng to settle a score, however, the servant who was in charge of taking care of Su’r came to report, the child suddenly raised a high temperature. Duan Shun Jie made haste to go. Even had asked a doctor to examine the sickness, Su’r’s fever was not decreased. It made him to suddenly feel all of his six vital organs had failed*.

(t/n : * all six vital organs fail (id) : at a loss what to do.)

Su’r was Xuan Yuan and Ouyang Si Qi’s daughter. Full name was Yan Su Qi. At beginning, Xuan Yuan violently opposed to take her with them, but Duan Shun Jie no matter how was still unable to abandon this motherless child. The result of his persistence was Xuan Yuan stepped back, dispatched someone to fetch Su’r from Tong’an and take her to Mount Panlong’s Manor.

Towards this pitiful child, Duan Shun Jie always had a sense of unspeakable guilty conscience. If there wasn’t him and Xuan Yuan’s encounter, she wouldn’t be born into this world and be suffered. However, if there wasn’t him and Xuan Yuan’s encounter, the him now wouldn’t be able to experience such happiness.

Because of his excessive happiness generated a twinge of guilt, Duan Shun Jie turned it into innumerable doting for Su’r. Although only his niece, Duan Shun Jie loved her even more than her own father.

“Lord Duan, Lord Yan has returned.” As a martial arts pract.i.tioner, the having only a little medical knowledge Duan Shun Jie could see that Su’r’s illness was not as simple as the common cold. Exactly at the moment when he was utterly helpless, hearing that Xuan Yuan had returned, of course he would be pleased beyond expectations.

“How is it actually?” The still wearing going out robe Xuan Yuan appeared on the door way, obviously, once he got home he rushed to come here.

“Su’r is having a high fever. Already ate the medicine from the doctor, yet don’t seem any better. Now her consciousness also become unclear.” Duan Shun Jie busily reported to him, led him to the side of the child’s bed.

Xuan Yuan looked at the child’s crimson red face, twitched his brows, then stretched his hand to check Su’r’s pulse, also checked on her eyelids. Walking to the table and took a brus.h.i.+ng pen to write a prescription then give it to the servant, “Go to the town under the mountain and get medicine in accordance with this prescription.” 

“Can or can not?” Despite knowing that under the heaven there was nothing could be a problem for Xuan Yuan, but never had known that he unexpectedly also could treat an illness, Duan Shun Jie suspiciously looked at him.

Xuan Yuan laughed, patting his shoulder : “Please! Don’t use such a suspicious eyes to look at me, can you? Whether or not the best doctor in the world, I dare not say. But compare to the ordinary doctor, I am slightly better.”

“You better not mess up....” Duan Shun Jie still felt anxious.

“Su’r is my daughter, how could I mess up.” Xuan Yuan shot him a sideway glance, obviously extremely displeased at his disbelief.

“Heaven knows! Don’t you still have a son and a daughter at Tong’an..... “ Duan Shun Jie gradually lowered his voice. Mentioning Xuan Yuan’s wifes, son and daughter had always caused him had an unlimited sense of guilt. But he truthfully unwilling to let go the happiness in his hand, even if for this he brought unhappiness for others, he still unwilling to let go.

“Don’t worry! Have you had your dinner? I accompany you to eat.” Xuan Yuan’s manner seemed like he didn’t mind at all. Ordering the servant to prepare the dinner, then he pulled Duan Shun Jie to sit down.

The two hastily finished their dinner, the medicine also already decoted. After fed Su’r to drink the medicine, within an hour the fever was decreasing. Seeing her still pale with unhealthy color cheecks, Duan Shun Jie insisted to stay in her room to accompany her. Xuan Yuan couldn’t persuade him, might as well followed forth to stay.

In the middle of the night, the unable to sleep Duan Shun Jie stealthily got up to check on Su’r’s condition. Seeing her face already had the slight flushed red color, the breathing also smooth and steady, until then he finally believed that Xuan Yuan’s self-proclaimed as an excellent doctor was not just a boast.

Walking to side of the sleeping with complete clothes Xuan Yuan, looking at the man who seemingly didn’t have anything he couldn’t do, that sense of unreal yet distincly existed. Unable to believe that he already lived together with him, also didn’t dare to believe that they could just continue to stay together. However, no matter what kind of ending they would have, to possess the genuine moment of accompanying each other, near to each other, he himself was without any regrets, regardless.

Xuan Yuan’s eyelashes lightly fluttered for several times, slowly but surely, the eyes opened. In the abyss of the night, his pupils were remarkably bright. Reflected on Duan Shun Jie’s face, immediately made his heart moved a spell. No matter how long had it been, Duan Shun Jie had always felt that he seemingly couldn’t get used to this man.

“What’s wrong? Can’t sleep?” Xuan Yuan subtly smiled while propping his body to sit. Gently made a yawn --- Good Heaven! Why there was a person even when yawning still could appear so elegant.

“Not really.” Walking to stand on the window side, Duan Shun Jie pretended to look at the scenery to hide his reddening face and palpilating heart. Inwardly cursed his own self for being so embarra.s.sing.

Xuan Yuan also walked to his side, with him shoulder to shoulder stood in front of the window. The cold wind of a mountain in the deep night had dispersed away the summer heat. The vast sky was full of twinkling stars, the reflection was inverted on the not faraway pond water’s surface, there was a kind of beauty which made one couldn’t divide whether this was heaven or mortal world, and forgot about the pa.s.sage of time.

“Thinking about what?” If Feng Zong could have the chance to see Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng at this moment, certainly couldn’t believe that he could reveal such expression. The previous Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng, inside and outside was of sharp sword, showing off his ability ; the presently Xuan Yuan, though the bearing not deteriorated one bit, yet the poise indeed sent out a calm and peaceful air.

“Thinking.....” Always bewitched by Xuan Yuan until muddle-headed, Duan Shun Jie himself wanted to severely scold himself for a moment, “Thinking about..... the me from before, no matter how would unable to believe that I can be with you like this, standing together shoulder to shoulder, like this calmly and peacefully talking, like this.....”

“Fool!” Xuan Yuan was burst out in laughter at once, completely disrupted the atmosphere, “At the beginning you didn’t have the sense of reality is fine, but now Su’r almost on her first birthday, you still whole face wearing the admist the clouds and mist expression, isn’t it too stupid!”

“Because I just can’t believe!” Duan Shun Jie was a little bit annoyed, just like this with Xuan Yuan having an ordinary husband and wife like life was honestly caused him to greatly couldn’t have the sense of reality. No matter how, he still felt that his blessings were being too excessive, “I just can’t believe that you would... you would.....”

“Can’t believe I would what?” Xuan Yuan blinked his eyes, whole face was of an innocent face.

“Can’t believe that you ..... you would like me.” Duan Shun Jie’s voice became even lower as he spoke, in the end it was nearly inaudible.

Xuan Yuan laughed for a while, seemingly didn’t intend with Duan Shun Jie to discuss about this matter. Instead, his fingers were pointed at the vast boundless starry sky outside the window : “Shun Jie, look. So many stars.”

Duan Shun Jie lifted his head, he saw the dark blue color of the night sky was embeded with innumerable spark, gazing at it caused one’s heart unexpectedly widely opened.

“I, since childhood only felt that a man in this world should vie for supremacy, in order to leave one’s name in historical record. In Xuan Yuan Imperial Family for more than twenty years, also because of this purpose I went on expedition everywhere. Wouldn’t be willing to take it easy even a little.” Xuan Yuan softly recounted, the tone was of the utmost earnesty. “But you see, facing the vast boundless sky, even if your property and merit is magnificent to the point of occupying half volume of historical records, it is nothing more than several tens of pages on the paper. If because of this used up the whole of life, in the very end, after all, would only regret one’s past deeds*. Though I was born in an Imperial Family, everyone around me were pursuing that highest submit supreme Royal Crown, yet, my own eyes saw that those officials who possessed the top position didn’t live happily, at least not as happy as I am now....” 

(t/n : * to regret one’s past deeds (id) : regret having done something.) 

Xuan Yuan subtly luaghed out, then resumed : “Since it is like this, why should I insist on it. Just said that the supremacy of power and influence is already within the reach, but if wanted me to helplessly see you died in front of me, I would rather abandon that kind of opportunity....”

He spoke in a pleasant and captivating manner. Duan Shun Jie upon hearing this, his heart was incomparably moved. Just wanted to open his mouth, by the side, Su’r who was woken up by the noise of the two’s conversation, wailing out loud.

Duan Shun Jie had no choice, with his fastest steps he ran and hold the baby in swaddling clothes, gently coaxed her. Xuan Yuan also followed forth, moved proficiently to examine Su’r’s condition.

“It seems like she has wetted herself.....” Xuan Yuan’s voice was revealing a stream of helplessness and hopelessness. For this man who always felt that under the heaven nothing could trouble him, changing the diaper could be said as his only one difficulty on this earth.

A little bit amused while helping Su’r changed her diaper, gazing at by the side concentrating his attention to see how Xuan Yuan, Duan Shun Jie felt that his chest suddenly gushed with a kind of gentle, tender, warm feeling. Gently entended his hand to firmly hold on Xuan Yuan’s hand, he felt that his eyes, at that moment, became hot......

“Fool!” Xuan Yuan subtly laughed, leisurely closing in his body, pa.s.sionately printed a kiss on Duan Shun Jie’s lips.

“Waa....Waaa......” Su’r who was in Duan Shun Jie’s bosom seemingly unable to bear being squeezed, unexpectedly let out a loud wailing.

“Go to h.e.l.l.....”

Hearing Xuan Yuan cursed in low voice, Duan Shun Jie suddenly could no longer restrain his laughter, laughing out loud.......

The many heart-breaking things, the greatest extent has been entrusted to the flowing water. Do not linger in pain and sorrow, just be brave and stay in love, happiness will come at last.      

End of Fallen Hero Epilogue.

Chapter 18 : “Remember? Looks like our first meeting was in one of summer night?”Under the starry sk
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