Semi Datte Tensei Sureba Ryuu Ni Naru
Chapter 10 : The Dragon Will Soon Go Out and Leave the Nest Part 4 The next morning after I woke up

The Dragon Will Soon Go Out and Leave the Nest Part 4

The next morning after I woke up I headed straight for my new nest.

For these several days I was fortunate whenever I met someone.

Until now I had added various things to the nest and it would be completed when I made a restroom. The thing I needed the most was not to rely on the dragon’s wisdom anymore.

I shouldn’t consult anyone this time and I should proceed to work alone I thought.

Well, it was difficult to make a restroom beside the nest now.

When I said difficult I meant Waterworks and drainage, because it was necessary to make two kinds of roads for the water. Just digging a hole lacked creativity.

To make a comfortable house you must not regret going through trouble. Waterworks will also be used for drinking and was.h.i.+ng the body.

The first problem is how to secure clean water.

Though I could get water from the nearby river, but if too much water was drawn it might influence the ecosystems of creatures that live in the river.
And when river gets flooded during the rainy season the nest might be submerged.

So digging for underground water would be the best choice, but how should I dig up underground water . . . ?

When I thought about such things I suddenly felt a pair of eyes on me. From inside a far-off rock shade somebody seemed to be watching me in secret.

“Miinminmin” (TL: The person there. Though I don’t know who it is, do you need anything from me?)

The person hidden behind the rock reacted to my voice with Bikuri*. And after a bit the figure of the person finally emerged.
(TLN: shudder sounds I think)

“Gekoo . . . “

It cried.

In front of the nest, Geeko and I were keeping a delicate distance while sitting face to face.

Heavy air hung between us. It was choking as if lead was mixed with the air.

I didn’t know what to say to Geeko and Geeko also couldn’t find words to say to me.

It was just, we could just continue to remain silent.

It couldn’t manage it and our eyes naturally began to wander.

Geeko had gotten much thinner than the last time. The skin was dried and lost its gleam which was peculiar to amphibians.

Could it be that it hadn’t eaten anything since that day? While I filled my stomach with Yggdrasil’s sap everyday . . .

This miserable body was shameful. On that day, how much had I hurt Geeko?

That time when I had noticed the male signs on Geeko’s body, I had run away from that place while yelling. I had left without saying anything to Geeko.

Wasn’t that just a mean insult?

For a living being the mental character might not correspond to the physical s.e.x.
The disagreement between soul and body was a hopeless disease in that person.

I who had the soul of a cicada and the body of a dragon, why did I not try to understand Geeko’s suffering?

I couldn’t make Geeko my wife.

However, as someone with the same kind of problem we could have become friends.

I reflected on myself, reflected and thought what I should do now.

And I noticed that I didn’t have to think about it. Because there was only one thing I could do for Geeko.


I will sing. A song of affection and friends.h.i.+p.

I didn’t need words. Sound, poetry, melody because it should be able to connect our friends.h.i.+p.

“Geekogekogekogeko . . . ”

Geeko also returned a song.
However it wasn’t a low powerful sound like that time, but it sounded somewhat timidly. Geeko’s song completely lacked confidence and power.

I was ashamed because Geeko felt so miserable.

Though ashamed but I told my heart that I shouldn’t apologize.

What should I say if I apologized? I didn’t think that you were male?
It was ridiculous, male and female. Was there any meaning to it?

s.e.x had nothing to do with a true friend.
We will be friends from now on. We will become friends.

What’s wrong friend? Was your song like this?

Join my song Geeko! There is no need to hold back between friends.


I played a melody of provocation, it was boring just to match the music, it sometimes needed to repulse and then a new music is born.

Now Geeko what will you do? I can even sing louder.


Geeko understood my intention and answered with a powerful song.

Yes that’s it! This is music friend! Then how about this melody?

“Miinminminmin!” “Geekogekogekogeko!”

To my song Geeko answered with a different song.

A smile naturally appears on my mouth.
After all Geeko is genuine. It adhered to my sound, even surpa.s.sed it, the friend in front of me, no, because he was powerful enemy, the only one.

“Miinminminmin” “Geekogekogekogeko”

Will today’s music be heavy metal? Didn’t u hear the genuine soul between the shouts?

“Miinminminmin” “Geekogekogekogeko”

Geeko and my song echoed all over the island. n.o.body could stop the cry of our souls.

“Miinminminmin” “Geekogekogekogeko”

Singing was enjoyable, however singing with someone was even more pleasant.

I’m glad that I found a friend, but I’m even gladder to have reconciled with a friend.

“Miinminminmin . . .” “Geekogekogekogeko . . .”

Singing, singing, singing . . .

And I realized that we were lying on the ground laughing aloud.

The sky was blue and pure white clouds were blown by the wind.

The rays from the summer sun rained down like feathers.

That is a woman, that is a man, that is a cicada, that is a dragon, such things weren’t that small.

The ground we laid on was warm. We shook hands while we got up.

The handshake of reconciliation was very warm.

Shall we sing a last song? When I proposed it Geeko,


And nodded powerfully.

After that we chatted without consideration.
Now when I spoke about making a restroom Geeko came forward and wanted to help me.

Though I intended to make the restroom by myself, but I didn’t want to waste the goodwill of my friend. Then I said “I leave it to you” and Geeko puffed out his chest before he left.

Geeko put his ear on the ground around the nest as if he was searching for something.
I had nothing to do and so that I didn’t obstruct him I concealed my breath and only watched.

Geeko halted at a certain place after repeating it for countless times.

Then from Geeko’s mouth, no . . . his tongue? I understood that he was gathering magical power.

The tip of Geeko’s tongue began to s.h.i.+ne. And then . .


Geeko’s tongue expanded like a drill with a roar.
The red tongue broke through the bedrock with drilling sounds.
GyuruGyruru and it kept expanding, how long was it now, I couldn’t imagine it.

After a while Geeko smiled from ear to ear and at last his tongue rolled up and began to return.

At the same time the tongue retunred inside his mouth, a large quant.i.ty of water overflowed from the ground.

Disregarding me who was surprised, Geeko moved slighty away from that place and scoopeded out the ground with his tongue they same way again.

The water overflowing from the first hole drifted to the second hole.

When I asked what he had done he answered that the first hole connected with the water vein in the ground.
And the second hole was a drainage which stretched about a kilometer away to the river.

I could do nothing but be surprised by Geeko’s words.
With only that Geeko had created waterworks and drainage for the nest.
If dug up the earth afterwards I could easily make a restroom and a bath.

I praised Geeko. To have such a special ability as well a singing.

Even I could scoop out the earth with my fingernail but I couldn’t create such a long hole.

Geeko seemed ticklish and smiled at my compliment.

“I’m proud of my digging”

He answered.

Geeko told me that he would always help if I needed to dig some holes and then left for his own nest. I was a really lucky person to have a friend like Geeko.

Afterwards I continued working alone.

The drainage was firmly connected to the waterworks in the ditch and I had dug three small holes between that.

A small hole was for drinking. The second bigger hole was to bath. And the third medium hole was for excretion.

Because Geeko had carried out the hardest part it only took me two hours to complete it.
Compared to the splendid gate that the giants had built it was nothing worth complimenting but I would give it a pa.s.sing point.

Thus I made my nest on the fourth day.

I was happy, I learned a lot, the number of friends increased, though I was very much condensed into four days but my nest was finally completed.

Chapter 10 : The Dragon Will Soon Go Out and Leave the Nest Part 4 The next morning after I woke up
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