Semi Datte Tensei Sureba Ryuu Ni Naru
Chapter 11 : The Dragon Will Soon Go Out and Leave the Nest Part 5 「Fufufufu, welcome back roommate-

The Dragon Will Soon Go Out and Leave the Nest Part 5

「Fufufufu, welcome back roommate-san. It seems like you had a very entertaining day.」

Yggdrasil said so when I returned to her place. Umu, it certainly was a fun day, but why. . .

「The song from the two of us was very successful.」

Indeed, because our song would have surely resounded all over the island, so there would be no reason why Yggdrasil wouldn’t have heard it. Then first of all let’s talk about the reconciliation with Geeko.

Talking with Yggdrasil was especially fun today.
It wasn’t only about today’s events, it was about the four days and I talked about what I felt and thought.

These four days, the lamia, the harpy, the lizardman miko, the two giants and Geeko. I was helped by everyone and was able to build a splendid nest.

If I did it alone, even if it took many years in comparison but still I wouldn’t be able to make such a splendid nest.

I’m the strongest dragon in this world.

However, that didn’t mean I knew the land as good as the lamia or where to gather mountain herbs like the harpy either.

I didn’t have the many acquaintances like the lizardman miko and I couldn’t make something skillfully like Fasolt and Fafner.

I wasn’t possible for me to dig a hole as long a Geeko either, besides I didn’t have branches a leaves full of affection like Yggdrasil which could embrace everybody.

I’m the strongest dragon. However my friends might be stronger than me.

After Yggdrasil chimed in on my words one by one it was finally time and I answered.

「Everybody was born with various roles. There is no living being that could do everything alone. There everybody should live hand in hand.」

I took Yggdrasil’s word to heart.

Yggdrasil and I will be no longer in touch.
The nest was already finished. There were no further necessary things and I couldn’t enlarge it.

It was time to become independent.

Thankful for everyday I asked Yggdrasil.

「Is there something that I can do for you?」

As I got something from everyone, wasn’t there something that I could do for her in return?

After Yggdrasil thought for a while,

「Then . . . . . 」

I answered to her wish which was somewhat of a let-down with 「Certainly」.

I must go to sleep early today.

The last time sleeping here I had the illusion that this place was a bit too large.

「Hey, it’s the sun.」

Yggdrasil said to me with a crystal clear voice like the fresh morning air.

Her wish was a small one; it was to see the morning sun together.

It was nothing compared to the kindness that I received. I didn’t think that I could return her kindness with such a thing.
However I understand from the feelings that were transmitted that she was really pleased.

「I love this world.」

My heart skipped a beat when she said 「Love」.

I tried to answer with 「I also love this world」 but for some reason I couldn’t say those words and my voice disappeared like a cirrus cloud.

I just silently watched her watching the world.

The changing color of the sky showed that the end of the morning glow was imminent.

Time never stops. The same morning never comes again.

I snuggled closely to her while silently waiting for the end to come.

And then I would leave the nest.

And in not even half an hour the clear sky was steeped into a ruthless blue.

The sun was glistening and white. It was no longer the morning sun.

「Did you like it?」

I thought about it but I couldn’t find and answer and I grew more impatient while not finding and answer so I just answered by nodding.

Still Yggdrasil said in a soft joyful voice.

「It’s something I like and knowing that you also like it makes me happy.」

I wanted to answer something but I couldn’t let out any word as if something was pressing on my chest.

Even with the dragon’s telepathy I couldn’t convey my thoughts because in my head I didn’t know what to say.


She called me like she always did.

「I’m really glad that I met you, these six days we spent together were really fun.」

I silently listened to her words.

「Greeting me when waking up in the morning, drinking my sap with great relish, chatting about various things at night and saying good night when going to sleep. And today seeing the morning sun together . . .」

She paused for a bit there,

「If . . ., if we no longer meet each other anymore, could you not forget me?」

She said such with a voice that seemed to disappear.


I shouted without realizing it. Yggdrasil seemed to be surprised at my sudden voice but answered 「Yes」 and waited for the continuation of my words.

I should say something to her now but what should I say now?

While in front of Yggdrasil I showed this unseemly behavior several times already but today was the first time for my mind to be this confused.

What did I want to tell her I didn’t understand it myself.

However, if I didn’t say something to her now I felt like she would disappear in the distance but I didn’t know the source of this uneasiness.

「Yggdrasil, I . . .」

Hateful words don’t block my tongue!

What do I feel right now? What do I want to tell her?

「I, you . . .」

At last the voice from my heart finally begin to become words.

I was like words were like water drops squeezed out from a wet dust cloth.

「You . . .」

However I immediately lost whatever I was going to say.

「You, . . . very」

Very, very what? What was I going to tell her?
I didn’t know, it kept spinning around in my head but I din understand it.

「V . .ery, very . . . 」


She gently urged me to continue who kept repeating very. Shamefully I didn’t know the continuation of the words.

「Very, very . . . 」

Eei! My mouth didn’t listen to what I say even as if it was wrested from me.

「V . .ery, ver . . y」

My mouth it kept saying those words!

I beg of you! What are the words that are hidden in my heart!

The words that I should convey to Yggdrasil!

「V,v, very . . . to, totem, . . .toto, tote, to, I need a totem pole!」(TLN: totemo = very)

Unexpected words came from my mouth.

「Totem pole . . .was it?」

What was I thinking about, I realized that I said the name of the indigenous people of folk art living who lived on the continent in the direction of the setting sun.

Yggdrasil thought a while about my words which even I didn’t understand,

「Ah, indeed! A new house needs a guardian deity? Fufufu roommate-san is religious.」

So, it was interpreted.

「I’m sorry. I was certainly misled into thinking that the nest of roommate-san was completed. That’s right, because it’s the place where the hydra lived before a charm against evil is necessary.」

Yggdrasil said so and consented as if it was natural. And finally,

「Then, until the totem pole is made let’s stay together roommate-san. . . . Fufufun, please show it to me when it’s completed.」

So she said.

From this day on I will make a totem pole (masterpiece).

I looked up at the sun which had risen fairly usual unchanging day begins again.
So I thought.

This was a world inhabited by humans. This story goes back several days in time.

From the island where the dragon lived Yggdrasil and the dragon were looking in the direction of the morning sun where 1000 km away on the continent to the east the where the capital of the holy king lied.

In the center of the capital with a population of hundreds of thousand people there stood a huge cathedral towering over the town.
Inside the cathedral which was full with devout pilgrims during the way was deadly quiet like the bottom of the sea during the night.

In this darkness three figures could be seen from the flickering light of candles.

One was a man wearing a red vestment. He wore clothes called dalmatic and from the embroidery which was decorated with gold it could be seen that he was a fairly high ranked cleric.

Another man was kneeling in front of the man wearing the red vestment.
He wore a black robe which covered his whole body and his pale white face floated like a mask inside the pitch black darkness.

A girl was waiting beside the man.
Her age barely exceeded ten years and the thin right arm of the girl was covered in a huge gray object which was covered in complex designs.

The huge gray thing was unbalanced for the girl and according to people she didn’t wear it but it seemed to 「grow」 from the girl.

「Your majesty, we have confirmation from the miko of foresight. A new dragon was born this morning.」
(TN: miko of foresight as in looking at distant places.)

The kneeling man wearing the black robe spoke in a dark hoa.r.s.e voice.

「I see, it’s according to the prophecy of the miko of clairvoyance . . .」
(TN: miko of clairvoyance as in looking into the future, different from the miko above)

The man called his majesty said with a heavy sigh.
The man wearing the black robe continued with his words while ignoring the sigh.

「The preparations are complete, we can depart from the holy city tomorrow.」

「Is that so, is all favorable?」

The man wearing the black robe bowed his head deep and answered with an affirmative and took a glance at the girl to the side.

「It is certainly a true dragon but it is just a newborn bay. Kore will accomplish the killing of the dragon without fail.」

「Kore」 was the name the girl which stood there like a statue without showing any reaction.
Nothing was reflected in her grey eyes but something seemed to s.h.i.+ne dully on her right hand.

「In order to save the world tree it is necessary to sacrifice such a girl . . .」

The man wearing the vestment could only bestow his blessings the girl as her sole compensation.

「Holy tree Yggdrasil grant your blessing and divine protection onto your pure and loyal soldier.」

Chapter 11 : The Dragon Will Soon Go Out and Leave the Nest Part 5 「Fufufufu, welcome back roommate-
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