Semi Datte Tensei Sureba Ryuu Ni Naru
Chapter 9 : The Dragon Will Soon Go Out and Leave the Nest Part 3 As I slept, entrusting my back to

The Dragon Will Soon Go Out and Leave the Nest Part 3

As I slept, entrusting my back to Yggdrasil, I had a mysterious dream.

In the dream, I was a cicada again.


I had become a cicada who flew in the sky with its tiny wings, and was diligently looking for the figure of Yggdrasil.

I searched, searched, and searched, but Yggdrasil couldn’t be found.

Where on earth had you disappeared to?

I hadn’t finished building the nest yet.

I still hadn’t conveyed what I wanted to tell you.

Inside the dream, the past and present mixed, and a sweet smell drifted from somewhere.

AH! That’s right! Her sap!

I went to the source of the smell and began to suck the sap without thinking anything.

I sucked…


I was abruptly awoken from my nightmare due to the discomfort that remained in my mouth.

The first thing I saw upon waking up was a gecko-like creature stuck to the wall of the hollow. I could see a tail sticking out of the miko clothes in my mouth, she looks like a lizardman.


(TL: Nuooooo!?)

Because of my great surprise I reflexively released a dragon roar.

After I released it, I immediately paled.

My roar had terrifying power. Ignoring the lizardman miko who was bathed in the roar at close range, would Yggdrasil be alright?!

“Is something wrong?!”

Yggdrasil seemed to have shut her consciousness. Though sleep was unnecessary for her who was a tree, she seemed to occasionally close her mind off.

I asked her whether she was injured or not. Fortunately, Yggdrasil wasn’t wounded.
The lizardman who had fainted lied on the ground, and other than her slightly damaged miko clothes, her body didn’t seem to have any serious injury.

I breathed out in relief.

Several days ago, a rocky mountain was blown off by my roar, but maybe because it was a sudden roar I didn’t use any magic power.

At any rate, I seemed to have avoided the worst situation and felt relieved.

While disregarding the fainted lizardman, I explained to Yggdrasil what had happened.

After Yggdrasil heard my explanation.

“It seems…a door is necessary after all…”

She said.

The lizardman finally woke up after sunrise.

What was her intention last night? I thoroughly questioned her and she answered with a cool face.

Her reason?

While strolling at night, she happened to wander into our vicinity.

And then she suddenly had the urge to see my sleeping face.

So she invaded quietly, so as to not wake me up, because it was midnight.

When she saw that I was having a nightmare, she tried to put her tail which was coated in Yggdrasil’s sap into my mouth.

…Indeed. I don’t get it.

It seems a strong door isn’t needed here.

“Isn’t there a reason for one…?”

I carelessly spoke my thoughts, though the lizardman didn’t understand my muttering.

I explained that I intended to make a big gate at the entrance to my new nest.

She listened to me and replied:

“In that case, please leave it to me! I’m known as the best craftsman on this island!”

“Isn’t it undesirable for a dragon like yourself to not have a proper door?”
(TLN: I don’t understand this sentence and I only get gibberish from translator.)
(EDN: Gave it a shot.)

“…Building a dragon’s door…I shall not pa.s.s up the chance.”

When the sun had risen a considerable amount, the lizardman brought two giants to my nest. The giants were named Fazor and Fafner, and both were nearly as large as I was. They had a large amount of wood in each tanned hand, nearly twice their size.

“We’ve arrived with the door. It was easy work.”

“Dragon…dragon-sama, the gate, we will make it how you want it.”

The way the two giants worked was spectacular.

The huge hammer was easily brandished.
It was the work of a genius craftsman who combined dynamics and delicacy.

The giants occasionally exchange some short words, and they continued working together as if two were one being.

The door was completed at an extremely quick pace. I admired the way they worked.

Were they craftsmen from a splendid race?

Their hands had formed rough calluses, showing their way of life.

I opened my hands.

There doesn’t exist anything that my nails couldn’t tear, however could my nails produce something like them?

Compared to their hands which created things, my hands broke things.

I wanted to make something with my hands someday.

Though, I wasn’t interested in gold or silver treasures, but if it was something I made by myself it would become the treasure of a lifetime.

I thanked the lizardman for introducing them.

I frankly spoke my mind. I hadn’t known that it was such a splendid thing to create.

“I didn’t do anything. If you want to say your grat.i.tude, then by all means say it to those two.”

The lizardman was ashamed that I thanked her. While blus.h.i.+ng, she looked in the direction of the two giants.

It wasn’t necessary to say. I waited for the two to take a break and then expressed my words of respect and grat.i.tude to them.

“You don’t have to thank us, this is our job.”

I got a pleasant answer from the craftsman.

“Should I pay for your work with treasures?” I asked that, but the two giants answered that it was unnecessary.

“It was the request of lizardman-sama. Receiving your grat.i.tude is enough of a reward.”

“Mimi, to the miko, I ,I’m indebted, this, this is repaying the favor.”

According to them it was more than ten years ago, the two giants seemed to have cause a big fight that became a scramble for life over a golden ring.

And the one who stopped the fight at the risk of her own life was none other than the lizardman miko.

At that time the miko was just a lizardman child, but she had superior perception as one and she could perceive that a spell of death was attached to the ring, and at the moment the two giants took their eyes off the ring, she threw the golden ring into the sea.

As soon as the ring disappeared in the sea, the two giants regained their sanity and stopped fighting.

Afterwards, the lizardman miko who solved the curse while risking her own life became their benefactor, and as the person who saved the lives of the brothers they came to respect her deeply.

After hearing their story, I was ashamed to have treated her so unkindly up till now.

Though her actions and behavior were certainly strange, wasn’t her heart filled with strong courage that shone, dignified like a diamond?

I looked at the miko, and I sat down as I turned towards her. I wanted to watch the scene unfolding in front of me.
As soon as the two giants began to tell the anecdote to the miko, she felt embarra.s.sed and was unable to stay,  so she travelled here. Although, her usual actions are very shameful when I think about it . . .

Really, various sides of a person are shown when looked from a different angle. I was reminded that I had known only one side of her.

In the future I wanted to know her other sides.

I prayed that we could become at least good friends.

After the two giants finished their break they began to work again. The gate had almost taken shape and only some finis.h.i.+ng touches were left.

I mustn’t obstruct them, so I looked at them from a short distance away.

Finally the two checked the condition of the opening and shutting of the gate and nodded. The two craftsmen seemed to be satisfied with their work.

The double doors shut without a gap. There was also a small black door at the bottom of the right door without hindering the mechanisms. The black door was elaborately camouflaged at the joints of the plate and was like a hidden door.

. . . Fumu? A black door?

What is this small door? It was too small for me to pa.s.s through, so there didn’t seem to be any meaning for it.

“Ahh, this? So that the miko could sneak in anytime I had made a hidden door.”

“It, it’s not good ani, thi, this should be secret from dragon-sama.”

Umu, I understood it well. Seal it right now.

The door was a fatal defect for crime prevention and by the end of the day the entrance was blocked by a giant door.
Because the lizardman tried to play tricks on the door when she saw a chance, I asked the garuda who happened to pa.s.s by to carry her back to her village.

And another day is going to end.
The dusk sun shone gold, and the shadow of the two giants disappeared into the distance.

I had expressed my sincere praise for their work once again to the two.
While the brothers were drenched in a large amount of sweat they responded with pleasant laughter.

Fazor and Fafner disappeared in the direction where the sun sank to. There were only a few giants and I sincerely wished that they could live peacefully.

After seeing the two leave, I flew to the world tree.

There were a lot of travel stories today. With the two giants, the story of the miko, and also that I wanted to make something with my own hands.

“She would be surely happy to hear my stories,” I thought. I became impatient.

…Fumu? I seemed to have forgotten something important?

I shouldn’t be anxious, and I shouldn’t show my disgraceful behavior a third time.

After double checking the giant’s work, I properly arranged my thoughts. I should tell her in a few words.

I returned to Yggdrasil and in a dignified manner told her this.

“Finally I will make a restroom.”

Chapter 9 : The Dragon Will Soon Go Out and Leave the Nest Part 3 As I slept, entrusting my back to
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