Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince
Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince - Chapter 9: The Romanoff's Decision

After hearing the news, Alexander pressed Sergei for more information.

"Who was it?"

"It was a terrorist organization known as 'Black Hand.' They're known to conduct attempts and successful not only in Ruthenia but across Europa as well." Sergei answered and continued explaining. "Preliminary analysis from the Department for Protecting Public Security and Order tells us that the residue found on the convoy debris is consistent with bombs used by the "Black Hands" in the past."

Alexander's face was covered in horrified expression. The Black Hand was an international terrorist group that is wreaking havoc across Europa. They targeted countries that are run by monarchs such as the Empire of Deutschland, The Habsburg Empire, The Britannia Empire, and the Sardegna Kingdom, to name a few. However, their main motives were not clear and left many investigators puzzled. Are they trying to destabilize and topple the power of the monarchy in Europa? Are they just a group of insane anarchists?

No one knew for certain.

Whatever it is, Alexander considered those fanatic groups as the main threat to his Empire.

"So, what's your plan? Do you have any information regarding their locations?"

"That's the scary part sire, we don't. The Black Hands has headquarters spread across Europa and on the Black Continent. They are hard to track. But we got a tip from our intelligence bureau saying that there will be another attempt to assassinate you." Sergei informed.

"An attempt on my life?" Alexander's eyes grow wide upon hearing his report.

"Your Majesty, it is yet to be confirmed and they are working day and night to validate the threat. But in the meantime, your safety must be assured and is our utmost priority. I'm going to have to suggest you and your sisters evacuate the Winter Palace before the first of August."

"The first of August? Isn't that the time when a mass protest will be held by steelworkers?"

"Coincidentally, it was also the time the Intelligence Bureau told us when the Black Hand groups are going to attack. This means they are using the crowds to mask their intent and once they get closer to you, I fear that you will be exposed to a higher risk of being attacked."

Alexander closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm down. He paced around and then stopped. His uneasy and troubled expression was noticed by Sergei.

"Your Majesty..." It was getting harder for Sergei to speak as he saw the Emperor's face grow darker and darker with each passing moment.

At last, Alexander looked at him with a calm expression. "Let's not worry about them now Sergei. I know that you're doing everything you can to assure my safety. For now, I suggest we keep this information secret." He walked up to Sergei. "I will give my decision tonight, I just need time to think through this clearly."

"Yes Your Majesty," Sergei answered dutifully.

Alexander's swept his glance to Ana, whose wheelchairs are being pushed around by the servant on the palace's grounds.

A possible assassination in the mass protest huh? Alexander thought to himself, assessing the pros and cons of his future decisions. If he were to evacuate before the date of the protest, the safety of his family will be guaranteed but if he does that, he will gain the ire of the people who yearned and longed for change and possibly revolt.

It's a tough decision to make, his new family or the people?

I'm gonna have to consult Christina and Tiffania about this. He said to himself.

"Thanks, Sergei for the information, will that be all?"

"I believe that's all sire, I'm gonna return now to my office." Sergei bowed and left the palace's grounds.

Alexander watched him go for a while and then went back to Ana to continue their moments.


It was past six, Alexander called in Christina and Tiffania and asked them to join him in his office.

The two silver-haired princesses sat in the chair. Across the table was Alexander who wore a serious expression.

"I've got important matters to discuss with both of you. Please listen carefully. Sergei just informed me that the Black Hand is responsible for killing our father and mother and is now targeting me." Alexander reported.

"Are...are you serious?" Tiffania asked, her face turning pale and lower lips trembling.

"Yes, the Department for Protecting Public Security believed that the Black Hand agents will disguise themselves as civilians in the protest that will be held at the main plaza of Winter Palace in August first." He paused and took a glimpse at Anastasia and continued. "Now, Prime Minister, Sir Sergei wants us to evacuate the Palace before the protest to assure our safety." Alexander's concluded, his head lowered as he delivered the news.

Christina and Tiffania stared at each other, stunned.

"Do you think it's a good idea to evacuate the palace?" Christina asked, trying to be objective but finding it hard because she really can't bear the thought of her brother being in danger. "Won't it get worst if we leave the palace without listening to the people? I think we should stay here."


"Tiffania, calm down, please let me finish," Christina said, raising her hand to signal the young princess to be quiet. Then she turned to her brother. "I know that you care for us, your sisters, but the people need to see the Emperor."

"No...I don't want to die...I don't want to die...I learned this from history books..." Tiffania shook her head rapidly. "Isn't that what happened to the Francois Empire? Where they stormed the palace and...and...and..." she stammered, unable to complete her words. Alexander tried to calm her down by placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I don't think we should panic. The army has been alerted." Alexander assured.

"Tiffania, in times such as these, the Romanoff have to be strong...."

Her words were cut off by Tiffania.

"But isn't the first duty of the Emperor is to his family? Brother...think of Anastasia, do you want her to see suffer from the hands of those peasants?!"

"Tiffania!" Christina raised her voice, asserting her authority as the eldest sister.

"I heard there are thousands of coming brother. Thousands of angry peasants and workers. Why do you think the army has been alerted sister?" Tiffania rebutted as Christina find herself not able to respond.

"Where did you learn that?" Alexander asked Tiffania.

"Everyone in the Ruthenia Empire knows it, brother..."

"Brother..." Christina placed her hand on Alexander's desk, her eyes fixed on him. "I know that we are at risk but if we were to leave unnoticed and the people find out that there was no one in the Palace, it'll get much worst."

Alexander took a deep breath before making a decision. Christina was right objectively. He doesn't have to be a history nerd to know the after-effect of leaving the palace. The people would surely revolt. But, the threat remains, he could die on that day, he had already experienced dying once, he doesn't want it to happen again. Fearfully because there might not be a third chance.

If he also leaves the Palace, the social contract between the Emperor and his people will break. They might not believe the Emperor as the being sent by God to rule over them, there will be more social unrest, strikes, and protests that would make his life here unbearable and possibly die at their hands.

The world might be different from his past world but in this era, progressive ideas such as the right of an individual people shall be respected.

Objectively speaking, the rule of the emperor of the Ruthenia Empire is outdated. Looking at its neighbors, their government is different, where the people have more rights. Constitutional monarchies and republics. The Ruthenia Empire is the sole country in Europa that is an autocracy.

The people of Ruthenia wanted those changes to implement here. This means he has to listen to and entertain them, if he were to do that, the people who laud the emperor which is mutually beneficial to both the parties.

Still, he has to make a decision where neither Christina nor Tiffania won't get hurt.

Alexander looked at both of them with a serious expression.

"I've made my decision..."

The two princesses looked at him with a tense look.

"I will not leave the palace." He let it out.

The two girls were surprised by the answer, especially Tiffania, who are now looking at him with questioning eyes.

"Are you serious brother?! Why won't you listen to me?" She demanded, her face showing her disbelief and frustration. "The Black Hand could kill you. They could kill Ana too! Please brother, at least I beg you! Please, please evacuate the palace!"

Alexander let out a deep sigh. He understood his sister's grief and worried. But, he has already made a decision and he's willing to accept the consequences. "I'm sorry Tiffania you're right about the Black Hand. They will do something bad to us, to me. So I already made another decision to evacuate you and Ana until the situation is settled. As the emperor of the Ruthenia Empire, I can't live with fear, I must face the challenges thrown at me head-on, and listen to the people's pleas."

Tiffania stared at her brother. The look on her face changed from anger to sadness. In short, he looked like she was going to cry. "I...I...Can't believe you, brother..."

Alexander stood up from his seat and walked over to Tiffania who is on verge of crying. He pulled her close to his body and gently hugged her.

"I...hate don't want to lose you two...I can't accept it."

Despite their relationship with each other, where Tiffania would often be blunt and cold towards Alexander, in truth, she really cares for him.

Ah...this family is so emotional and I'm always getting caught with it...ah this stupid body affecting my emotions.

"Don't worry Tiffania, I will be fine. Be calm and tell Ana about it. I promise that everything will return to how things should be." He whispered to her face.

Alexander's exhausted eyes flickered to Christina. "You should go with them as well."

Christina shook her head. "No, I'm staying with you brother. I will stay by your side when you face the people. As the Grand Duchess of Ruthenia Empire, I also have a responsibility to listen to my people."

Alexander smiled upon hearing that. "Fine, I won't challenge your decision."

Then his attention returned to Tiffania. "Tiffania, we're all scared too but sometimes you have to stand up and face your fear. You can't let your fear control you. The world is unfair and the people that will march down in the streets demand us to simply change their life for the better. As the emperor, it is my job to bring it to them."

"..." Tiffania was speechless.

"I will have the car ready by tomorrow, you will head to another palace."



A day has passed the royal car was on stand-by in front of the main entrance of the Winter Palace, waiting for the Grand Duchess Tiffania.

Dressed in a nice, long, white dress and high black heels, Tiffania was ready to leave.

However, while walking toward the car, she stopped midway and glanced at the main entrance of the palace. There, Alexander and Christina can be seen standing shoulder to shoulder, seeing her off.

Her lower lips started to tremble, wanting to say something but her throat was blocked by her emotions. The next thing she knew, she was already running towards the two.

Alexander and Christina were stunned when they saw her running towards them.

Seconds later, she jumped at the two and tangled them in a tight embrace.


It was at this moment Tiffania changed her decision suddenly.

Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince - Chapter 9: The Romanoff's Decision
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