Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince
Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince - Chapter 10: The First Day of August

The first of August has finally arrived. Alexander looked over his window and saw a silhouette over the horizon, no they are not shadows, they were people, marching in the streets. They were holding signs and banners, with words he couldn't make out due to distance. But he was sure that it was about the pleas they are going to make once they arrive at the Winter Palace.

Christina and Tiffania watched as their brother peered through the window. The three of them has been waiting since the early hours of the morning, they have been waiting and waiting until the people finally came.

"Okay, this is it, everyone, there's no turning back."

The two of them stood up, Christina and Tiffania straightened their dresses while Alexander smoothened his red military uniform.

"Your Majesty, this is a bad idea." Sergei Alexander turned his head to his right, where Sergei has been standing by the wall.

"But you've assured me that you will guarantee my safety when I face my people, am I right?" Alexander asked.

"Yes sir, I've also increased the number of troops around the Palace for maximum protection, however-"

"Then let's go." Alexander cut him off and headed towards the door of his office. Sergei Alexander sighed and followed him, the pace of his steps was faster than Alexander's.

Upon reaching the door, Alexander turned his head towards his siblings. "Tiffania, you can stay here if you want."

Tiffania shook her head. "No brother, I must face them also. I've realized my role as the Grand Duchess of Ruthenia Empire. I can't just bubble myself up inside the palace. I will go with you two."

Christina smiled sweetly upon hearing determination. Alexander was pleased with her resolve.

Five days ago she was about to leave the palace out of fear but she suddenly changed her mind in the end. The reason was unknown but Alexander was delighted that she didn't run away and faced her duties as the Grand Duchess of Ruthenia Empire.

Well even though they've prepared themselves for this for the past few days, the fear of getting killed by the hands of a syndicate known as Black Hand still lingered in their minds.

Alexander gulped his saliva before signaling the two imperial guards standing by on each side of the door to open it.

The two guards nodded as they acknowledged the command and swing the door open. Once they opened the door, the bright sunlight shone inside the room.

The first thing they saw was hundreds. No, thousands of people marched towards the Winter Palace stretching all over the streets of the city. Upon seeing this, the prince and princess let out a gasp.

Although the door was already opened, the people can't see the emperor and the princess yet.

Since they've prepared for this, a platform was created in front of the Winter Palace that will serve as their stage. Alexander, Christina, and Tiffania walked down the steps and towards that platform.

The people still can't see them.

As they neared the stage, Alexander can hear the overwhelming shouts and screams of the people.

"It's His Majesty!"

"It's the Emperor!"

"Long live the Emperor!"

The people continued to chant as they raised their fists high with overwhelming joy. However, the next second, it intensified.

"Look! The princesses are also on the stage!"

"I'm so happy to see the royal family all together!"

"Long live the royal family!"

Since there are a lot of people who attended the march, Sergei ordered hundreds of troops to line up in the front of the stage, they stood in a straight line with their rifles slung on their shoulders.

Upon seeing the people, Christina and Tiffania gave a light bow as a sign of respect. The people roared in joy after seeing their princesses bowing down to them.

Wave after wave of roars and chants broke out from the masses. It was an overwhelming display of joy and tears. Christina and Tiffania were touched by this scene, seeing all the people expressing how thankful and happy they were to see that they were granted the presence of the royal family.

However, Christina and Tiffania also noticed the state they were in. They were all wearing ragged clothes which meant that many of them were no longer getting adequate food and shelter. Their eyes were bloodshot red, a sign of malnutrition. A lot of the children were barefooted, not wearing any kind of protection on their feet. Despite knowing the risk of heatstroke due to today's hot weather, they still took to the street while the rest seemed unaffected by the heat. They continued to march down the streets with their heads held up high.

The feeling of intense guilt and sadness overwhelmed the princesses. They've been suffering too much while they are cooped up inside the palace living a lavish and comfortable life without breaking their backs just to get by.

"Brother..we should talk to their representative as soon as possible. Many people are fainting from heatstroke." Christina urged.

Alexander nodded his head.

Meanwhile, Sergei has been watching from behind, witnessing the scene unfold. He held high regard for the Emperor. "He's smart," he thought.

That's what a politician would do to appease the masses by showing themselves up in front of them sincerely. Knowing that they were heard, smiled upon, and received warmly. But it still presents a danger. After all, the Black Hands operatives are concealed among thousands of crowds. He ordered the soldiers responsible for crowd control to remain constantly alert.

Alexander stepped forward, glancing at the sea of people before him. One man tried to approach him but was stopped by the two soldiers responsible for protecting the royal family.

Alexander saw this and waved his hand, ordering them to stand down.

The guards immediately obeyed his command and let go of the man.

Alexander studied the man. He appears to be wearing a black cassock with a cross hanging from his neck.

"A priest?" He thought.

"Your Majesty!" He fell down on one knee with his head lowered 90 degrees.

"Your Highness, I'm here to represent all the people behind me. They have been subjected to hunger, unbearable heat, and suffering from the harsh working conditions and exploited by those who are in power. We plead for your help."

So he is the leader of this massive mass huh? Just in the right timing, he's been waiting for him to step up.

"Stand up." He ordered.

The priest stood up but his head still lowered, avoiding eye contact with the king.

"What is your name?" Alexander asked.

The man answered, his head still lowered. "George Gabon, your majesty."

"George Gabon, mind if you enter the palace to discuss this matter?"

"Why, Your Majesty?" Gabon asked.

"You may not know this but there are nefarious groups among the crowds that are threatening my safety, so it is best that we continue this inside where my safety is guaranteed."

Hearing that, Gabon didn't hesitate to accept the request of the Emperor. "Of course, Your Majesty."

Alexander nodded his head, then gave a signal to Sergei to order the guards to escort him inside.

Sergei immediately gave the order to the guards to let George Gabon inside.


Inside the palace, George Gabon was in awe seeing the interior of the palace. The gilded walls, the red and gold carpets, the lavishly furnished furniture, the paintings with elaborate gold frames, the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and so on. All of it made him realize that he's been living in poverty while the royal family is living in such luxury.

He was led into one of the sitting rooms. There he finally meets the two Grand Duchesses. He fell on his knee once again and bowed his head down in front of them. "It is an honor to meet Your Imperial Highnesses."

The two princesses smiled as they beckoned him to stand up. They can see the sincerity and honesty he presented.

"Please sit, Sir George." urged Alexander. "Your people are still waiting outside under the sweltering heat. It's best we finish this as soon as possible. Don't worry about the people who fainted, the royal family will pay their hospital fees and medicine."

"I'm grateful, Your Majesty," George said solemnly before taking his seat.

"So, Sir George, you are free to speak what's in your mind. I won't censure you for anything you say. I will listen with my mind and heart open."

"Okay then, I apologize beforehand for any offense I might cause."

With a cough, Priest George Gabon shared his thoughts.

Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince - Chapter 10: The First Day of August
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