Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince
Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince - Chapter 8: Things About to Get Serious

It took more than two hours to set up the equipments in Alexander's new lab. With everything in place, he wasted no time. He donned his lab coat, and eye protection and gloves for safety.

He hefted a sack of soil from the corner and placed it on the table, then he opened it and sifted through the contents. He plucked a handful of soil from the sack and rubbed it between his fingers. Streptomyces griseus is a common bacteria that is usually found in soil. In the year 1943, Streptomycin was discovered by American biochemists Selman Waksman, Albert Schatz, and Elizabeth Bugie in Streptomyces griseus. Streptomycin is the first antibiotic that is effective against tuberculosis. They also found out that S. griseus yield more than 20 antibiotics, including actinomycin, clavacin, streptothricin, grisein, neomycin, fradicin, candicidin, and candidin to name a few.

For the discovery of Streptomycin, Selman Walksman received a Nobel prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1952, and the streptomycin was listed on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines as the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system. Dropping the case of tuberculosis significantly in the 1960s. He famously quoted, "Out of earth shall come to thy salvation."

In this world, Alexander doesn't know who will discover the streptomycin. Will there be a parallel Selman Walksman? There's no way of finding that out. But his sister desperately needs the medicine in order for her to survive. So Alexander will introduce a new revolutionary medicine that won't be used in medical treatments for another thirty years.

There's not much to do on the first day so Alexander will just prepare the inoculum containing Streptomyces griseus which can be done in a simple way.

First, he scooped a handful of soil where he will extract the Streptomyces griseus. Since there are a lot of bacteria found in soil, he'll have to grow a colony of bacteria, locate a strain of S. griseus, isolate it, then multiply it by using Hockenhul medium.

Second, he prepared for the dilution. The equipment used is nutrient agar composing 5 grams of peptone, 5 grams of sodium chloride, 3 grams of beef extract, 15 grams of agar, and 1000 millimeters of distilled water. The glassware is; a conical flask, Petri dishes, 1ml pipette, and test tubes.

Fortunately, in this world's era, autoclaves were already introduced, saving him a lot of time sterilizing each of the instruments.

Then in the dilution process where a solution mixed with soil sample and distilled water is transferred from one test tube to another, Alexander finished the process for thirty minutes.

After that, Alexander used the pipette to transfer the solution mixed and nutrient agar in the test tubes to each petri dish.

With that, step one is finished. He just has to wait for about five to six days for them to grow.

Looking at his wristwatch, Alexander saw the time was already two a.m. He started to feel sleepy and since his job for the day was done, he called it a day and left the laboratory.

Outside the door, there was a sign of mounted. "Keep Out, No Authorized Personnel Allowed!" With a picture of a biohazard symbol.


Six hours later.

Christina knocked at his door. "Brother, wake up! It's already 8 in the morning."

Her call was only met with a snore.

Christina sighed, he's usually up by this time.

"Brother!" She knocked on the door again.

She heard a grumble and then a soft thump from the bed.

"Brother, I'm coming in." She said as she opened the door.

Inside his bedroom, Christina saw Alexander lying in his bed, limbs stretched out in all directions, sleeping soundly loudly.

She stepped closer and noticed that he was still wearing a lab coat.

"Good morning, dear brother. It's morning. Can you hear me? Hmm?" She tilted her head to the side as she noticed her dear brother's sleeping face.

She giggled. "Your sleeping face looks so happy. You must be having a nice dream, huh?"

At this moment, Christina didn't notice that her hand is moving, touching his brother's face. "Oh, that can't do, I suddenly felt like touching you...But maybe it would be fine if it's just for a while..."

*Poke *Poke.

"It's soft,"

Alexander groaned and turned around on his bed.

*Poke *Poke.

"Wake up, dear brother." She poked his face until his eyes opened.

"Guh?" He sat up, blinked his eyes, and realized he was still in his room.

"Morning brother,"

"Ah, it's you, Christina." He rubbed his eyes and yawned. "So it's already morning huh?" He let out a groan again, "I felt like I haven't had much sleep?

"Looking at your attire, I see it as the case." Christina pointed at his lab coat, Alexander looked down and understood what she meant.

"Ah...yeah, I forgot to remove it, I was so sleepy that time so I couldn't care less." Alexander staggered out of his bed and removed his lab coat. "Is the breakfast ready?"

"Yes brother, Tiffania is waiting for us to join her," Christina answered.

"Hmm...then we shouldn't let her wait any longer."


As the de facto emperor who will be crowned in the future, Alexander has already assumed the role.

Yesterday, he planned his own daily activities as the head of state that goes something like this.

From 8: 00 a.m to 8: 45 a.m. in the morning is the time when he'll take a bath and have breakfast with his sisters.

At 9. 00 a.m is attending a daily report meeting with ministers.

From 10: 00 a.m to 11: 30 a.m is the time for his daily exercise. Doing cardio, physical exercises, and doing some weight lifting.

From 12: 00 a.m to 2: 00 p.m is where he'll do some paperwork in the emperor's study.

From 2: 00 p.m to 4: 00 p.m is a long walk around the palace with one of his siblings. Typically, this is his break time.

Today, he planned to stroll around the palace with Anastasia.


Dressed in a military overcoat, Alexander waited for Anastasia's servants. He was sitting on the bench which was covered by the canopy of a big tree in the center of the palace's garden.

Not long after, he saw the two servants walking toward him.

"Your Majesty!" The two servants bowed to him with respect. "Her highness, Princess Anastasia has arrived." They said.

Alexander nodded and stood up, he then walked towards the garden's entrance with his two servants.

"Hello, Anastasia." He said to a girl in the wheelchair, her face covered with a facemask.

"Hi, brother." Anastasia greeted.

"Shall we proceed?" Alexander said as he offered his arm.

Anastasia nodded adoringly.

Alexander head over behind Anastasia where he can push the wheelchair around the palace.

According to Alexander's memories, it's been months since they strolled together. She must've missed this moment.

"So Anastasia, how are you feeling?" Alexander struck a conversation.

"Never been better..." Anastasia replied sarcastically, she was never been better thanks to her disease.

"Don't worry, once I completed the medicine you'll be able to walk side by side with me in no time!" Alexander raised her hopes, it must've been hard for her to be alone in a room where she can't meet her brother and sisters normally.

Under her mask, Anastasia's lips curved up into a smile. "I trust you, brother. Even though I don't know what you're doing..." she laughed.

"You're not the first, your sister Christina and Tiffania looked at me like I was crazy when I told them I will save you."

Ana giggled, "I think that's normal since you're not even a doctor in the first place." she teased.

"Well, technically I'm not. But are the doctors taking care of you doing you any good?"

Ana shrugged.

"Even so, I'm still thankful for their continuous efforts." Alexander looked up at the clear blue sky.

Ana looked up as well and sighed. "I wish I could see you three without the mask."

Alexander stopped suddenly after hearing those words. She was that sad and were silent for a second.

Alexander walked around and stopped in front of her. He kneeled on one knee and removed his mask.

"!" Ana tried to stop him but it was too late as Alexander caught her delicate arm. Then he shunted her arms across and let go, her warm hand landing on his face.

"Ana, I promised that I will cure you. I've already started yesterday and will be completed in two or three weeks." Alexander assured, lovely caressing her hand.

"But're gonna get infected if I touch you..."

"Don't worry, that's not how transmission work. As long as you have the mask on, you won't infect me." Alexander assured.

"You said it will take you fifteen days right? Why did it change?" Ana said weakly, coughing.

"Because I didn't account for the level of technology this world has," Alexander answered without sparing a thought.

"Level of technology of this world?" Ana tilted her head to the side, quizzically.

Alexander realized his mistake and quickly took it back. "Ah, forget that I said that. Anyways, let's stop talking about sad things. Let's talk about your wish. What will you do when you after you recover?

"It's a simple dear brother. To spend time with you and my sisters, visit a city, eat together, things like that..." She chuckled bashfully. "Oh silly me..."

"That's a wonderful wish you have Ana. Don't worry, I will make sure to grant that wish of yours."

While they were having their sweet moments, a footstep was heard behind Ana. Alexander peeked over her shoulder and saw a middle-aged man in a military uniform. It was Sergei, his prime minister.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness. I hope the day is treating you both well." He bowed reverently.

"Sergei, is there something I can do for you?"

"I came here to deliver a news from our embassy in the Yamato Empire, can we talk somewhere else private?"

It sounded urgent, but Alexander shifted his attention to Ana.

"It's okay brother, just go. I'll be fine." Ana said, holding his hand.

Alexander nodded and stood up, he bowed to her. "Alright then, I'll be back," He beckoned at the servants watching from afar to come to take care of her. And then he turned to the prime minister, "Let's go."

The two men walked away from Anastasia, leaving her alone in the garden staring aimlessly at the sky as if she was reminiscing something.


"What's the matter, Sergei?"

"The Yamato Empire is willing to engage in a peace treaty, we are still waiting for their terms. But don't worry Your Majesty, I won't give them a penny or a land."

"Good, just make sure our losses are limited. Is that all you have to say? You know that information can wait until tomorrow right?"

"Well, there's also another sire this is about the assassination of you and your parents."

Alexander gulped after hearing that. "What is it?"

"I just got a call from the minister of the Department for Protecting Public Security and Order. The investigation results came in. They've made a positive ID on the explosives. We know who attacked your convoy."

Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince - Chapter 8: Things About to Get Serious
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