Black-Bellied Dad
Chapter 3 : Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 2News of Xu He Jun having a child soon spreads throughout the

Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 2

News of Xu He Jun having a child soon spreads throughout the entire building.

“People really aren’t how they seem!”

“Still, this is too sudden!”

“Xiao Dai knows about this too, how pitiful!”

“Don’t you know, this morning Su Xiao Dai arrived in Weng Yu Jie’s car!”

“Are you for real? She’s already found someone?”

“Aiya! When you come across this type of thing, the faster you leave the better! Also, Weng Yu Jie’s circ.u.mstances are way better than Xu He Jun’s.” Though you can’t say the same for his character.

“That’s right!”

“So, whose child is it?”

“I’ve heard that it’s an enigma … even the person involved doesn’t know.”

“Bulls.h.i.+t, when does this sort of thing ever happen?”

“Hah—Clunk!” Xu He Jun arrives at the company early, surrounded by the curious glances and hushed whispers of colleagues, buzzing around him like flies.

Squeezing the bridge of his nose, even without thinking, he knows who had talked.

He has since realized a single father’s circ.u.mstances are even worse than that of a single mother… at least most of these single mothers knew who fathered their child! But what about him and his poor baby?

“Xu He Jun,” the demoness calls from inside, “come into my office.”

His face immediately becomes pained.

He enters the general manager’s office as usual, gently pus.h.i.+ng open the door, sensing a chilling aura from within.

Ah, his pitiful life…

A 6 metre square office, flanked by two simple black walnut bookcases, with a deliberately high ceiling designed to make the room seem more s.p.a.cious. At the very centre is a neat black desk, and the demoness… eh, no, the general manager, sitting behind it. Once she sees him, she moves the light s.h.i.+elding screen to the side…

Huang Shang Rong: Work Mode On

Her eyes are so piercing that she doesn’t even need to draw her eyebrows since they’re defined enough as they are. Today her long, straight black hair is pulled back into a meticulous ponytail. The professional suits she wears always appear new, giving a bright and energetic feel. He’s long thought that once the demoness returns home, she’ll still maintain her battle form, so that at any given time, she’ll be ready for combat.

She probably doesn’t even have pyjamas! He wryly thinks.

“Where’s the child?”

Eh, to be asked so directly, Xu He Jun is momentarily startled.

Huang Shang Rong flicks the pen in her hand, bluntly addressing the main point, “The entire office is flaring up over the news. Even without asking, I’ll know the gist of it. Tell me, what do you plan on doing with the child?”

What does he plan to do? Honestly, even he doesn’t know. He’s never thought about these things before. Moreover, the one asking isn’t anyone else, but his direct superior.

What business is this of hers?

Seeing the blank look on his face, Huang Shang Rong asks more forcefully, “And the child? Where are you keeping him now?”

“At the nanny’s home.”

Her knitted brow slightly loosens, but her eyes are still fixed on him, “then in the future, do you plan on just leaving him with the nanny?”

“I have to work, and there’s no one to look after him. I can only spend more money and employ a nanny to look after him.”

Huang Shang Rong knits her brow again. “Do you know how much it costs to hire a nanny for a month? How do you plan on paying for this expense?”

“I’ll try…” Save! If it’s not from his once a week social and entertainment expense, then if he can, he’ll cut back on eating outside, but he doesn’t know how to cook…. This time he’s done for.

Taking out a piece of paper, she starts running the numbers for him. “Your monthly income is 35,000; 38,000 including overtime[1]. Just the cost of the nanny alone would be 15,000! Leaving you with 20,000 or so for rent and living expenses.”

“The child’s milk powder and diapers all cost money. One can of milk powder is 500[2] dollars. While its fine for now, once the child starts growing, he’ll need 3 or 4 cans. Not to mention the diapers. That’s used up as quickly as toilet paper. Even without the nanny costs, you’ll be spending 5-6,000 on the child. Did you think it through at all? Under your current circ.u.mstances, how do you plan on raising the child?”

As she speaks, Xu He Jun’s face turns green. While he knows his income isn’t much, the cost of one social outing a week, and the cost of his living expenses, is pretty much equal to his income…. But now with the added cost of raising a baby, ah, this is the reality of life!

Seeing that he still hasn’t spoken, Huang Shang Rong lays out her own plan, “You’re not the first single parent, nor will you be the last. As for a solution, what do you think of this proposal?”

She takes out a research folder and places it in front of him.

“There’s a 10 metre square room at the corner of our office floor that’s cluttered with random junk. I’ve long wanted to clear it out. If we can get it approved, it can be turned into a day-care room. Whoever uses it can pay a monthly fee for a qualified nanny and teacher to watch over the children. Not only would it put the parents’ minds at ease, it would also reduce costs.”

Xu He Jun’s eyes instantly brighten, deeply moved as he stares at Huang Shang Rong. She, for his sake, she ….

Twitching her lips, she knocks back his adoring gaze. “Don’t be so moved, this isn’t only for your sake. There are several career women with the same problem. But a few stubborn old coots upstairs have been blocking us. But now with you, a male counterpart, I believe they might reconsider.”

So it wasn’t for him, but for the career women in the company… While Xu He Jun’s grat.i.tude towards Huang Shang Rong falls, he truly admires her planning and foresight.

“So do you agree?” She brusquely asks

“I’ll do it.” If he can save money and effort, why wouldn’t he agree?

“Good, easy.” Huang Shang Rong’s eyebrows rise with approval. “Go and research it now. When you’re done, we’ll discuss the details.”

As he’s about to leave the office, a stern voice emerges from behind. “Where’s my coffee and aspirin?”

Xu He Jun is startled, recalling she hadn’t needed it for a while. “Your headaches are starting again?”

“Mnn,” Her eyes return to the computer screen, pressing down strongly on the temples of her head, but showing no change in her expression. “I haven’t been in the best condition these last few days.”

Pointing to himself, he quips “Is it because I wasn’t here?”

Huang Shang Rong shoots a sharp look at him filled with killing intent, but he merely smiles and shrugs his shoulders, unaffected.

“Where. Is. My. Coffee – ” She grits out each word

“Yes yes, I’ll bring it right away.” He retorts with a mischievous smile, before turning and leaving the general manager’s office.

A single person sits in the office, filled only with the sound of her typing, the *sha sha* noise as she taps away at her keyboard, and the occasional sound of the fax machine alerting her of more work to be done…

And right now, also the resounding echo of hushed voices —

“Acting like this, are you happy now!”

“Happy? She really couldn’t tolerate it….”

“Like this, ahaha! Like this, when will our family’s A Rong be married off?”

“Quiet.” Huang Shang Rong closes both eyes, trying to disregard the sounds in her head[3].

“Humph, Ming Ming really isn’t so tough, really just a love shunning bloated fatty.”

“Since it’s inevitable, what’s wrong with admitting it? The way I see it, Ming Ming is clearly a good kid…”

“Not good, not good. He’s so much younger than A Rong!”

“So what? All that matters is that they get along.”

“Finished speaking yet? Hurry up and return to your work!”

*Bam* Huang Shang Ron’s fist slams the table, just as Xu He Jun returns with her coffee. All the whispers instantly disappear. Hearing the sound of her hollering, he instantly rushes back.

“What’s wrong?”

Staring at him strangely, she closes her eyes as a mysterious light flickers across …. “It’s nothing.”

Since his boss said it’s nothing, then it’s probably nothing. Xu He Jun places the mug on her table, along with the aspirin and a file.

“This is a doc.u.ment the accounting department just sent. Could you please sign it?”

Bringing the coffee to her lips, she takes a small sip before frowning. “This coffee wasn’t brewed by you!”

Eh? Xu He Jun holds back his shock. How could she even tell? Just then, the newly hired Xue Fen wanted to learn how to brew coffee and he had guided her step by step! The scent and flavour are exactly the same! Yet the female demoness could still distinguish between them?

Huang Shang Rong places the coffee to the side, lightly commanding him “Go and brew me another cup.”

“But, this cup….”

Lifting her head, she sternly glares at him. “When I tell you to brew it, just brew it. Why are you wasting your breathe?”

Why? All coffee is black and bitter, isn’t it all the same? Xun He Jun secretly cries, uttering the term ‘Female Demoness’ in his heart. To think he had let her previous action get to his head.

When the door closes, the lone sound of her keyboard doesn’t last long, when the sound of chattering enters her ears —

“Ho! You were too fierce, and chased him away!”

The five attributes are empty; overcome all ills and suffering.[4] Huang Shang Rong chants, clearing her mind.

“He’s really cute, especially his flab, makes me really want to grab it.” *Suck* — The sound of saliva.

Form does not differ from the void, and the void does not differ from form…

“Then you go squeeze! I’ll be shocked if he doesn’t burn you to death!

“Ah! I was just saying! Why are you taking it so seriously?”

The same is true for desire, conceptions, impulses and consciousness.

A thin beam of light filters through, like the evening sun’s soft glow through a stained window, s.h.i.+ning on Huang Shang Rong’s shoulder.

Adjusting her collar, “If you’ve touched it, why don’t you share it with us, must be worth telling.”

A resounding *Bam*, Huang Shang Rong who can no longer withstand the sun’s headache inducing light, suddenly slams the desk, calling outside “Xu He Jun! Coffee!”

At night, almost all the lights are out as Xu He Jun bids the last of his colleagues a good night. Listening to the *bing* of the elevator, he knows he’s the only one left to work overtime.

Finis.h.i.+ng up the monthly reports, taking a moment to bite his sandwich and stretch his waist, he takes out the research material from his desk, containing the day care plan the general manager had given him.

Skimming through, he realizes just how bold the program is. Although it requires each member to contribute a few thousand every month, combined with the allowance from the company, it shouldn’t be a problem. The fact that the program will support children from 0 to 4 will be the real challenge.

From management’s perspective, it’s best if a company is purely a place of business. Of course Kai Shou’s operations aren’t small, but Jing Xiang is only one of its departments. While they naturally provide all the facilities and comforts required, an infant room would impact on workers’ productivity. It wouldn’t be appropriate to let toddlers who’ve just learnt how to walk stay in this sort of environment, while a child care room isn’t a kindergarten and the two shouldn’t be confused.

The mobile on his desk starts to ring. Looking at the number, he picks it up—

“Yo! How are you?”

“Still kicking.” He smiles bitterly.

“Back to our conversation, have you found the infant’s mother yet?”

“Not yet.” Xu He Jun sighs.

“You really don’t have any impression?”

Xu He Jun – carefree but serious/crafty when he needs to be (with second hand rice spatula). Even though they describe him as a gentleman…

Impression? Eh, he was at the peak of his youth, spring pretty much came every night. How could he remember whose bed he crawled into 11 months ago? That time, coincidentally, also had the end of year celebrations with colleagues. In a week, 2-3 days he’d be forced to eat out, and was so drunk his colleagues carried him home each time. How could he remember?

“I haven’t had the time to reflect on it. How’s my old man?”

“… You’ve almost caused him a brain aneurysm from all the anger.”

Xu He Jun falls silent for a moment. “After I’ve settled everything properly, I’ll go back and see him.”

Jiang Xu Hua sighs, “Actually he’s only throwing a tantrum, normal people would also react like this! You’re currently setting out alone, with only yourself to depend on, and for no reason, you’ve even added a child. Aunt wants to know if you need any help. If you can’t continue on, just come back.” He had also heard his younger cousin was just ditched by Su Xiao Dai – really too pitiful!

Although the two of them didn’t date for long, nor did they pledge vows of eternal love, but to be dumped at such a critical moment, he couldn’t even imagine how desolate his cousin’s heart would be.

“It’s alright. The general manager’s helped me a lot.”

“General manager? That female Emperor[5]?”

Huang Shang Rong, while her subordinates refer to her as the female demoness, her peers, clients and superiors occasionally call her the female Emperor.

She’s 31 this year, having entered Kai Shuo’s sales division as a fresh university graduate. From there she’s continuously climbed up, making a name for herself with her fierce style. At 26 she managed her unit. At 28, she a.s.sisted the general manager in arranging the affairs of the office. At 29, she became the deputy general manager, and last year she spent a year abroad to undertake further studies. When she returned, she rose to become the company’s youngest female general manager.

He’s often said, with her abilities, she’ll be able claim a senior position in central management before 40.

He’s never seen such an ambitious woman, no, more accurately, even men might not be able to match her drive. Her interests outside of work would still be work. To prepare for all eventualities is common sense. Her motto is to think of what others can’t, to do what others haven’t done, can’t do, or won’t do. Under her leaders.h.i.+p, the company’s staff is faster, better and more thorough than anyone else! Even those who are older and more conservative, watching the strong willed Huang Shang Rong, wouldn’t dare find problems with her face to face.

This woman, aside from fierce, it’s hard to find another word to describe her.

Xu He Jun smiles softly “She might be strict, but everything that needs to be done is done properly…” though she can be a little headstrong.

Even her infant care plan, which was harshly rejected 5 years ago, since it wasn’t cost effective, had too many requirements, and would treat the office like a kindergarten…

Reading the meeting minutes, even the 3 or so working mothers at the time, wanting to keep their jobs, preferred to spend more money and spend more time to seek a nanny outside, than to join her in protesting. By the end, it was only her unrelentingly pursuing the matter.

Right now, she’s pa.s.sed the ticking bomb to him. Although it’s hard to convince a large number of people, it’s not impossible. It just needs a few adjustments…

“Yes! She’s really talented.” Jiang Xu Hua unreservedly praises. “Which is why aunt[6] had placed you near her at the time. Aunt had mentioned you have a good head on your shoulders, but you lack ambition, so…”

“Alright, alright, I know what you’re trying to say.” Xu He Jun already guessed what was coming next. “But I really don’t think there’s anything wrong with the way I am now.”

“Of course there is!” The speaker starts blasting, “You’ll eventually have to inherit the company! You need to be sharpened, at the very least, to learn that imposing manner what will be below 1 person but above 10,000[7]!”

Xu He Jun purses his lips, “If you want me to do things, that’s fine. But I don’t like standing at the front of a crowd. If there’s a bullet, the first one will be aimed at me! No, I won’t do this! You come, or rather, why don’t I be one of your hidden advisors, and you can be in charge. This would be fine too, right?”

“Definitely not!” Jiang Xu Hua’s whole body shakes in shock as he listens. As cousins, they’ve been close since young. All the mischievous plans where thought up by him, and he’s always been the best at creating a ruckus, but every time the adults catch on and start scolding them, He Jun is always the first to escape! Who wants to take the fall for this sort of guy? “Dream on!”

“To be the boss is too conspicuous. People will challenge you for no reason at all. I’d rather be second. Then I’d truly only be below 1 person and above 10,000. That way everything will be in my palms, but no one will hold me accountable.” He chuckles from his end.

“And you want me to risk my neck? Really, you %&##,” Jiang Xu Hua curses. “Alright alright, stop trying to set me up. Aunt wants me to tell you, once you’ve sorted your affairs, bring her grandson home for her to hold.”

Aunt desperately wants to hold her grandson, but He Jun’s heart had never settled. Towards his family, he left with the excuse of making a name for himself, refusing to take a wife and start a family. But instantly, despite all his plans, a son unexpectedly falls from the sky for her to hold.

Originally, aunt was delighted, filled with thoughts of holding her grandson, but his uncle was infuriated. Thinking how 2 years ago He Jun had resisted all opposition and entered the company from the very bottom, wanting to rise from being a low level staff, live independently and experience the lives of the common people, and even ran into a son – Good, uncle will be waiting to see how he’ll raise his son as a single father!

Xu He Jun emits a bitter laugh, “Ah, it’s not like that”

“Ha! It’s exactly like that.” Gloating over his miserable state.

A noise suddenly resounds through the office. Xu He Jun quickly hangs up and raises his head. It’s her! Didn’t she finish work early?

Huang Shang Rong had also thought she was the only one in the office working overtime, and looks somewhat absentminded. Her originally tightly bound hair was loose; long and glossy as it drapes over her shoulders. Her eyes are misty, unlike how bright and alert they are during the day, stretching as she walks out of the office. The instant she see him, her eyes widen in shock, straightening herself as though preparing for battle, correcting her posture, restraining all her excess movements, and placing her hands together as she stares at him.

So even the female demoness needs to relax sometimes! His lips twist into a smile.

“Still haven’t gone home?” She raises an eyebrow, trying to exude her usually meticulous appearance.

“Yes, overtime.” Xu He Jun pats the day care file sitting on his desk.

“Oh, right. If you hadn’t mentioned it I would’ve forgotten.” She glances at her watch. “Then go and fetch two ready meals, we’ll discuss it as we eat. I’ve had enough coffee for today, just brew me a cup of tea.”

Hateful! Really a female demoness, she knows how to exploit people!

Xu He Jun picks up the beverage on his desk, drinking the rest of the bitter gourd tea before looking up to see the silent Huang Shang Rong.

Her lunchbox was already empty, but he had only taken a few bites from his. Hateful! He can’t even compete with her in eating! He scoops up two heaps of rice, shoving it into his mouth. Just then, she had merely listened to his report. Holding a pair of chopsticks in her left hand, and recording his proposal with the pen in her right. To be able to mult.i.task like that, now it’s his turn to eat.

Sipping on the hot tea, Huang Shang Rong turns her attention to his report, taking the time he uses to eat, to scribble her notes on a white piece of paper.

Not only are her abilities high, even her appearance is always held to a neat and professional standard. As a career woman, she appears to spend a lot of time and money on her looks. Her long and thin nails are always coated in a light and glossy nail polish. Ever since she entered the company, her nails have always been polished, while her physique is also well maintained.

None of the other female employees her age can pull of her high waisted, 23 inch skirt. Aside from the simple antique style Gucci watch on her left wrist, she’ll occasionally wear a striking Tiffany necklace when she’s in a good mood. Other than that, it’s rare to see her with any other accessories. Even her long, flowing hair is now neatly pulled to the back of her head. To her, there really is no time to let loose.

But regardless of how strict she is, she’s still a person! Doesn’t she have any ‘private’ time?

That is to say, dressing down at home, nestling on the couch watching TV, eating popcorn, laughing without regard for her appearance, or even disregarding her messy hair and dishevelled state to leave the front door and chase down the garbage truck?

“General manager, did you just … were you using your right hand to write, while eating with your left?”


“You’re … left-handed?” He knows some left-handers had wanted to switch hands, practicing to write and hold chopsticks with their right.

“No, I’m right-handed.”

“Then how did you…”

Huang Shang Rong raises her eyes towards him, “I trained it. Becoming ambidextrous saves a lot of time.” For example, eating and taking notes at the same time.

“This… your stomach will be upset!” Xu He Jun conscience voices.

“Chatty, just eat your food.” She shoots him down with one stroke, throwing his concerns back to his face.

“So what you mean to say is, if the design of the infant room is too complex, it’d distract from our company’s core functions — are they here for childcare or to work.”

He nods. “If we keep the initial plan simple, limiting it to just ‘baby-sitting’, many people would be willing to try. After all, to be able to save money and to find a close carer, who wouldn’t agree?”

“Wait wait, as you say … but?” She realized he still had something to add.

“Yes!” Xu He Jun’s mouth curls up with a smile, eyes restraining his laughter, clearly scheming.

“At the start we shouldn’t aim for anything too grand. Bring it a little closer to what people can accept. After we’ve gained some momentum, and the number of partic.i.p.ants increase, and it slowly becomes more acceptable, by that time, even if we want a games room, we’ll get a games room. If we need nursing time, there’ll be nursing time. Ah, we can even invite qualified carers. Teaching career women how to balance their work and families … hehe, this is what it means to use a long line to catch a big fish[8].”

Huang Shang Rong fixes her gaze on him, tacitly nodding her head, as one of her hands continuously records the plan in a notebook.

“Not to mention, right now having children is encouraged. If a company voluntarily sets up a child care room, we’d actually be able to receive more government grants. With more money, we can achieve things more easily, raising the scope and efficiency of our services! If we arrange things with enough impact, who knows, we might even make the news!”

“But, sitting at the top are a few old coots, I fear they won’t easily agree.” She starts raging at the mention of them.

“Leave this part to me, I’ll convince them.”

“What method do you have to convince them?” At the time even her ferocity had no effect, what could he do?

“Haven’t you heard of overcoming strength through adopting a soft approach?” Ah, his damaged brain, of course Huang Shang Rong wouldn’t have heard of it!

“What do you mean?”

“Those old foxes have sure climbed high. They couldn’t care less about the lives of their staff. Not to mention the important men in that generation, I dare say they’ve never changed a single diaper for their own children. Wanting them to sympathize with the struggles of a working woman – dream on! So you need to sell them a business plan, a ‘long term investment’. Present it as a plan that will not only make them money, but improve their reputation. Flatter them until their heads spin and their mood lifts, then they’ll agree.”

“Nnn….” Her face darkens. “This hand of yours, sounds like….”

“Like a bar hostess right?” Xu He Jun frankly states. “General manager, please understand one thing. Would a woman get more things if she used your method, or through behaving like a bar hostess?”

Pretending he doesn’t notice Huang Shang Rong’s face turning pale, he continues, “I don’t need you to imitate them, also for you, it’s probably… eh, it definitely wouldn’t suit you. I know, during the talk just maintain the company’s image and present yourself as a dedicated employee. No one will fault you for it. Just be sure to occasionally flatter them, praise them for their bravery and foresight, their consideration for the company’s image; and to undertake such an important task, who knows how many people would feel grateful towards them…”

“I’ll tell you, raise them up a little and they’ll be overwhelmed by the ‘adoration’, and start thinking ‘Ah! To think our female Empress would see us in such a light!’ I swear, as long as you’re willing to say it, they’ll readily have it signed and sealed.”

Huang Shang Rong: Work Mode Off

Huang Shang Rong was originally disgruntled over his suggestion, but after the way he described it, affecting by his enthusiasm, even she couldn’t restrain her laughter.

Xu He Jun is suddenly dumbfounded. While it wasn’t like her smile could compare to the heavens, it’s hard to deny the way she looks while laughing is more appealing than normal.

“To think, you even know how to laugh!”

The laughter instantly recedes, as Huang Shang Rong narrows her eyes into a glare. “Nonsense.”

“Not to mention, you’re a lot prettier when you laugh.”

Hearing this, she schools her expression, putting away the files on the desk. Before she leaves, she even lightly taps his head with the doc.u.ments. “Brat, don’t joke at this older sister’s[9] expense.”

Being looked down on? Xu He Jun rushes to tidy his things, briskly following her out.

“So, general manager, what do you think of my approach?”

Huang Shang Rong’s steps suddenly pause, instantly turning her head back. He hadn’t expected her to suddenly stop, slowing himself to avoid running into her — no, he did run into her but he manages to restrain himself just in time, braking right as he brushes against her shoulder.

She actually hadn’t jumped away, but stares at him with a strange look in her eyes.

The gaze causes Xu He Jun to feel unsettled, leaving him with no choice but to ask “So how is it?”

“Your solution is good, I knew I was too impatient before. Prepare the drafts and present it with me at the shareholder’s meeting next week. At that time we’ll introduce our proposal…” Her voice falls to a whisper, adding “I hope it”

“Don’t worry, management also stands to benefit, and will follow public opinion.” He continues to follow her closely. “But I’m really stunned, to think you’d care so much about the staff.”

Huang Shang Rong grunts with disapproval. Does he also believe she’s actually a female demoness?

“To think you had already prepared this plan for your female staff. If you had gotten the timing right, I think your chances of succeeding would be high, not to mention … you’d even give the plans to me, a man, unconditionally trusting me … I had originally thought you’d shoot down my plan for not having enough impact.”

Change is a revolution, his mother had often scolded him, to think he’d even burden someone else!

“Your approach is more comprehensive, only like this can we really resolve the issue.” She hums as she reflects, “Unlike me, the second I think of something, I’ll charge in head first, throwing a tantrum if it doesn’t work out. Sometimes harming people without even realizing.”

Did these words really come from Huang Shang Rong’s mouth?

“Your temper isn’t as bad as everyone thinks!”

“Nonsense! You don’t even know, once my headache starts acting up….” Reconsidering, she pauses. “Never mind, even if I tell you, you wouldn’t understand. I’m leaving, you should hurry up and return home too.”

“Right!” Xu He Jun suddenly shouts, his whole body jumping up, “Oh G.o.d, I forgot! I need to bring Hao Hao home! d.a.m.nit, it’s already past 8, he must be crying to death!”

“Hao Hao?”

“The little baby’s name, I’m calling him Xu Hao.”

He’s even picked out a name? Huang Shang Rong is momentarily stunned, unable to stop herself from panicking with him. “You, how could you forget something like this?”

“How would I know? I’ve only started leaving him with a nanny yesterday, I completely forgot!” He rushes to his seat, clearing his desk, before glancing outside – “s.h.i.+t, it’s raining!”

Looking outside, she sees the pouring rain, with raindrops the size of beans. .h.i.tting the window. The windows were originally sound proof, hearing the sound of the rain shows just how powerful it is. Huang Shang Rong’s mind suddenly pictures a grown man riding on his second hand motor bike, rus.h.i.+ng towards the nanny’s home, cradling his barely 1 month old son in his arms, as they walk home in a raincoat….

A father’s love sure is deep.

“Get in the car, I’ll take you this time.”

Next time on BBD:

It’s actually pretty late, yet he’s bringing her back to his place. Thinking it over, he starts to regret it. It’s not like he’d do something to Huang Shang Rong, but what if she does something to him… Hey hey, enough! His imagination is too excessive. It’s probably not like that, she just wants to hold his son for a bit.


[1] 1 USD = 30 TWD approximately
38,000*12/30 = $15,200.00 annual income. Taking into account PPP it’s probably similar to living on $30,000 USD. Nanny costs + other child rearing costs is over half his income

[2] Just under $16

[3] Huang Shang Rong trying to ignore the conversation outside, discussing a relations.h.i.+p between colleagues, the chubby Ming Ming and older A Rong.

[4] The Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra – recognizing the emptiness of the Five Fundamental Conditions of Pa.s.sion and Delusions; everything in italics is Huang Shang Rong reciting it line by line to calm herself while trying to ignore Ming Ming and A Rong again.

[5] Ping Ying: Nu Huang Di, also a pun on her last name Huang (Yellow)

[6] Maternal aunt – Jiang Xu Hua is related to Xu He Jun through his mother

[7] A person who’s power is only below the Emperor’s/heavens but towers above everyone else

[8] Long term plan for major returns

[9] Not related (obviously or it’d make a weird story), but used by older/higher ranking women to signify familiarity and to claim respect at the same time

Chapter 3 : Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 2News of Xu He Jun having a child soon spreads throughout the
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