Black-Bellied Dad
Chapter 2 : Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 1 In this world there is a mysterious force called ‘power’. “A

Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 1

In this world there is a mysterious force called ‘power’.

“Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Early one morning, no, it’s no longer considered early, but to those with no set lifestyle, 10 is considered quite early.

Weng Yu Jie walks out of the general manager’s office, seething before he even returns to his seat.

“Someone’s been raged at by the female demoness!” The office’s mischievous imp, Su Xiao Dai quips, sending a playful wink.

“These days her temper has been really bad.”

“Her Auntie[1]’s probably been visiting.”

Another young male employee remarks: “Eh? Isn’t she a man?”

The office bursts into noise.

Ignoring the ignorant chatter of his colleagues, Weng Yu Jie angrily returns to his seat in a huff “I only entered the conference room 2 minutes late! Doesn’t she know there’s a line for the elevator at 8am? And to think their discussion took half an hour, she was probably just prattling on with the clients… Right! She’s the best at wasting time, I figure her job is just to p.i.s.s us off!”

“Calm down, Calm down, next time just arrive on time!”

“I have to commute every day! Since I live in the Tian Mu region, travel takes at least an hour, but she doesn’t know how to sympathize with the working man ah…”

“You live in the Tian Mu region?” Su Xiao Dai’s eyes widen. “The residences there aren’t cheap!”

“It’s alright!” Weng Yu Jie waves his hand. “We’ve lived there for ages. My dad had earnt quite a bit selling off the farm, and used the money to buy an investment property. My mum lives there. Actually my parents mostly live in Yi Lan, since the scenic view makes it a good place to retire. But honestly, we also have quite a few properties in the south, but since we don’t live there, we usually rent it out…”

“Wow, then aren’t you a second generation, who can just sit and wait for the money to roll in?”

“Pretty much” Weng Yu Jie sighs, waving his hand. “I thought so too, but my father insists that since I’m still young, I need a legitimate job. But this so called legitimate job, isn’t it just getting told off? Humph, that demoness, her monthly wage can’t even compare to a fraction of our family’s earnings. If she me off again, I’ll use the money to bludgeon her to death!”

The mouths of several colleagues’ twitch, as they pretend to work unperturbed. This year, this kind rookie seems more and more common…

“Heh” Su Xiao Dai tilts her head and laughs. “It’ll be quite a sight when that happens.”

Weng Yu Jie moves the wheels on his chair, sliding to her side. “Eh, your boyfriend isn’t coming again today?”

“Yeah” She shrugs her shoulders, smiling helplessly. “He said the situation is becoming more tangled and it’s a crucial time for him.”

“What crucial matter is it?”

“Even I don’t know, he said he’ll tell me about it later.”

A devilish grin appears as Weng Yu Jie uses this opportunity to sow discord, “He must be keeping a woman on the side, but too scared to let you know.”

“Impossible!” Su Xiao Dai pushes him away “He Jun wouldn’t dare!”

“Yeah, he doesn’t have the courage!” A middle-aged man beside them adds, “That brat can’t even flirt with women. Last time a hostess sat on his lap and he was so scared he pushed her to the floor.”

Remembering Xu He Jun’s panicked look, the entire office bursts into laughter.

Su Xiao Dai pouts, voicing out her discontent “How could you guys take He Jun to that sort of place?”

“Ah, someone’s jealous! It’s nothing, it was a while ago, when He Jun first entered and we took him drinking. A long time ago, so Xiao Dai, don’t be mad!”

Su Xiao Dai was the positive energy that lifted the company’s spirits, raising the mood in an otherwise dreary, male-oriented workplace. Aside from the demoness sitting at the top, the entire department had dozens of male workers but only four female workers. Aside from Su Xiao Dai, one was married, one was an incompetent graduate, while the other was too prudish, over 30 years old and without a single boyfriend. Compared to them, Su Xiao Dai was youthful and vibrant, adorable yet approachable, making her the ideal girlfriend in the hearts of these bachelors.

But a recent development smashed the beating hearts of these men. To think that the fresh-faced, overseas returnee, Xu He Jun, would steal the untouchable flower in everyone’s hearts!

That brat is said to be academically gifted, though it isn’t rare for ‘Kai Shuo[2]’ to accept bright minds, but he had actually transferred here from an overseas branch. Overseas recruits are few and lucrative, requiring not only experience and qualifications, but also the right connections. So the people in these positions are either talented young upstarts, or ambitious schemers attempting to climb the ladder. However, as these positions don’t come around often, those who can hold these jobs while young, and backed by overseas experience, rarely let go of it.

But the strange thing is, why would someone recruited by the overseas division, return to TW[3] to compete with them? Also his position is only half as high as his equally qualified peers! Almost the same level as fresh graduates, causing them to suspect whether that brat had ticked off his manager, for him to be sent to the Kai Shou branch as the general manager’s a.s.sistant.


“Laugh laugh laugh, what could possibly be so funny!”

The demoness pushes her door open, sending a sharp killing aura as her eyes sweep the room, staring down each slacker at his desk until he cries for his mother, when they land on the seat in front of her.

“Where’s Xu He Jun? He should be submitting his report to me now. Where the h.e.l.l is he?”

“General Manager, he took leave today.”

“Another day off?” A complex look momentarily flickers through her eyes as they fall on Xu He Jun’s empty seat, “the clients are coming in to the company today, and he dares to take a day off!”

Everyone sat at their seats, with lowered heads, refusing to look up or stand out … they glance towards one another, but no one dares to speak up for him.

“If he doesn’t show up again next week, tell him not to bother coming at all.” The sharpness in her eyes fade, as she turns to the middle aged man beside her. “Rick, glance over the client file and come with me to greet them in the afternoon.”


“Xue Fen, tidy up the conference room before 3pm and prepare 6 servings of coffee and refreshments.”


“Denny, call ‘Dong Guang’ before noon to confirm their manager’s itinerary, and arrive at their company to escort them at 2pm sharp.”


“Xiao Dai, hand me the aspirin … it’s in He Jun’s drawer … wait, actually Sharon, you get it for me! I want double, also make me a coffee, no sugar, no cream…”

–Once He Jun’s tasks are distributed, the demoness turns on her heels, and returns to her own office.

Everyone instantly breathes a sigh of relief, as they glance at each other, before releasing a liberating laugh.

How like the demoness, not leaving them a moment to spare.

“Xiao Dai,” Weng Yu Jie smoothly slides towards her on his chair, “Since He Jun is too busy to accompany you, why don’t you join me for dinner?”

Su Xiao Dai isn’t stupid, so of course she knows what the men in the office are thinking. Using her hand to support her head, she twists her lips “I’d like to, but after work I’m planning to go to his place to find him!”

“Then how about we eat first, and bring a lunchbox with us when we visit him?”

Staring at his face, she’s smart enough to know what he’s plotting. Although it’s a little unfair towards He Jun … but before marriage, who can blame her for keeping her options open?



After 9 at night, Su Xiao Dai and Weng Yu Jie arrive at Xu He Jun’s old apartment with a lunchbox. Pressing the doorbell, they can ascertain that he’s at home and can hear the sounds inside, but it still takes a while before they see him.

“It’s you guys,” Xu He Jun looks through his screen door, before opening it to let Su Xiao Dai in, but blocking Weng Yu Jie from entering. “Thanks for bringing her here, I’ll send her back later.”

“Eh eh, He Jun, you’re not being very hospitable! I…”

“I have something I need to discuss with Xiao Dai, I’ll treat you to lunch another time, bye.”

Xu He Jun unexpectedly slams the door, turns his head towards Su Xiao Dai, and sighs.

“Come in! I have something I need to tell you.”

Su Xiao Dai obediently follows behind him. She had visited his home twice before, and knows that it’s bare and filled with used items, since he can’t afford many luxuries with his financial situation. Even his couch was given to him by one of the neighbours, while his rice cooker, fan, shoe rack and table… were all bought second hand at a flea market….

Sometimes she can’t stand him, why is everything second hand? He said he wanted to save money, but rice cookers, bowls and ladles are cheap, and can be used for over 20 years. To think he’d even cut back on those!

Really just a miser.

But wait, what’s that thing in the middle of the living room?

In the middle of the living room is something that shouldn’t belong to Xu He Jun, no, it shouldn’t belong to any man, any bachelor —

— a decrepit cot, with the surrounding railings either missing or rusted. Before she can ask him why he’d buy such a useless thing, a baby’s cry emerges, as though its life were at stake.

“There, there, don’t cry…” Xu He Jun sweeps up the crying infant, looking helpless and confused while staring at her.

Watching her boyfriend carrying a bawling infant, holding the infant awkwardly with one arm, and a bottle of milk in the other, before hurrying to change his diapers, as golden brown p.o.o.p stains his hands, the image of her normally proper and elegant boyfriend suddenly hits rock bottom.

“Whose child is it?”

“… mine.”

“Yours?” Su Xiao Dai cries aloud. When did he get a child?

Seeing her abnormal reaction, Xu He Jun calmly explains.

“Believe me, I’m even more shocked than you.”

“How can this be?” She points at the child, then at him.

“Yesterday morning, he appeared on my doorstep.”


“At the time, there was a letter on him saying he was mine.” He takes out an envelope from a nearby cabinet, and it to her.

Although Su Xiao Dai was surprised, she quickly skims over the contents of the letter, before calmly asking “You’re just going to blindly believe what’s written here?”

“I originally couldn’t believe it….” Xu He Jun’s eyes grow dark. “But it’s the truth.”


“I’ve taken a DNA test, we are definitely related.”

That is to say, he had missed two days of work for this?

“Who’s the child’s mother?” They had only dated for three months. Technically speaking, this child had resulted from a prior relations.h.i.+p. Should she be mad? No, she’s his girlfriend. After seeing her boyfriend hold a child in his arms, it’s normal for her to freak out.

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?” Su Xiao Dai shrieks again, “How could you possibly not know!”

“I really don’t know.” Xu He Jun was also exasperated. Normally he’d have a complete grasp of the situation. No matter what type of accident, it wouldn’t compare to the infant “accident” in his arms.

“Then what do you plan on doing?”

“Right now, I plan on finding a nanny for him. My family is already helping me look for one…”

“Wait wait,” She stops the next words from leaving his mouth. “You plan on raising him?”

“Of course.”

Su Xiao Dai loses her normally calm expression, grabbing her hair, “You don’t even know where this brat came from! And you want to raise him? What about me?”

“This is what I wanted to talk to you about,” Pulling at his hysterical girlfriend, Xu He Jun calmly states “Since he’s my child, I definitely won’t abandon him.”

“But that has nothing to do with me!”

“If you still want to continue dating, it’ll have something to do with you.”

Her face falls as she remains silent, carefully eyeing him.

“I want to raise him, and you are my girlfriend… so this is a problem you’ll have to face.”

“What problem?” Clutching her bag, Su Xiao Dai feels unsettled.

“If you stay, you’ll need to look after the child with me; if not, let us break up.”

Pressing her lips together, her mind is currently a mess, unable to process the two outcomes…

At the time, what she liked about Xu He Jun, aside from his honest appearance and his interesting opinions, maybe female intuition isn’t always accurate, but she had always felt he was different from other men. If she was with him, she thought he’d do everything to make her happy…. But to think he’s now placing this unknown child first, while she had become second… …

“Hand him over to Social Welfare.” Su Xiao Dai regains her composure.  “Just because he appeared in front of you doesn’t make him your responsibility. Since his mother doesn’t want him, you don’t need to act like a good person. Place the child with Social Welfare and they’ll find him a more suitable home.”

“This is unrelated,” Xu He Jun coldly replies. “Since I know he’s my son, there’s no way I’ll s.h.i.+rk my responsibilities. Even if his mother decides she doesn’t want him, I’m set on raising him. If you want to stay, then stay; if you leave, I won’t blame you. After all this is between me and the child. I won’t burden you with it.”

“You… you don’t love me?” Batting her teary eyes, she couldn’t have imagined that the proper gentleman Xu He Jun would ever be so blunt.

To break up so easily, did he not have any sentiments towards her?

“This has nothing to do with love!” Sighing, he strokes her long hair. “I hope you think it through clearly. Whether you stay or go, I won’t blame you. This is my life and I need to take responsibility. While your life is your responsibility.”

How did it come to this? Being with him, she had wanted to quickly and happily enjoy love, why would there be this sort of twist? What should she do? If she stays, she’ll end up helping him raise a child completely unrelated to her. Even if they eventually get married and have their own baby, a rift would always exist. It’s impossible for her to consider this child as her own.

But if she left Xu He Jun, wouldn’t she appear as a selfish and opportunistic woman?

She struggles – should she give up on a good man, or resolve herself to tolerate this unrelated child?

“I know you’re still shocked, but it’s better for you to decide early. We’re not young anymore and I don’t want to waste your time.” This situation is inevitable, so he’d rather let her know and make her decision earlier.

Did he have her in his heart or is he just being cruel? After a while Su Xiao Dai still finds him unfathomable.

Maybe it’s because he’s like this, unlike the other men at the office who always followed her around, trying to please her. Although he looks gentle on the outside, compared to those sweet-talking men, he’s much more unwavering. Knowing what he really wants, her woman’s intuition tells her, this kind of man won’t be mediocre all his life. So at the time she had approached him, but now…

Looking at the infant with half-lidded eyes, nestled in his arms… Ah! She doesn’t even want a child of her own, let along someone else’s.

This kind of mother, why didn’t she just abort it at the time. Why cause trouble for someone else?

“Let me think about it…” Clasping her hands, Su Xiao Dai eludes the tests of the Heavens.

Xu He Jun pats the infant’s back, rocking him, while telling her “Wait for me to send you back.”

When she doesn’t respond, half an hour waiting for him to finish feeding the child his milk, finding a baby sling to secure him around his chest, creating an image that is just too ridiculous!

“Why do you even have all these things?” She points to the cot, and to the other baby items.

“The auntie next door gave them to me. She’s had 3 kids and found these things in her storage. Actually, there were a lot of things that were unusable, this sling was actually the cleanest.” He takes his keys in one hand and holds her hand in the other. “Let’s go! I’ll send you back.”

Su Xiao Dai felt the urge to break out of his grip. She really doesn’t want to be with him while he’s like this…

“You’re not leaving the child at home?”

“Can’t, it’s too dangerous.”

“But he’s almost asleep. Isn’t it when a child sleeps, nothing will happen to them?”

Xu He Jun turns his head and stares at her, as though he knows what she’s thinking. Instead of getting angry, he calmly informs her “Xiao Dai, a child isn’t a pet.”

His one sentence causes Su Xiao Dai to feel ashamed, when she suddenly realizes, there’s no way she’ll be able to raise this child with him.

Leading her downstairs, Xu He Jun is about to take out his motorcycle, when he sees Weng Yu Jie stub out his cigarette and run towards them.

“Why are you still here?” Su Xiao Dai is somewhat surprised, but is even more red-faced that he had seen the image of Xu He Jun carrying a little baby.

“I felt a little uneasy, which is why I waited downstairs. I thought that if I waited a while, if it was necessary….” His gaze drifts towards Xu He Jun, suddenly realizing there’s a small meatball hanging around his chest …. “Eh, this… What is this?”

“This is my child.” Xu He Jun steadily explains.

“Your child?” Weng Yu Jie can hardly contain his shock. Xu He Jun and Su Xiao Dai weren’t even upstairs for an hour and yet there’s a kid? No, logically speaking that’s impossible! Putting aside the ridiculous notion, they had only dated a little over 3 months, so it’s impossible for them to… so this child and Su Xiao Dai shouldn’t have any relation?

If it’s unrelated to her, but related to Xu He Jun… Mmm mmm, he understands, Xu He Jun must have been “snacking” on the side and done a runner. In addition, Su Xiao Dai’s unsettled look must be one of the present girlfriend forced to accept this situation … He really envies himself, to be able to deduce the entire situation in such a short about of time.

But to think, the usually serious and diligent Xu He Jun would actually “snack” from 3 bowls…

“You… want to send Su Xiao Dai back?”


Weng Yu Jie carefully a.s.sesses the situation. He had heard Xu He Jun’s second hand motorcycle was bought at an auction half a year ago. Although there hasn’t been any problems with it so far, just the sound of the engine roaring would make people feel unsettled. Adding to that, two adults and a child, this type of strange image makes it hard to resist gaping.

“Eh, it doesn’t look very convenient for you.” He points to the infant at his chest. “Why don’t I send Xiao Dai back? Since it’s on the way.”

Xu He Jun’s eye darken as he reaches for Su Xiao Dai’s hand, when she unexpectedly withdraws it first.

“It’s fine, let Yu Jie take me back. The child looks like he really wants to sleep. You should also rest early. Tomorrow you still need to come in to work.”

Her response should be obvious enough, okay! Su Xiao Dai knows that once a relations.h.i.+p is over, it should be broken off cleanly. She quickly slips behind Weng Yu Jie’s back, too scared to look at his expression.

“Alright,” Xu He Jun doesn’t rage or get angry, but calmly smiles. “I also think it’s a little inconvenient. Thanks Yu Jie. Xiao Dai, send me a text once you get home, so I know you’ve made it back safely.”

He moves his motorbike back to its original position. Only carrying the infant back upstairs after seeing Su Xiao Dai leave in Weng Yu Jie’s car.

Chapter 2 : Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 1 In this world there is a mysterious force called ‘power’. “A
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