Black-Bellied Dad
Chapter 4 : Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 3 “Can you drive?” She asks, as Xu He Jun carries his son back

Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 3

“Can you drive?”

She asks, as Xu He Jun carries his son back from the nanny’s.

“Er—-” he struggles to answer.

“You can’t?” Huang Shang Rong raises her brow. Fair enough, as a man who’s just entered society, who can’t even afford to replace his second hand motor cycle, he really shouldn’t be expected to know how to drive.

“Mnn, it’s better if you drive.”

It’s not that he doesn’t know, but he grew up in England, so he’s used to driving on the left. Since he came back, he’s mostly been driven around by relatives, or used public transport. And when he started living alone, he’s been using his second hand motor cycle. Which is to say, he hasn’t had many chances to drive. For the sake of their lives, he wouldn’t risk acting brazenly.

Huang Shang Rong keeps her eyes on the road, occasionally glancing at the infant in his arms. Noticing her gaze, Xu He Jun asks “What’s wrong?”

“The way you hold him doesn’t look very comfortable, seems awkward.” She turns her head back to the front.

“Well of course!” His forehead wrinkles as he speaks. “I’ve never held such a soft and delicate thing before, and he only arrived a few days ago.”

Putting on a calm façade, she mentions “This is why I asked if you could drive. I was thinking … I could help you carry him for a while.”

Xu He Jun stares in shock, “I thought you wouldn’t like children.”

“What? Why would you think that?”

“Career women generally don’t like kids, right?”

“Who told you that? I… mnnn alright! Maybe I might not like them, but I don’t know. That’s why I wanted to hold him and see!”

When she says it like that it makes sense. “Then when we return, you can hold him and see.”

It’s actually pretty late, yet he’s bringing her back to his place. Thinking it over, he starts to regret it. It’s not like he’d do something to Huang Shang Rong, but what if she does something to him… Hey hey, enough! His imagination is too excessive. It’s probably not like that, she just wants to hold his son for a bit.

Sure enough, once she leaves the car, Huang Shang Rong grabs … no, firmly takes the child from his arms, placing him into her own, leaving him slightly stunned. So not all strong career women hate children. Although her skills aren’t very developed, but watching her holding the child with the utmost care, it’s really different from how he, a grown man, had carried him. So even a fierce female Emperor, in front of this soft and tiny little thing, could soften and be wrapped around his finger?

Truly the soft defeats the strong.

Contemplating over Huang Shang Rong’s two sides, he subconsciously leads her back to the third floor, to his own doorstep. Seeing that she hasn’t wanted to return the child, it looks as though she wants to carry him inside herself….

“It’s already late, for you … wouldn’t there be a problem?” Not only is she his superior, she’s also older than him by a few years, it’s better to draw a line.

“Why would there be a problem?” She shoots her gaze at him.

“Er, no no, definitely no problem.”

Lightly opening the door, Xu He Jun can only close it after her.

“Do you want something to drink?” As the host, he should at least show common courtesy. “Is coffee alright?”

Originally beaming as she teases the little baby, she suddenly turns her head, harshly eyeing him.

“Are you stupid? Who drinks coffee in the middle of the night? Anything’s fine!”

Wuwu[1]… why is she so gentle towards the baby, yet so fierce towards him?

While Xu He Jun goes to the kitchen to brew tea, Huang Shang Rong takes the opportunity to hold the baby, gazing at him with eyes full of profound love and affection.

A chubby, round little face, big bright eyes, tender and rosy cheeks, and an innocent expression, dressed in a little white coat with a pink floral border… really too cute! It’d suit him more if he were a girl, but a cute baby will always be cute regardless!

Carrying the tea from the kitchen, Xu He Jun hadn’t known the usually strict and serious Huang Shang Rong would be so fond of children. Aren’t headstrong women usually withdrawn from kids? Okay, maybe he shouldn’t generalize. But, watching her blowing raspberries on his son’s stomach, until he merrily laughs, even from the sidelines, he can feel the joy between them.

“You’re actually this fond of children!

“Your son is just too adorable!”

Xu He Jun lightly places the hot tea on the table. “But how come you didn’t think that he’s actually a girl?”

“How can he be a girl?” She places her head near the baby’s chest, sniffing the scent of milk.

“Because he’s wearing pink clothes.” The neighbouring auntie had 3 daughters in a row. All the clothes she gave him were pink. Even the nanny, having raised countless children, had thought he was a girl at the start.

“Whether he’s a boy or a girl, as a father don’t you know? Just because he’s wearing pink, doesn’t make him a girl.”

Nonchalantly sipping on his tea, Xu He Jun gently states “What you said is right, but if I remember correctly, I’ve never told anyone that this child is a boy[2].”

Huang Shang Rong’s smile freezes, and the hand used to tease the infant stills; pausing for 5 seconds before instantly reverting to a calm state.

“That time when you were screeching, you clearly stated you needed to pick up your son.”



If she says yes, then yes it is. Xu He Jun leans back onto his second hand couch. For now, he won’t argue with her, but honestly speaking, the words that he, Xu He Jun, has said, he’s never forgotten.

Maybe she feels guilty, or maybe she just wants to change the topic. Huang Shang Rong quickly asks, “What’s his name?”

“Xu Hao, but I usually call him Hao Hao.”

“Since it’s a boy, then you should have him wear boy’s clothes! It’s not a great idea to muck around with these things.”

“Right now he’s wearing old clothes, so we’ll have to make do! It’s the neighbour’s kind intentions. We’ll think about it once he outgrows them.”

“Not good enough! He’s your son, you should treat him better.”

Xu He Jun frowns. Just as he’s about to ask why she’s so worked up, Huang Shang Rong starts to elaborate—–

“Looking at your son, I’ve realized I actually really like kids. That’s good. If it’s not convenient for you to do so, I can help you buy a few sets of clothes for him. Think about it, if you always let your son wear female clothes, when he grows up and sees the pictures, who knows how it might affect him, and the problems it might cause.”

“It can’t be that serious!”

“Of course it is. It’s only a set of clothes, don’t bicker with me.”

“General manager, you really don’t need to….”

“Need to or not, I’ve realizes your son and I have an affinity towards each other. How about this, I’ll be his G.o.dmother. He’s recently reached his first month right? A golden lock is too impractical[3]. In the afternoon, I’ll take him to a department store for toys and new clothes. Also, also, look, how can someone sleep in this crib? What if he rolls around and the base of the bed breaks? As a father, how can you be so thoughtless!”

“General manager….”

“Stop wasting words! I’m your son’s G.o.dmother, not yours. If someone wants to pamper your son, why wouldn’t you agree? Between heaven and earth, how can there be someone like you!” Regardless of what he says, she’ll hit back with all her might.

Xu He Jun pauses for a moment, waiting until she stops speaking, before stating “General manager, the fact that you don’t mind us father and son, and you’re even willing to be Hao Hao’s G.o.dmother, I’m naturally happier than anyone else, only… For me to make such a huge blunder, and the fact that my direct superior doesn’t hold it against me, and even wants to become Hao Hao’s G.o.dmother, I just don’t want to draw unnecessary attention … after all, you’re still single, so I’m afraid…”

“What are you afraid of? Even if the sky falls I’ll be there to s.h.i.+eld you … uh no, s.h.i.+eld both of you, and at the branch, I have the final say, who would dare oppose me?”

Right right right, no one can compare to the might of the female demoness. If she wants to do something, the reality is no one can truly block her.

With her guarantee, Xu He Jun’s expression changes from that of a pitiful daughter-in-law into a dazzling smile, laughing as he takes his son, waving his little hand at Huang Shang Rong, “Good son, quickly call to your G.o.dmother!”

*Xi xi, ge ge ge —* The little infant opens his mouth, emitting a joyous laugh.

Eh? How could he change so quickly? One moment he’s a poor, bullied daughter-in-law, but the next second….

She… was she just… played?

“Hao Hao’s G.o.dmother,” Xu He Jun’s att.i.tude towards Huang Shang Rong suddenly becomes intimate. “Since you’ve become my son’s G.o.dmother, there’s something I want you to see.”

“What is it?”

She watches Xu He Jun walk back to his room, returning with an envelope. “The day I picked up Hao Hao, I found this on him. I want his G.o.dmother to take a look.”

Huang Shang Rong’s expression turns strange, but she reaches out to take the envelope, silently reading it from start to finish.

“What are your thoughts?” He drinks his warm tea, placidly asking.

“… She doesn’t seem very responsible?” Normal people would react like this, right?

“Don’t you think she’s really bold?” Xu He Jun’s eyes light up, suddenly leaning towards her.

Bold? What do you mean?

“In the letter, she writes the reason she left the infant with me is because he’s a boy. In other words, if she had given birth to a daughter, she would’ve kept her.”

She nods her head. “Yes, that sounds right.”

“She reminds me of the ancient Amazon warriors.”

Ah? Huang Shang Rong widens her eyes, stunned that he would describe it in such a manner.

“The ancient Amazonians were a fierce race that lived in a matriarchal society. Usually the tribe consists only of women. If one of the members gives birth to a daughter, they’ll work together to raise her. But if it’s a son, they’ll return him to the father, letting the two fend for themselves.”

Huang Shang Rong lowers her head, drinking her tea without a sound.

He continues, “According to legend, these Amazonians were truly fierce. To make it easier to draw their bow, they’d even remove their own breast, leaving only one side for nursing. Hao Hao’s G.o.dmother, do you think Hao Hao’s real mother could actually be an Amazon warrior?”

Huang Shang Rong turns white, then green. Even at a time like this, he’s still in the mood to joke!

“I’m really curious! What type of person is she? I really want to know.”

“You really have no idea?”

He shakes his head. “But if I had to guess, she’s probably a strong and aggressive woman, not to mention unparalleled in ferocity. Who knows, when she actually appears, everyone might instantly be silenced… Ah Jeanne d’Arc, don’t you think she might be Jeanne d’Arc?”

… Does Hao Hao’s mother know her child’s father might be a moron?


Before the ceremony starts, two elites enter the company’s conference room. Immediately, one of them pulls at Xu He Jun, asking “a.s.sistant Xu, I heard you’ve recently added a son?”

His mouth quirks into an embarra.s.sed smile, “Yes, looks like everyone’s heard about it!”

“When was he born? Why didn’t you give out red eggs[4] to celebrate?”

He tries to maintain his smile, “I’m currently a little preoccupied, but when I have time I’ll make it up to everyone.”

“Oh that’s right! The little guy appeared so suddenly, if it were me, I’d also have a headache. That being said, who’s the child’s mother? Do you really not recall?”

Xu He Jun smiles without saying a word, but rather, it’s Huang Shang Rong sitting at the front, who turns back, directly appearing before them, staring down at the two meddlesome men.

“Sam, the ads submitted by your marketing unit last quarter don’t seem to be performing well! At the time, who was it that claimed by advertising on TV, we would increase our exposure, and consequently our productivity? At today’s meeting, the CEO is pretty much riling to gut you, yet you still have time to laugh at my a.s.sistant’s expense!”

Once the words are said, his face turns a shade of green. Did she have to phrase it so blatantly?  People say the female Empress, Huang Shang Rong, shouldn’t be trifled with, how true! But even her a.s.sistant can’t be touched? Humph! Really a control freak of a woman.

“Manager Huang, your a.s.sistant made such a huge blunder, did you truly not know about it beforehand?”

“I’m not the Immortal Luo[5] and can’t foresee everything. If I could, I’d definitely warn you the day when your wife starts searching motels and finds you with your mistress, and tell you not to use business trips as an excuse.”

This move is even more ruthless! Shedding light on his open secret!

“You… don’t you have anything better to do than to bring up my personal life?”

“If you don’t mention it, I won’t mention it, its best if no one brings any of it up.”

Consequently, the colleagues that had originally been laughing at Xu He Jun, not wanting to be thoroughly picked at by the female demoness, quietly unstick their nose from the situation and retreat back to their seats.

Huang Shang Rong nods with satisfaction before heading back to her own seat.

Watching her closely guard him, Xu He Jun emits a bitter laugh. Actually, he’s never taken these type of snide remarks to heart. Just let them say what they want to say. In fact, the fiercer they are, the easier it is to distinguish between friend and foe.

“Don’t be afraid, I’ll protect you.” Lowering her body, she whispers next to him.

This time, he really couldn’t laugh. “Hey hey, I should be the one to say that line!”

Her back facing him, Huang Shang Rong merely shrugs, not particularly minding. Looks like she really only sees him as a younger brother, how tragic.

Then again… whatever, his crisis is starting to turn around!

5 minutes later, the big boss President Xu, along with the Vice President Jiang Xu Hua and their four a.s.sistants and secretaries, walk into the conference room. The meeting starts. Huang Shang Rong is a small branch manager. Within the branch, anything she says goes, but compared to all the other branch managers, no one would place themselves first, since the big boss and shareholders are even larger!

The first time an a.s.sistant attends a shareholder’s meeting, they’ll always be too scared to be of any use. To complete a full report for her to use as a reference is already very admirable. Honestly, Huang Shang Rong doesn’t expect Xu He Jun to make any helpful contributions, as long as he doesn’t drag her down when it’s her turn to present.

When it comes to her turn, as the company’s rising ‘minority’ female executive, she already expects to be shot down. But who would have thought, she’d be able to kick back all the questions from the executives waiting to watch her make a fool of herself—-Everything’s included in the material, go home and do more research! Even the questions she can’t instantly answer, were saved thanks to the notes Xu He Jun quickly scribbles.

This brat really isn’t as easy to handle as he looks.

What do you want to eat for lunch? He over a note enquiring.

Huang Shang Rong is momentarily stunned, pulling her brows into a frown — I have overtime today.

Not giving up, Xu He Jun continues to persist.

Taking another piece of paper from behind her, she starts to hesitate. She should tell him now isn’t the time to discuss these things, but this thin piece of paper is truly too tempting!

Flipping it open, she reads what’s inside —- Sam’s a.n.a.lysis is wrong. He’s allocated the entire company’s performance into his own. Condemn him, fight him, eliminate him!

This guy! Is he attending a meeting or settling a grudge?

For the sake of her infant care plan, Huang Shang Rong had spent a lot of time crossing swords with others, towards those conservative types….

Ah, no, that’s to say that circular conversation almost caused her to burst into rage and point at her opponents’ face, hollering at them! Thankfully, Xu He Jun had aimed a timely kick at her chair, causing her to calm a little and redirect her focus to their main arguments of employee ‘loyalty’ and ‘long term development’, based on evidence of female employee contributions, productivity, etc.

Huang Shang Rong leans to retrieve the note Xu He Jun, smiling knowingly after reading.

“The Vice President should know that Kai Shou, from the entire company, down to each branch, has more than 500 employees. Of those, 380 of them are female, making up more than half of the company. Of those, more than 200 are married….”

Xu He Jun, this brat, where’d he even find all these numbers?

“According to an anonymous survey, after marriage, women’s loyalty and dedication towards their work is directly proportional to the company’s maternity care. In other words, if there’s strong maternity support, not only will they be able to attract more talented female staff…” Feeling another kick at her chair, she continues to add “Whether it’s married women, or … heheh, unmarried women… when it comes to picking a company, talented female workers will take our company’s welfare system as one of their considerations.”

Currently the eyebrows on a large proportion of male executives jumps up, looking as though there’s a high chance of accepting it.

“Of course, if we can implement the system, it’s not like we’d overlook the contributions of men in raising children — recently, children have been brought up by both parents. If male workers also require our support in this area, then it’s only reasonable for us to provide it.”

“Preposterous, in what way is this reasonable?” A shareholder jumps up in protest, “A company isn’t a child care, how can you let little children just run around the company?”

“The child care centre naturally has age restrictions, and will only accept those under 2. Most people would find this acceptable.”

“Spending our money on children, do you think we’re fools?”

Just as Huang Shang Rong is about to rage again, Xu He Jun kicks her chair, stuffing another note into her hand.

“Children are the future leaders of our country. Not only the children of our honoured guests, but also those of Kai Shou’s employees. Not to mention, most of the fees will be paid by those who use the services, as well as through government subsidies. I believe the shareholders won’t need to be too concerned over this matter.”

Jiang Xu Hua discusses with the special a.s.sistants sitting behind him, before nodding his head, appearing to approve. He looks towards Huang Shang Rong, as well as the slyly smirking Xu He Jun. “General manager’s idea sounds feasible. Why don’t we have you test it out over a 6 month pilot program, and we’ll see how it goes.”

“Thank you, Vice President.”


“Oh yes! It’s been established!”

Once they reach the parking lot, Huang Shang Rong enthusiastically hugs Xu He Jun, yelling out “Yes!”

Compared to the benefiting party, she’s even more excited.

“How can you be so delighted?” He lightly smiles. If she had been slightly calmer, she would’ve realized his reaction was somewhat abnormal.

“Of course I’m delighted. Think about it, from now on, not only will you save a huge part of your nanny expense, Hao Hao will also be looked after closer to you. Not to mention, you have other colleagues, like Shon, and Bell from the accounts department, who are currently pregnant and deliberating over this issue, fearing that if they take maternity leave, they won’t have a job to return to. But now, not only can they continue peacefully working, they’ll also be able to save on expenses, how convenient! Are you saying you aren’t pleased?”

Actually it’s not that he isn’t pleased, but that he already knew it’d pa.s.s. Standing before him, how could his old man and cousin block him to his face? If their Xu family’s grandson wanted to open a day care to attend, who would dare oppose?

Although, these things can’t be mentioned, especially during this delicate period. Naturally it’s something he can’t do…..

“Of course I’m delighted!” Xu He Jun’s brows jump up, along with the corners of his mouth. “Then to celebrate the success of our plan, today I’ll treat you to dinner!”

“No need!” Huang Shang Rong refuses without even thinking. “You currently need to raise Hao Hao, be more thrifty with your money.”

“How can you say it like that” He grins, “Haven’t we just saved on nanny expenses?”

“Even like this you want to celebrate? In the future, there’ll still be a lot more difficulties in store, you can’t always think of ways to spend your money…”

“It’s only one meal, no one will end up starving!”


“Ah, alright! It’s fine if you don’t come, I’ll just celebrate with Hao Hao!” He pitifully walks away. “Meeting such a good development, if Hao Hao’s mother were here, she’d definitely celebrate it with him. It’s only because I don’t know who she is, that I’d even seek out this G.o.dmother… Forget it, in the future we, father and son, will celebrate by ourselves!”

Eh, what’s going on? This is just an act of desperation right? Isn’t the trap too obvious? Huang Shang Rong clearly knows it’s just a feint, but she still falls into his trap.

“Alright, alright!” She rushes ahead, pulling his hand. “You’re really too much, a grown man acting so pitiful, I really don’t know what to do with you, I’ll come!”

When Xu He Jun hears, he turns his head back with a smile, “No overtime today?”

Thinking carefully, “Mnn, it’s not anything big, just wanted to tidy up the things from today’s meeting… I’ll just bring it to your place to do, and you can even help me recall a few things.”

If it weren’t for his good upbringing, his expression would collapse in an instant.

“You should let yourself relax a little!”

Huang Shang Rong looks at him quizzically, “I’m very relaxed!”

“Don’t you know highly stressed out people, often don’t know that they’re stressed?”

“Stop joking! I know my body best.”

“But you frequently have headaches.”

“That’s…” Huang Shang Rong’s face pales, stuttering as she speaks, “That’s … I’ve been like that since young, it has nothing to do with stress.”

Xu He Jun lectures her out of concern, “If you’ve been like this since young, you need to take even more care. Is your blood pressure high? People with high pressure often experience headaches. You’re not young anymore, so shouldn’t you be even more careful?

What? To think he’d bring her age into this! “No, my headaches have nothing to do with pressure. In fact, as long as you obediently come to work, my head won’t hurt at all.”

“What?” How did she draw this conclusion? Xu He Jun stops to stare at her. “What does this have to do with me?”

“Because you’re my a.s.sistant!” She states confidently. “If you’re not here, how many things do you think I’ll need to sort out? Don’t you know, like this, how could my head not hurt?”

“So… in taking a week off, I’ve caused you a lot of headaches?”

“Obviously!” Her headaches had made her want to murder someone!

To think she’d be this hopeless without him….

Xu He Jun smiles as he nods, placing his hands together behind his back as he walks.

“Why are you smiling?”

“Guess.” His mouth bursts into a smile so wide, that his eyes turn into crescents.

Reviewing their previous conversation, she asks, filled with suspicion, “Have you misunderstood something?”

“What did I misunderstand?” Turning back, Xu He Jun’s face is full of smiles.

Seeing his beaming expression, Huang Shang Rong squints at him for a moment, holding back the words on the tip of her tongue. After all, he’s only her a.s.sistant! Not to mention he’s younger than her by a full 4 years, what does she have to be fl.u.s.tered over?

“If it’s nothing, then forget it.” Restraining her anger, she rushes to overtake him.

“A few words and you’re already angry?” He blatantly places his hand on her shoulder.

This move is clearly intimate; a little intimate, a little like close friends sticking together shoulder to shoulder, but him and her? Not only are they subordinate and superior, not to mention their age, so it wouldn’t be appropriate for them to be like this….

“Let go!” She coldly breezes, eyeing the hand on her shoulder.

Xun He Jun raises an eyebrow, becoming even less concerned, “Acting like this is no good? I’m only regarding you as a friend.”

“We’re at the company.”

“To think even someone known as the female demoness would care what others think!” Despite putting it like that, his hand is still placed on her shoulder, with no intention of moving it.

Now what? This guy will act familiar with her to the end? Huang Shang Rong doesn’t speak, nor does she move his hand away.

Actually, it’s not that she hates this action, since he’s only placing a hand on her shoulder. Watching him stupidly smiling, she knows he doesn’t have any other intentions, not to mention she’s not a teen or twenty something young girl, whose heart beats rapidly just because he’s close. However, with her principles and her personality, at this time she should at least harshly glare at him, or verbally rage at him, or toss him aside.

Yet she doesn’t do any of these.

“Ok, Ok.” It’s actually Xu He Jun who voluntarily releases his hold, jumping a metre away. “It’s still within the company. If you don’t want me to stay close, I won’t. Don’t be mad.”

Huang Shang Rong wrinkles her brow. She truly wasn’t mad, what’s he playing at?

He suddenly leans towards her, almost sticking his nose to her ear, acting so fast she doesn’t even have time to dodge. “But, later on in private, this should be fine!”

This, this guy, what is he up to now? Her face lacks any expression, only giving away how shocked she is by the wide eyes staring at him.

“You haven’t replied, then it should be considered as consenting!”  His voice falls low, appearing pleased with her reaction, turning towards her with a wryly grin.

“Depends on the situation.”

Getting in the car, Huang Shang Rong sits in the driver’s seat, yet Xu He Jun actually crawls into the back, removing his jacket, loosening his tie, leaning back onto the seats.

“So tired, I stayed up til half past 3 yesterday preparing the research material. Let me nap a bit and wake me when we arrive at the office.”

Huang Shang Rong knows, that to be able to prepare all the data, and answers for all the questions, he would’ve spent a lot of effort. She turns off the sound, as well as the aircon, even taking out a blanket from the boot of the car for him.

“Ah—- Good, good! Such a large back seat, and such a large car, I also want to buy one in the future.” Clutching at the blanket, although a grown man can’t roll around in the back seat, but to be able to find a more comfortable position to sleep in is more than enough.

Looking at his satisfied expression through her rear view mirror, she fails to hold back her smile, “Idiot!”

“General manager…” Before closing his eyes, Xu He Jun notices the scent on the blanket is the same sweet scent she has. Unable to resist, he starts to imagine if his body wasn’t covered by the blanket, but rather her….. Suddenly, he’s filled with antic.i.p.ation.

“What are you doing?”

“Actually,… you’re really good at looking after people! In your family, you should be the oldest daughter, right?”

“How did you know? You…” Huang Shang Rong turns back, wanting to retort, when she sees him with his head already tilted, and half his face covered by the blanket, preparing to rest.

A slight stubble extends from the base of his ears to his chin. She purses her lips, not wanting to open her eyes. From the rear view mirror, she sees her own teary eyes, and red visage.

She forces herself to blink. Was her heart moved by him? No, of course not, that stinking brat. With just a few sweet lines and he wants to impress her? Who does he think she is?

She’s the female Empress, Huang Shang Rong.

She’s already decided whether or not she wants to find someone, not to mention she’s also decided her heart won’t be moved in this lifetime. She won’t reciprocate affection, nor will she change her tune for the sake of a relations.h.i.+p.

She doesn’t know why Xu He Jun’s att.i.tude towards her would change so much, but she’s already decided to be single for the rest of her life, and won’t enter into a vague relations.h.i.+p with a man….

Especially not him.

Chapter 4 : Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 3 “Can you drive?” She asks, as Xu He Jun carries his son back
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