The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States
Chapter 227 : _Amplexicaul._ Clasping the stem._Anastomosing._ Connecting by cross-veins and forming

_Amplexicaul._ Clasping the stem.

_Anastomosing._ Connecting by cross-veins and forming a network.

_Anatropous_ (ovule). Inverted and straight, with the micropyle next the hilum and the radicle consequently inferior.

_Androgynous_ (inflorescence). Composed of both staminate and pistillate flowers.

_-androus_. In composition, having stamens.

_Angiospermous._ Having the seeds borne within a pericarp.

_Annual._ Of only one year's duration. _Winter annual_, a plant from autumn-sown seed which blooms and fruits in the following spring.

_Annular._ In the form of a ring.

_Anterior._ On the front side of a flower and next the bract, remote from the axis of inflorescence, equivalent to inferior and (less properly) exterior.

_Anther._ The polliniferous part of a stamen.

_Antheridium._ In Cryptogams, the organ corresponding to an anther.

_Antheriferous._ Anther-bearing.

_Antherizoid._ One of the minute organs developed in an antheridium, corresponding to pollen-grains.

_Anthesis._ The time of expansion of a flower.

_Apetalous._ Having no petals.

_Apical._ Situated at the apex or tip.

_Apiculate._ Ending in a short pointed tip.

_Appressed._ Lying close and flat against.

_Aquatic._ Growing in water.

_Arachnoid._ Cobwebby, of slender entangled hairs.

_Archegonium._ The organ corresponding to a pistil in the higher Cryptogams.

_Arcuate._ Moderately curved.

_Areolate._ Marked out into small s.p.a.ces, reticulate.

_Aril._ An appendage growing at or about the hilum of a seed.

_Arillate._ Having an aril.

_Articulate._ Jointed; having a node or joint.

_Ascending._ Rising somewhat obliquely, or curving upward. _Ascending ovule_, one that is attached above the base of the ovary and is directed upward.

_a.s.surgent._ Ascending.

_Attenuate._ Slenderly tapering, becoming very narrow.

_Auricle._ An ear-shaped appendage.

_Auriculate._ Furnished with auricles.

_Awl-shaped._ Narrowed upward from the base to a slender or rigid point.

_Awn._ A bristle-shaped appendage.

_Axil._ The angle formed by a leaf or branch with the stem.

_Axile._ Situated in the axis.

_Axillary._ Situated in an axil.

_Axis._ The central line of any organ or support of a group of organs; a stem, etc.

_Baccate._ Berry like; pulpy throughout.

_Barbed._ Furnished with rigid points or short bristles, usually reflexed like the barb of a fish-hook.

_Barbellate._ Finely barbed.

_Barbulate._ Finely bearded.

_Basal, Basilar._ At or pertaining to the base.

_Basifixed._ Attached by the base.

_Beaked._ Ending in a beak or prolonged tip.

_Bearded._ Bearing a long awn, or furnished with long or stiff hairs.

_Berry._ A fruit the whole pericarp of which is fleshy or pulpy.

_Bi-_ or _Bis-_. A Latin prefix signifying two, twice, or doubly.

_Bidentate._ Having two teeth.

_Biennial._ Of two years' duration.

Chapter 227 : _Amplexicaul._ Clasping the stem._Anastomosing._ Connecting by cross-veins and forming
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