The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States
Chapter 226 : occidentalis.Page 491.--Under Pinus add-- 10. P. pondersa, Dougl., var. scopulrum, Eng
Page 491.--Under Pinus add--
10. P. pondersa, Dougl., var. scopulrum, Engelm. Leaves in twos or usually threes from long sheaths, 3--6' long, rather rigid; staminate flowers 1' long; cones subterminal, 2--3' long, oval, often 3--5 together, the prominent summit of the thick scales bearing a stout straight or incurved p.r.i.c.kle.--Central Neb. and westward in the Rocky Mountains.--A large tree with very thick bark.
Page 514.--After IRIS CAROLINIANA insert--
2^a. I. hexagona, Walt. Stems flexuous, often low and slender (1--3 high), leafy; leaves much exceeding the stem, 6--12" broad; flowers solitary and sessile in the axils, large, deep blue, variegated with yellow, purple, and white; tube ' long; segments about 3' long, the inner narrow; capsule oblong-cylindric, 6-angled, 2' long--Prairies, Ky.
(_Short_) to W. Mo. (_Bush_), and on the coast from S. Car. southward.
Page 515.--Sisyrinchium angustifolium. What appears to be a form of this species with pale yellow flowers is found near Independence, Mo.
Page 516.--Under Zephyranthes Atamasco insert the synonym (Amaryllis Atamasco, _L._).
Page 555.--Sagittaria teres has been collected also at Brewster, Ma.s.s.
Page 575.--After Eleocharis Torreyana insert--
13^a. E. albida, Torr. Like n. 12 and 13 in habit, somewhat stouter; spikelet dense, ellipsoidal or oblong, 1--4" long, acutish, with pale obtuse scales; achene very small, triangular-obovate, very smooth, with a broadly triangular tubercle upon a narrow base, shorter than or exceeding the reddish bristles.--Salt marshes, Northampton Co., Va.
(_Canby_), and south to Fla. and Tex.
Page 653.--Trisetum subspicatum, var. molle, is reported from Roan Mt., N. C. (_Scribner_), and probably occurs on the higher Alleghanies northward.
Page 662.--After Melica diffusa insert--
3. M. Porteri, Scribn. Tall and slender; panicle very narrow, the slender branches erect or the lower slightly divergent; pedicels flexuous or recurved, p.u.b.escent; glumes very unequal and shorter than the spikelet; fertile flowers 3--5, the glumes scabrous.--Mountains of Col. and southward; reported from Ca.s.s Co., Neb. (_J. G. Smith_).
Page 663.--Distichlis maritima. On alkaline soil in Neb., and very common in similar localities west and southwestward; chiefly the var.
STRiCTA, Thurb., with setaceously convolute leaves, the many- (10--20-) flowered spikelets in a loose panicle.
ANGIOSPERMOUS EXOGENS. Genera. Species. Native. Introd. Native. Introd. DIV. 1. POLYPETALOUS. -------+-------+-------+------- 1. Ranunculacae 19 5 62 14 2. Magnoliaceae 2 -- 6 -- 3. Anonaceae 1 -- 1 -- 4. Menispermaceae 3 -- 3 -- 5. Berberidaceae 5 -- 5 1 6. Nymphaeaceae 5 -- 8 -- 7. Sarraceniaceae 1 -- 2 -- 8. Papaveraceae 3 3 3 6 9. Fumariaceae 3 1 9 1 10. Cruciferae 15 8 46 25 11. Capparidaceae 3 -- 4 1 12. Resedaceae -- 1 -- 2 13. Cistaceae 3 -- 9 -- 14. Violaceae 3 -- 19 1 15. Caryophyllaceae 6 6 31 22 16. Portulacaceae 3 -- 7 1 17. Elatinaceae 1 -- 3 -- 18. Hypericaceae 3 -- 20 1 19. Ternstrmiaceae 2 -- 3 -- 20. Malvaceae 7 4 15 10 21. Tiliaceae 1 -- 3 -- 22. Linaceae 1 -- 5 1 23. Geraniaceae 4 1 10 7 24. Rutaceae 2 -- 3 -- 25. Ilicineae 2 -- 10 -- 26. Celastraceae 3 -- 4 -- 27. Rhamnaceae 3 -- 6 1 28. Vitaceae 3 -- 11 -- 29. Sapindaceae 5 -- 11 -- 30. Anacardiaceae 1 -- 7 -- 31. Polygalaceae 1 -- 15 -- 32. Leguminosae 41 5 137 19 33. Rosaceae 17 1 87 8 34. Calycanthaceae 1 -- 3 -- 35. Saxifragaceae 14 -- 43 1 36. Cra.s.sulaceae 3 -- 8 3 37. Droseraceae 1 -- 4 -- 38. Hamamelideae 3 -- 3 -- 39. Halorageae 4 -- 13 -- 40. Melastomaceae 1 -- 4 -- 41. Lythraceae 6 -- 8 1 42. Onagraceae 7 -- 43 1 43. Loasaceae 1 -- 3 -- 44. Pa.s.sifloraceae 1 -- 2 -- 45. Cucurbitaceae 5 -- 5 -- 46. Cactaceae 2 -- 6 -- 47. Ficoideae 1 1 1 1 48. Umbelliferae 26 10 49 13 49. Araliaceae 1 -- 6 -- 50. Cornaceae 2 -- 11 -- -------+-------+-------+------- 251 46 777 141 -------+-------+-------+------- ANGIOSPERMOUS EXOGENS. Genera. Species. Native. Introd. Native. Introd. DIV. 2. GAMOPETALOUS. -------+-------+-------+------- 51. Caprifoliaceae 8 -- 31 -- 52. Rubiaceae 7 1 25 5 53. Valerianaceae 2 -- 7 1 54. Dipsaceae -- 2 -- 3 55. Compositae 78 20 356 51 56. Lobeliaceae 1 -- 13 -- 57. Campanulaceae 2 -- 6 2 58. Ericareae 26 -- 69 -- 59. Diapensiaceae 3 -- 3 -- 60. Plumbaginaceae 1 -- 2 -- 61. Primulaceae 10 1 16 3 62. Sapotaceae 1 -- 2 -- 63. Ebenaceae 1 -- 1 -- 64. Styraceae 3 -- 5 -- 65. Olcaceae 3 1 8 1 66. Apocynaceae 3 -- 4 -- 67. Asclepiadaceae 5 1 29 1 68. Loganiaceae 4 -- 4 -- 69. Gentianaceae 9 1 31 3 70. Polemoniaceae 3 -- 14 -- 71. Hydrophyllaceae 5 -- 13 -- 72. Borraginaceae 8 3 22 11 73. Convolvulaceae 6 -- 20 7 74. Solanaceae 3 5 14 8 75. Scrophulariaceae 24 3 65 15 76. Orobanchaceae 3 1 5 2 77. Lentibulariaceae 2 -- 13 -- 78. Bignoniaceae 3 -- 3 -- 79. Pedaliaceae 1 -- 1 -- 80. Acanthaceae 3 -- 4 -- 81. Verbenaceae 4 -- 11 1 82. l.a.b.i.atae 20 14 65 33 83. Plantaginaceae 2 -- 11 1 -------+-------+-------+------- 254 53 874 148 -------+-------+-------+------- ANGIOSPERMOUS EXOGENS. Genera. Species. Native. Introd. Native. Introd. DIV. 3. APETALOUS. -------+-------+-------+------- 84. Nyctaginaceae 2 -- 41 -- 85. Illecebraceae 2 1 5 1 86. Amarantaceae 4 -- 9 7 87. Chenopodiaceae 8 2 17 11 88. Phytolaccaceae 1 -- 1 -- 89. Polygonaceae 6 1 33 13 90. Podostemaceae 1 -- 1 -- 91. Aristolochiaceae 2 -- 6 1 92. Piperaceae 1 -- 1 -- 93. Lauraceae 4 -- 5 -- 94. Thymelaeaceae 1 1 1 1 95. Eaeagnaceae 2 -- 3 -- 96. Loranthaceae 2 -- 2 -- 97. Santalaceae 2 -- 4 -- 98. Euphorbiaceae 10 1 34 8 99. Urticaceae 11 1 16 4 100. Platanaceae 1 -- 1 -- 101. Juglandaceae 2 -- 9 -- 102. Myricaceae 1 -- 3 -- 103. Cupuliferae 8 -- 37 -- 104. Salicaceae 2 -- 25 5 105. Empetraceae 2 -- 2 -- 106. Ceratophyllaceae 1 -- 1 -- -------+-------+-------+------- 76 7 257 51 -------+-------+-------+------- GYMNOSPERMOUS EXOGENS. 107. Coniferae 10 -- 22 -- ENDOGENS. 108. Hydrocharidaceae 3 -- 3 -- 109. Burmanniaceae 1 -- 1 -- 110. Orchidaceae 17 -- 58 -- 111. Bromeliaceae 1 -- 1 -- 112. Haemodoraceae 3 -- 4 -- 113. Iridaceae 3 1 10 2 114. Amaryllidaceae 4 -- 4 -- 115. Dioscoreaceae 1 -- 1 -- 116. Liliaceae 29 4 74 8 117. Pontederiaceae 2 -- 4 -- 118. Xyridaceae 1 -- 4 -- 119. Mayaceae 1 -- 1 -- 120. Commelinaceae 2 -- 6 -- 121. Juncaceae 2 -- 32 -- 122. Typhaceae 2 -- 5 -- 123. Araceae 6 -- 8 -- 124. Lemnaceae 3 -- 9 -- 125. Alismaceae 3 -- 11 -- 126. Naiadaceae 7 -- 39 -- 127. Eriocauleae 3 -- 5 -- 128. Cyperaceae 16 -- 237 8 129. Gramineae 60 17 204 46 -------+-------+-------+------- 170 22 721 64 -------+-------+-------+------- Genera. Species. Native. Introd. Native. Introd. PTERIDOPHYTES. -------+-------+-------+------- 130. Equisetaceae 1 -- 11 -- 131. Filices 21 -- 62 -- 132. Ophioglossaceae 2 -- 7 -- 133. Lycopodiaceae 1 -- 9 -- 134. Selaginellaceae 2 -- 10 -- 135. Marsiliaceae 1 -- 2 -- 136. Salviniaceae 1 -- 1 -- -------+-------+-------+------- 29 102 BRYOPHYTES. -------+-------+-------+------- DIV. HEPATICae. 137. Jungermanniaceae 32 1 115 1 138. Anthocerotaceae 2 -- 4 -- 139. Marchantiaceae 8 -- 9 -- 140. Ricciaceae 2 -- 12 -- -------+-------+-------+------- 44 1 140 1 -------+-------+-------+------- Exogens. Polypetalous 251 46 777 141 Gamopetalous 254 53 874 148 Apetalous 76 7 257 51 -------+-------+-------+------- 581 106 1908 340 -------+-------+-------+------- Gymnospermous 10 -- 22 -- Endogens 170 22 721 64 -------+-------+-------+------- Total Phaenogams 761 128 2651 404 Cryptogams 73 1 242 1 -------+-------+-------+------- 834 129 2893 405 -------+-------+-------+-------
Total of Genera 963 Total of Species 3298
_Abnormal._ Differing from the normal or usual structure.
_Abortion._ Imperfect development or non-development of an organ.
_Abortive._ Defective or barren.
_Acaulescent._ Stemless or apparently so.
_Acc.u.mbent_ (cotyledon). Having the edges against the radicle.
_Acerb._ Sour and astringent.
_Achene._ A small, dry and hard, 1-celled, 1-seeded, indehiscent fruit.
_Achlamydeous._ Without calyx or corolla.
_Acicular._ Slender needle-shaped.
_Acrogenous._ Growing from the apex by a terminal bud or by the apical cell only.
_Aculeate._ p.r.i.c.kly, beset with p.r.i.c.kles.
_Aculeolate._ Beset with diminutive p.r.i.c.kles.
_Ac.u.minate._ Tapering at the end.
_Acute._ Terminating with a sharp or well-defined angle.
_aestivation._ The arrangement of the parts of the perianth in the bud.
_Adnate._ United, as the inferior ovary with the calyx-tube. _Adnate anther_, one attached for its whole length to the inner or outer face of the filament.
_Adventive._ Recently or imperfectly naturalized.
_Alate._ Winged. Any deposit of nutritive material accompanying the embryo.
_Alb.u.minous._ Having
_Alliaceous._ Having the smell or taste of garlic.
_Alternate._ Not opposite to each other, as sepals and petals, or as leaves upon a stem.
_Alveolate._ Honeycombed, having angular depressions separated by thin part.i.tions.
_Ament._ A catkin, or peculiar scaly unis.e.xual spike.
_Amphitropous_ (ovule or seed). Half-inverted and straight, with the hilum lateral.