The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States
Chapter 237 : _Prostrate._ Lying flat upon the ground._Proterogynous._ Having the stigma ripe for th
_Prostrate._ Lying flat upon the ground.
_Proterogynous._ Having the stigma ripe for the pollen before the maturity of the anthers of the same flower.
_Prothallus._ A cellular usually flat and thallus-like growth, resulting from the germination of a spore, upon which are developed s.e.xual organs or new plants.
_Pseudaxillary._ Terminal but becoming apparently axillary by the growth of a lateral branch.
_Pseudo-costate._ False-ribbed, as where a marginal vein or rib is formed by the confluence of the true veins.
_Pteridophytes._ Fern-plants; Ferns and their allies.
_p.u.b.erulent._ Minutely p.u.b.escent.
_p.u.b.escent._ Covered with hairs, especially if short, soft and downy.
_Punctate._ Dotted with depressions or with translucent internal glands or colored dots.
_Puncticulate._ Minutely punctate.
_Pungent._ Terminating in a rigid sharp point; acrid.
_Putamen._ The sh.e.l.l of a nut; the bony part of a stone-fruit.
_Quadrate._ Nearly square in form.
_Raceme._ A simple inflorescence of pedicelled flowers upon a common more or less elongated axis.
_Racemose._ In racemes; or resembling a raceme.
_Radiate._ Spreading from or arranged around a common centre; bearing ray-flowers.
_Radical._ Belonging to or proceeding from the root or base of the stem near the ground.
_Radicle._ The portion of the embryo below the cotyledons, more properly called the caudicle.
_Radiculose._ Bearing rootlets.
_Rameal._ Belonging to a branch.
_Ramification._ Branching.
_Ray._ The branch of an umbel; the marginal flowers of an inflorescence when distinct from the disk.
_Receptacle._ The more or less expanded or produced portion of an axis which bears the organs of a flower (the _torus_) or the collected flowers of a head; any similar structure in Cryptogams.
_Recurved._ Curved downward or backward.
_Reflexed._ Abruptly bent or turned downward.
_Regular._ Uniform in shape or structure.
_Reniform._ Kidney-shaped.
_Repand._ With a slightly uneven and somewhat sinuate margin.
_Resiniferous._ Producing resin.
_Reticulate._ In the form of network; net-veined.
_Retrorse._ Directed back or downward.
_Retuse._ With a shallow notch at a rounded apex.
_Revolute._ Rolled backward from the margins or apex.
_Rhachis._ The axis of a spike or of a compound leaf.
_Rhaphe._ The ridge or adnate funicle which in an anatropous ovule connects the two ends.
_Rhizome._ Any prostrate or subterranean stem, usually rooting at the nodes and becoming erect at the apex. Very variable in character, and including morphologically the tuber, corm, bulb, etc.
_Rhombic, Rhomboidal_, Somewhat lozenge-shaped; obliquely four-sided.
_Rib._ A primary or prominent vein of a leaf.
_Ringent._ Gaping, as the mouth of an open bil.a.b.i.ate corolla.
_Root._ The underground part of a plant which supplies it with nourishment.
_Rootstock._ Same as Rhizome.
_Rostrate._ Having a beak or spur.
_Rosulate._ In the form of a rosette.
_Rotate_ (corolla). Wheel-shaped; flat and circular in outline.
_Rotund._ Rounded in outline.
_Rudiment._ A very partially developed organ; a vestige.
_Rudimentary._ But slightly developed.
_Rufous._ Reddish brown.
_Rugose._ Wrinkled.