The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States
Chapter 238 : _Runcinate._ Sharply incised, with the segments directed backward._Runner._ A filiform
_Runcinate._ Sharply incised, with the segments directed backward.
_Runner._ A filiform or very slender stolon.
_Saccate._ Sac-shaped.
_Sagittate._ Shaped like an arrow-head, the basal lobes directed downward.
_Salver-shaped_ (corolla). Having a slender tube abruptly expanded into a flat limb.
_Samara._ An indehiscent winged fruit.
_Scabrous._ Rough to the touch.
_Scalariform_ (vessels). Having transverse markings like the rounds of a ladder.
_Scape._ A peduncle rising from the ground, naked or without proper foliage.
_Scapose._ Bearing or resembling a scape.
_Scarious._ Thin, dry, and membranaceous, not green.
_Scorpioid_ (inflorescence). Circinately coiled while in bud.
_Scurf._ Small bran-like scales on the epidermis.
_Scymitar-shaped_ (leaf). Curved with a flat-triangular section, the straighter edge the thickest.
_Seed._ The ripened ovule, consisting of the embryo and its proper coats.
_Segment._ One of the parts of a leaf or other like organ that is cleft or divided.
_Sepal._ A division of a calyx.
_Septicidal_ (capsule). Dehiscing through the part.i.tions and between the cells.
_Septum._ Any kind of part.i.tion.
_Serrate._ Having teeth pointing forward.
_Serrulate._ Finely serrate.
_Sessile._ Without footstalk of any kind.
_Setaceous._ Bristle-like.
_Setose._ Beset with bristles.
_Setulose._ Having minute bristles.
_Sheath._ A tubular envelope, as the lower part of the leaf in
_Sheathing._ Enclosing as by a sheath.
_Shrub._ A woody perennial, smaller than a tree.
_Silicle._ A short silique.
_Silique._ The peculiar pod of Cruciferae.
_Silky._ Covered with close-pressed soft and straight p.u.b.escence.
_Simple._ Of one piece; not compound.
_Sinuate._ With the outline of the margin strongly wavy.
_Sinus._ The cleft or recess between two lobes.
_Smooth._ Without roughness or p.u.b.escence.
_Sorus_ (pl. _Sori_). A heap or cl.u.s.ter, applied to the fruit-dots of Ferns.
_Spadix._ A spike with a fleshy axis.
_Spathe._ A large bract or pair of bracts enclosing an inflorescence.
_Spatulate._ Gradually narrowed downward from a rounded summit.
_Spicate._ Arranged in or resembling a spike.
_Spiciform._ Spike-like.
_Spike._ A form of simple inflorescence with the flowers sessile or nearly so upon a more or less elongated common axis.
_Spikelet._ A small or secondary spike.
_Spindle-shaped._ Same as Fusiform.
_Spine._ A sharp woody or rigid outgrowth from the stem.
_Spinose._ Spine-like, or having spines.
_Sporangium._ A spore-case.
_Spore._ The reproductive organ in Cryptogams which corresponds to a seed.
_Sporocarp._ The fruit-cases of certain Cryptogams containing sporangia or spores.
_Spur._ A hollow sac-like or tubular extension of some part of a blossom, usually nectariferous.