English Synonyms and Antonyms
Chapter 163 : QUESTIONS.1. From what language is _injury_ derived? What is its primary meaning?Its d
1. From what language is _injury_ derived? What is its primary meaning?
Its derived meaning? 2. How inclusive a word is _injury_? 3. From what is _damage_ derived, and with what original sense? _detriment_? How do these words compare in actual use? 4. How does _damage_ compare with _loss_? How can a _loss_ be said to be partial? 5. What is _evil_, and with what frequent suggestion? 6. What is _harm_? _hurt_? How do these words compare with _injury_? 7. What is _mischief_? How caused, and with what intent?
Nothing can work me ----, except myself; the ---- that I sustain I carry about with me, and never am a real sufferer but by my own fault.
Hippolyta, I woo'd thee with my sword, And won thy love, doing thee ----.
INJUSTICE (page 220).
1. What is _injustice_? 2. How does _wrong_ differ from _injustice_ in legal use? How in popular use? 3. What is _iniquity_ in the legal sense?
in the common sense?
War in men's eyes shall be a monster of ----.
No man can mortgage his ---- as a p.a.w.n for his fidelity.
Such an act is an ---- upon humanity.
INNOCENT (page 220).
1. What does _innocent_ in the full sense signify? 2. Is _innocent_ positive or negative? How does it compare with _righteous_, _upright_, or _virtuous_? 3. In what two applications may _immaculate_, _pure_, and _sinless_ be used? 4. With what limited sense is _innocent_ used of moral beings? 5. In what sense is _innocent_ applied to inanimate substances?
They are as ---- as grace itself.
For blessings ever wait on ---- deeds, And tho a late, a sure reward succeeds.
The wicked flee where no man pursueth, but the ---- are bold as a lion.
A daughter, and a goodly babe; ... the queen receives Much comfort in't: says, _My poor prisoner, I am ---- as you_.
INQUISITIVE (page 221).
1. What are the characteristics of an _inquisitive_ person? 2. Is _inquisitive_ ever used in a good sense? What, in that sense, is ordinarily preferred? 3. What does _curious_ signify, and how does it differ from _inquisitive_?
His was an anxiously ---- mind, a scrupulously conscientious heart.
Adrian was the most ---- man that ever lived, and the most universal inquirer.
I am ---- to know the cause of this sudden change of purpose.
INSANITY (page 221).
1. What is _insanity_ in the widest sense? in its restricted use? Which use is the more frequent? 2. From what is _lunacy_ derived? What did it originally imply? In what sense is it now used? 3. What is _madness_? 4.
What is _derangement_? _delirium_? 5. What is the specific meaning of _dementia_? 6. What is _aberration_? 7. What is the distinctive meaning of _hallucination_? 8. What is _monomania_? 9. What are _frenzy_ and _mania_?
Go--you may call it ----, folly--you shall not chase my gloom away.
All power of fancy over reason is a degree of ----.
INTERPOSE (page 222).
1. What is it to _interpose_? 2. How does _intercede_ differ from _interpose_? 3. What is it to _intermeddle_? How does it differ from _meddle_? from _interfere_? 4. What do _arbitrate_ and _mediate_ involve?