English Synonyms and Antonyms
Chapter 164 : Dion, his brother, ---- for him and his life was saved.
Nature has ---- a natural barr
Dion, his brother, ---- for him and his life was saved.
Nature has ---- a natural barrier between England and the continent.
INVOLVE (page 223).
1. From what language is _involve_ derived, and with what primary meaning? 2. How does _involve_ compare with _implicate_? 3. Are these words used in the favorable or the unfavorable sense? 4. As regards results what is the difference between _include_, _imply_, and _involve_?
Rocks may be squeezed into new forms, bent, contorted, and ----.
An oyster-sh.e.l.l sometimes ---- a pearl.
---- in other men's affairs, he went down to their ruin.
JOURNEY (page 223).
1. From what language is _journey_ derived? What is its primary meaning?
Its present meaning? 2. What is _travel_? How does it differ from _journey_? 3. What was the former meaning of _voyage_? its present meaning? 4. What is a _trip_? a _tour_? 5. What is the meaning and common use of _pa.s.sage_? of _transit_? 6. What is the original meaning of _pilgrimage_? How is it now used?
---- makes all men countrymen.
All the ---- of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.
It were a ---- like the path to heaven, To help you find them.
JUDGE (page 224).
1. What is a _judge_ in the legal sense? 2. What other senses has the word _judge_ in common use? 3. What is a _referee_, and how appointed?
an _arbitrator_? 4. What is the popular sense of _umpire_? the legal sense? 5. What is the present use of _arbiter_? 6. What are the _judges_ of the United States Supreme Court officially called?
The end crowns all, And that old common ----, Time, Will one day end it.
A man who is no ---- of law may be a good ---- of poetry.
The ---- is only the mouth of law, and the magistrate who punishes is only the hand.
JUSTICE (page 225).
1. What is _justice_ in governmental relations? in social and personal relations? in matters of reasoning or literary treatment? 2. To what do _integrity_, _rect.i.tude_, _right_, _righteousness_, and _virtue_ apply?
What do all these include? 3. What two contrasted senses has _lawfulness_? 4. To what does _justness_ refer, and in what sense is it used?
---- exalteth a nation.
---- of life is fame's best friend.
He shall have merely ----, and his bond.
KEEP (page 226).
1. What is the general meaning of _keep_? 2. How does _keep_ compare with _preserve_? _fulfil_? _maintain_? 3. What does _keep_ imply when used as a synonym of _guard_ or _defend_?
These make and ---- the balance of the mind.
The good old rule Sufficeth them,--the simple plan, That they should take who have the power And they should ---- who can.
---- thy shop, and thy shop will ---- thee.
KILL (page 226).