The Bible Story
Chapter 14 : What do you think was Joseph's object in his treatment of his brothers? 112 H.T.Ho
What do you think was Joseph's object in his treatment of his brothers? 112 H.T.
How did the brothers' consciences trouble them? 112 H.T.
What demand did Joseph make of his brothers? 112 H.T.
Tell the story of the brothers' return to Jacob and what did Jacob say to them upon their arrival? 113, 114 H.T.
On their return to Egypt how did Joseph receive his brothers? 114-117 H.T.
How did Joseph test the brothers? 117-120 H.T.
What treatment did he finally give them? 120-123 H.T.
What command did G.o.d give to Jacob? 123 H.T.
How did Joseph receive his father? 124 H.T.
What did Pharaoh do for Joseph's father? 124, 125 H.T.
What did Joseph's brothers fear when their father died? 131 H.T.
How did Joseph return good for evil? 132 H.T.
What is the meaning of the word "Captain" used in its general sense? 133 H.T.
Who led a race of slaves out of bondage and became the emanc.i.p.ator of a great nation? 137 H.T.
What name, formerly applied to the family of Jacob, now signifies the race? 138 H.T.
Why was there a change in the treatment of the Egyptians toward the Israelites? 137 H.T.
Under this treatment, what did the Israelites become? 137 H.T.
Tell the story of the escape of one of the Hebrew children. 138 H. T.
Who was the nurse found for Moses? 138 H.T.
Why did Moses smite the Egyptian? 141 H.T.
Why did Moses flee and to what land did he go? 141 H.T.
What were the three leading occurrences that marked Moses' sojourn in Midian? 141, 142 H. T.
What was the message from the burning bush? 142, 143 H.T.
How did Moses show weakness in his answer? 143 H. T.
What did G.o.d tell Moses to say to the children of Israel? 144 H.T.
Who was Moses' brother and companion in the task of saving his people? 146, 149 H.T.
What demand did Moses and Aaron make of Pharaoh and what was his answer? 149 H.T.
What way did Pharaoh take of still further oppressing the Israelites? 150, 151 H.T.
What was the first plague of Egypt? 155, 156 H.T.
What was the second plague of Egypt? 156, 158 H.T.
What was the third plague of Egypt? 158 H.T.
What was the fourth plague of Egypt? 158,159 H.T.
What was the fifth plague of Egypt? 160 H.T.
What was the sixth plague of Egypt? 160, 161 H.T.
What was the seventh plague of Egypt? 166, 168 H.T.
What was the eighth plague of Egypt? 168-171 H.T.
What was the ninth plague of Egypt? 171-173 H.T.
What was the feast of the pa.s.sover; when was it celebrated and what was its meaning? 173-177 H.T.
What was the tenth and last plague of Egypt? 177 H.T.
What did the Egyptians tell the Hebrews to do? 178 H.T.
What two routes out of Egypt were possible to the Hebrews? Which route was chosen and why? 179 H.T.
How did Pharaoh change his mind? 180 H.T.
Describe the escape of the Israelites? 183-187 H.T.
Why did the children of Israel murmur at Marah? 191 H.T.
Where did they find an oasis? 191 H.T.
How were the people fed in the wilderness? 192-197 H.T.