The Bible Story
Chapter 15 : Describe the part played by Moses and the part played by Joshua in the battle with the
Describe the part played by Moses and the part played by Joshua in the battle with the Amalekites 197 H.T.
What mountain did Moses climb to talk with G.o.d? 201 H.T.
Give the chief idea of the first commandment 202 H.T.
Give the chief idea of the second commandment. 202 H. T.
Give the chief idea of the third commandment. 202 H. T.
Give the chief idea of the fourth commandment. 202 H.T.
Give the chief idea of the fifth commandment. 203 H.T.
Give the chief idea of the sixth commandment. 203 H.T.
Give the chief idea of the seventh commandment. 203 H. T.
Give the chief idea of the eighth commandment. 203 H.T.
Give the chief idea of the ninth commandment. 203 H.T.
Give the chief idea of the tenth commandment. 203 H.T.
What did the people do while Moses was on the mountain? 204 H.T.
What did Moses do when he came down? 207 H.T.
How did he punish them? 211 H.T.
How were the broken tables replaced? 212 H.T.
What was Moses commanded to build in the wilderness as a dwelling place of G.o.d? 214-216 H.T.
What things did the people give of their own free will for the furnis.h.i.+ng of the tabernacle? 214-216 H.T.
What were the qualifications for the workmen? 219 H.T.
Name some of the furnis.h.i.+ngs of the tabernacle. 220-225, 231, 232 H.T.
What went before and behind the marching host? 241, 242 H.T.
What did the spies report as to the land and the people of Canaan? 243-244 H.T.
After hearing the report what did the people think about going on into Canaan? 244, 245 H.T.
What was the courageous counsel of Caleb and Joshua? 247 H.T.
What did the people decide to do about going forward? 247, 248 H.T.
In what way did Moses disobey the Lord in smiting the rock? 248, 249 H.T.
What was his punishment? 249 H.T.
What is told of the brazen serpent? 250, 253 H.T.
How did the princes of Moab try to bribe Balaam? 256 H.T.
How was he at first prevented from going with the princes of Moab? 256, 259 H. T.
What people did Balaam bless? 265 H.T.
What was Moses' last advice to the people? 268, 271, 272 H.T.
On what mountain did Moses die? 268 H.T.
Who was the great warrior who won the land of Canaan for Israel? 277 H.T.
How did Joshua show his leaders.h.i.+p in his first command to the people? 278 H.T.
How did Rahab render service to the spies sent by Joshua? 278-285 H.T.
Describe the pa.s.sage of the Jordan. 285-287 H.T.
Tell the story of the siege and capture of Jericho. 287-292 H.T.
What was "devoted" spoil? 294,295 H.T.
What sin against the "devoted spoil" is given as the reason for the defeat at Ai? 294-296 H.T.
Describe the final capture of the city. 297-300 H. T.
What was the trick played upon Joshua by the people of Gibeon? 300, 301 H.T.
What was the fate of this people? 302 H.T.
Why did the five kings make war against Gibeon? 305 H.T.
Tell how Joshua came to the help of the Gibeonites and the result of the battle 306-308 H. T.
What was the main point in Joshua's last address to the people? 308-312 H.T.