An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 14 : V. ~Lite~.
ALLAGRUGOUS, _adj._ Grim, ghastly.
_Journ. Lond._
Perhaps from _a
V. ~Lite~.
ALLAGRUGOUS, _adj._ Grim, ghastly.
_Journ. Lond._
Perhaps from _all_, Moes. G. _alla_, and _gruous_, ghastly, q. v.
ALLAGUST, _s._ Suspicion.
_Journ. Lond._
Fr. _a le goust_, has a taste or smack.
_To_ ALLAYA, _v. a._ To ally.
_Complaynt S._
Fr. _alli-er_.
From _all_, and _anerly_, only.
_Reg. Maj._
ALL ANYS, _adv._ Together, in a state of union.
From _all_, A. S. _eall_, and _anes_, the genit. of _an_ unus, q.
all of one.
ALLARIS, ALLERIS, Common, universal, an old genitive used adjectively.
O. E. _alre_, id.
A. S. _allera_, genit. pl. of _all_, omnis; Belg. _aller_, id.
V. ~Aller~.
ALLA-VOLIE, ALLE-VOLIE, _adv._ At random, S.
Fr. _a la volee_.
ALLA-VOLIE, ALLE-VOLIE, _adj._ Giddy, volatile; "An _alle-volie_ chield," a volatile fellow, S.
ALLE-MEN, _adj._ Common, universal.
_Popul. Ball._
Su. G. _all-maen_, communis, Teut. _alle-man_, omnis h.o.m.o, _al-ghemeyn_, universus.
ALLAR, ALLER, _s._ The alder, a tree, S.
_Statist. Acc._
ALLER, _adv._ Wholly, entirely, altogether. _Aller-hale_, a pleonasm.
O. E. _alder_, id. often prefixed to a superlative.
V. ~Allaris~.
ALLERIS, _s. pl._ The same with ~Allaris~.
ALLEVIN, _part. pa._ Allowed, admitted.
_Bannatyne Poems._
A. S. _alef-an_, concedere, permittere; Su. G. _lofw-a_, Moes. G.
_laub-jan_, id.
V. ~Alya~.