An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 15 : ALLYNS, _adv._ Altogether, thoroughly.
_Gawan and Gol._
Su. G. _alleingis_, _allaengis_
ALLYNS, _adv._ Altogether, thoroughly.
_Gawan and Gol._
Su. G. _alleingis_, _allaengis_, A. S. _allinga_, _eallenga_, omnino, prorsus.
ALLKYN, ALKIN, _adj._ All kind of, _Aw kin kind_, S. B.
A. S. _eall-cyn_, omnigenus.
ALL OUT, _adv._ In a great degree, beyond comparison.
_To_ ALLOW, _v. a._
1. To approve of, generally with the prep. _of_ subjoined.
2. To praise, to commend.
Fr. _allou-er_, approbare, Su. G. _lofw-a_, laudare.
ALLPUIST, APIEST, APIECE, _conj._ Although, S. B. _abies_, Loth.
_Jour. Lond._
Perhaps corr. from _albeit_.
ALLRYN, _adj._ Constantly, progressive, applied to time.
A. S. _all_ omnis, and _rinn-an_, currere.
ALLSTRYNE, _adj._ Ancient.
_Maitland Poems._
A. S. _ald_, old, and _strynd_, generation, or _stryn-an_, to beget.
ALLTHOCHTE, _conj._ Although.
A. S. _all_, all, and _thohte_, part. pa. q. "every thing taken into consideration."
V. ~Thocht~.
ALLUTERLIE, ALLUTTERLY, _adv._ Wholly, entirely.
A. S. _all_ omnis, and _uter_, _utter_, exterior, from _ut_ extra.
ALL-WEILDAND, _adj._ All-governing.
A. S. _all_, all, and _weald-an_, to govern; Franc. _alluualt_, Isl.
_all-valdur_, omnipotent.
ALMANIE WHISTLE, a flagelet of a very small size, used by children, Aberd. Thus denominated, because whistles of this kind were originally imported from _Almanie_, i. e. Germany.
ALMASER, ALMOSEIR, _s._ An almoner, or dispenser of alms.
From _Almous_, alms.
ALMERIE, ALMORIE, _s._ Anciently a place where _alms_ were deposited or distributed; in latter times used to denote a press or cupboard, where utensils for house keeping are laid up; the same with E. _ambry_.
O. Fr. _almoire_, _aumuire_, A. S. _almerige_, repositorium, scrinium.
ALMOUS, ALMOWS, AUMIS, _s._ Alms, S. _Almesse_, O. E.
A. S. _almes_, _almesse_; Sw. _almosa_; Gr. e?e??s??a.