An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 146 : 4. The last handful of corn cut down in harvest-field, when it is not shorn before Hal

4. The last handful of corn cut down in harvest-field, when it is not shorn before Hallowmas, S. B. If before this, it is called the _Maiden_.

Su. G. _kaering_, _kaerling_, a.n.u.s.

~Carlin-heather~, _s._ Fine-leaved heath, Erica cinerea, Linn. S. also called _Bell-heather_.

~Carlin-spurs~, _s. pl._ Needle furze or petty whin, Genista Anglica, Linn., S. B. q. "the spurs of an old woman."

~Carlin-teuch~, _adj._ (gutt.) As hardy as an old woman, S. B.

_Teuch_, S., tough.

CARLING, _s._ The name of a fish, Fife.; supposed to be the Pogge, Cottus cataphractus, Linn.

CARLINGS, _s. pl._ Pease _birsled_ or broiled, Ang. according to Sibb.

"pease broiled on _Care_-Sunday."


CARMELE, CARMYLIE, CARAMEIL, _s._ Heath pease, a root, S. Orobus tuberosus, Linn.


Gael. _cairmeal_, id.

CARNAIL, _adj._ Putrid.


Fr. _charogneux_, putrified, full of carrion, Cotgr.

CARNELL, _s._ A heap, a dimin. from _cairn_.


_To_ CARP, CARPE, _v. a._

1. To speak, to talk, to relate, whether verbally, or in writing.


O. E. id.

_P. Ploughman._

2. To sing.

_Minstrelsy Border._

Lat. _carpo_, _-ere_, to cull.

~Carping~, _s._ Narration. O. E. id.

V the _v._

CARRALLES, _s. pl._ Carols, or songs, sung within and about kirks, on certain days; prohibited by act of Parliament.

V. ~Caralyngis~ and ~Gysar~.

_Acts Ja. VI._

~Carol-ewyn~, _s._ The name given, Perths. to the last night of the year; because young people go from door to door singing _carols_, for which they get small cakes in return.

CARRITCH, CARITCH, _s._ The vulgar name for a catechism; more commonly in pl. _caritches_, S.


2. Used somewhat metaph.


CARRY, _s._ A term used to express the motion of the clouds before the wind, S. B.

Ca.r.s.e, KERSS, _s._ Low and fertile land, generally, that which is adjacent to a river, as _the Ca.r.s.e of Gowrie_, _the Ca.r.s.e of Stirling_, &c. S.


Su. G. _kaerr_ and Isl. _kiar_, _kaer_, both signify a marsh.

_Ca.r.s.e_ is sometimes used as an adj.

_Lord Hailes._

CARTAGE, _s._ Apparently for _carcase_.


Chapter 146 : 4. The last handful of corn cut down in harvest-field, when it is not shorn before Hal
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