An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 147 : CARTE, _s._ A chariot, especially one used in war. Chaucer, _carte_, id. Ir. _cairt_,

CARTE, _s._ A chariot, especially one used in war.

Chaucer, _carte_, id. Ir. _cairt_, C. B. _kertuyn_, A. S. _craet_, id.

CARTIL, _s._ A cart-load, Ang.; perhaps contr. from _cart_ and _fill_ or _full_.

CARTOW, _s._ A great cannon, a battering piece.


Teut. _kartouwe_, id.

CARUEL, KERVEL, _s._ A kind of s.h.i.+p.


Fr. _caravelle_, id. Teut. _kareveel_. Hisp. _caravela_, Isl.


CASCHET, CASHET, _s._ The _fac simile_ of the king's superscription.

_Acts Ja. VI._

From Fr. _cachet_, a seal. This term has the same signification with _caschet_, S.

CASEABLE, _adj._ Naturally belonging to a particular situation or case.


_To_ Ca.s.s, _v. a._ To make void, to annul.

_Acts Ja. IV._

Fr. _ca.s.s-er_, id. L. B. _ca.s.s-are_, irritum reddere.

Ca.s.s, _s._

1. Chance, accident, O. E. id.


2. Work, business.


Fr. _cas_, matter, fact, deed.

Ca.s.sIE, CAZZIE, _s._

1. A sort of basket made of straw, S. B.


It is also written _cosie_.

2. Used in Orkney instead of a corn riddle.

_Statist. Acc._

Teut. _ka.s.se_, capsa, cista, Fr. _ca.s.se_, Ital. _ca.s.sa_, L. B.

_ca.s.sa_, id. Su. G. _ka.s.se_, reticulum, in quo pisces portantur, &c.

CAST, _s._

1. A twist, a contortion, as, _His neck has gotten a cast_, or a _wrang cast_, S.

2. Opportunity, chance, S.

3. A turn, an event of any kind, S.


4. Lot, fate.


5. Aim, object in view.


6. Subtle contrivance, wile, stratagem.


7. Facility in performing any manual work, such especially as requires ingenuity or expertness, S.


8. Legerdemain, sleight of hand.


Chapter 147 : CARTE, _s._ A chariot, especially one used in war. Chaucer, _carte_, id. Ir. _cairt_,
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