An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 492 : 3. A list. A. S. _hlete_, a lot. _Ramsay._ _To_ ~Leet~, _v. a._ To nominate with a vie

3. A list.

A. S. _hlete_, a lot.


_To_ ~Leet~, _v. a._ To nominate with a view to election, S.


LEET, _s._ Language.

V. ~Leid~.

LEETHFOW, _adj._ Loathsome, S. B.

V. ~Laith~.

_Journal Lond._


V. ~Leis me~.

LEFULL, LEIFULL, _adj._ Lawful.


_Leif_, leave, and _full_, q. allowable.

_To_ LEG, _v. n._ To run, S.

~Leg-bail~, _s. To take leg-bail_, to run off, instead of seeking bail, and waiting the course of law, S.


LEG-BANE, _s._ The s.h.i.+n. S.


LEGATNAIT, _s._ One who enjoyed the rights of a Papal Legate within his own province or diocese.

_Abp. Hamiltoun._

_Legatus natus._


V. ~Lagen-gird~.

LEGIER, _s._ A resident at a court.

L. B. _legatar-ius_, legatus.


LEGLIN, LAIGLIN, _s._ A milk-pail, S.


Teut. _leghel_, id. Isl. _leigill_, ampulla.

_To_ LEICH, _v. n._ To be coupled as hounds are.

_G.o.dly Sangs._

LEID, LEDE, _s._ People.


Isl. _liod_, A. S. _leod_, populus.

LEID, LEDE, _s._ A person.

_Sir Gawan._

A. S. _leod_, h.o.m.o, Isl. _lyd_, miles.

LEID, _s._ A country.

_Gawan and Gol._

Isl. _laad_, terra, solum.

Chapter 492 : 3. A list. A. S. _hlete_, a lot. _Ramsay._ _To_ ~Leet~, _v. a._ To nominate with a vie
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