An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 493 : LEID, LEDE, _s._ Language, S. B. _Leet_ is also used.
Isl. _hliod_, sonus,
LEID, LEDE, _s._ Language, S. B. _Leet_ is also used.
Isl. _hliod_, sonus, Dan. _lyd_, vox.
LEID, LEDE, LUID, _s._ A song, a lay.
A. S. _leoth, lioth_, Belg. _lied_, Isl. _hliod_, _liod_, id.
LEID, LIED, _s._ _A leid_ of a thing, is a partial idea of it, S. B.
LEID, _s._ Safe-conduct.
Su. G. _leid_, Germ. _leit_, id.
_To_ LEIF, _v. n._ To believe.
_Maitland P._
A. S. _leaf-an_, credere.
_To_ LEIF, _v. a._ To leave.
Isl. _lif-a_, Su. G. _leif-a_, id.
~Leif~, ~Leiff~, _s._ Leave.
_To_ ~Leif~, ~Leiff~, _v. n._ To live.
Su. G. _lefw-a_, Isl. _lif-a_, id.
LEIFULL, _adj._ Lawful.
V. ~Leful~.
LEIF, LIEF, _adj._
1. Beloved, S.
2. Willing.
_As leif_, _as leive_, as soon, S.
A. S. _leof_, Su. G. _liuf_, carus, amicus.
~Leifsum~, _adj._
1. Desirable.
2. _Leesome_, pleasant, S.
A. S. _leof_, charus, and _sum_.
3. _Leesome_, compa.s.sionate, S. A.
_J. Nicol._
LEISOM, _adj._ Lawful.
V. ~Lesum~.
1. Loyal, faithful, S.
2. Right, lawful.