An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 497 : A. S. _leome_, a limb.
_Journ. Lond._
_To_ LEP, _v. n._ To go rapidly.
A. S. _leome_, a limb.
_Journ. Lond._
_To_ LEP, _v. n._ To go rapidly.
Isl. _leip-a_, _hleip-a_, to run.
_To_ LEPE, LEIP, _v. a._ To heat, to parboil, S.
A. S. _hleap-an_, to leap; q. to wallop in the pot.
~Lepe~, ~Leep~, _s._ A slight boiling, S.
LEPER-DEW, _s._ A cold frosty dew, S. B.
LEPYR, _s._ The leprosy.
V. ~Lipper~, s.
_To_ LERE, to learn.
V. ~Lare~.
LERGNES, _s._ Liberality.
_Bannatyne P._
LERROCH, _s._ The site of a building.
Gael. _larach_, id.
LES, _conj._
1. Unless.
2. Lest.
_Les than_, id.
_Les na_, _les nor_, id.
_Acts Ja. IV._
A. S. _laes_, _les_, id.
LES-AGE, _s._ Non-age.
LESH PUND, LEISPUND, LISPUND, _s._ A weight used in Orkney, containing eighteen pounds Scots.
Su. G. _lispund_, a pound of twenty marks; i. e. _Liwesche_, or the Livonian.
LESIT, LESYT, _pret._ Lost.
LESS, lies; _pl._ of LE.
_To_ LEST, _v. n._ To please.
_K. Quair._
LEST, _pret._ Tarried.
A. S. _laest-an_, to stay.