An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 498 : LESUM, LEISOM, _adj._ What may be permitted.
A. S. _ge-leafsum_, licitus, a
LESUM, LEISOM, _adj._ What may be permitted.
A. S. _ge-leafsum_, licitus, allowable, from _leaf_, permissio.
LESURIS, LASORS, _s. pl._ Pastures.
A. S. _leswe_, a pasture; Ir. _leasur_, a meadow.
_To_ LET, _v. n._ To reckon.
_Priests Peblis._
V. ~Lat~, _v._ 3.
_To_ ~Let~, _v. n._ To expect.
_To_ LET, _v. a._ To dismiss.
A. S. _laet-an_, _let-an_, dimittere.
_To_ LET BE.
V. ~Lat~, _v._ 1.
_To_ LET GAE, _v. a._ To raise the tune, S.
1. To seem to observe any thing, S.
2. To mention a thing.
3. To give one's self concern about any business.
Isl. _laet-a_, ostendere.
TO LET WIT, To make known, S.
Belg. _laat-en weeten_, Sw. _let-a en weta_, id.
TO LET WI'T, i. e. with it, _v. a._ To make known, S. B.
_To_ LETE, _v. n._ To pretend.
V. ~Leit~, _v._ 3.
_To_ LETE, _v. n._ To forbear.
_Sir Tristrem._
~Lete~, _s. But let_, without obstruction.
~Letles~, _adj._ Without obstruction.
LETE, _s._ Gesture.
V. ~Lait~.
1. Hatred.