An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 861 : _To_ ~Tak~ _the gate, v. n._ To set off on a journey, S.
_To_ ~Tak~ _with, or wi, v. n
_To_ ~Tak~ _the gate, v. n._ To set off on a journey, S.
_To_ ~Tak~ _with, or wi', v. n._ To catch fire, as fuel of any kind, S.
TAKYL, TACKLE, _s._ An arrow. C. B. _tacel_, id.
TAKIN, _s._ A token, S.
Moes. G. _taikns_, Isl. _takn_, id.
_To_ ~Takin~, _v. a._ To mark.
_Acts Ja. II._
Isl. _teikn-a_, Su. G. _tekn-a_, signare.
~Takennar~, _s._ A portent.
~Takynnyng~, _s._ Notice.
TALBRONE, TALBERONE, _s._ A kind of drum.
_Acts Marie._
Fr. _tabourin_, a small drum.
TALE, _s._ Account.
V. ~Tail~.
TALENT, _s._ Desire, purpose.
O. Fr. _talent_, id.
TALE-PIET, _s._ A talebearer, S.
Perhaps from _piet_, the magpie, because of its chattering.
TALER, TALOR, _s._ State, condition, S. B., Fife.
O. Fr. _taillier_, disposition, etat, pouvoir.
TALLOUN, _s._ Tallow, S.
_Acts Ja. V._
_To_ ~Tallon~, _v. a._ To cover with tallow or pitch, to caulk.
TALTIE, _s._ A wig, Angus.
TAMMEIST, L. _rammeist_.
V. ~Rammis~.
TAMMY-HARPER, _s._ The cancer araneus, Loth.
TAM-TARY. _To hold ane in tamtary_, to disquiet him, S. B.
Perh. originally a military term, q. to keep on the alert; from Fr.
_tantarare_, a word formed to represent a certain sound of the trumpet.
TANE, TAYNE, _adj._ One, after the, S.
TANE, _part. pa._ Taken, S.