An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 862 : ~Tane-awa~, _s._ A decayed child, S.
TANG, _s._ Large _fuci_, Orkn. Shetl.
Su. G. _tan
~Tane-awa~, _s._ A decayed child, S.
TANG, _s._ Large _fuci_, Orkn. Shetl.
Su. G. _tang_, Isl. _thang_, id.
~Tangie~, _s._ A sea-spirit, Orkn.
~Tangle~, _s._
1. The same with tang.
2. A tall lank person, S. B.
TANGLE, _s._ An icicle, S.
Isl. _din-gull_, id.
TANG-WHAUP, _s._ The whimbrel, Orkn.
TANGS, TAINGS, _s. pl._ Tongs, S.
A. S. _tang_, Belg. _tanghe_, forceps.
TANNER, _s._
1. The part which goes into a mortice, S.
2. In pl. small roots of trees, Loth.
Isl. _tannari_, laths, chips.
TANNERIE, _s._ A tan-work.
Fr. id.
TANTERLICK, _s._ A severe stroke, Fife.
TANTONIE BELL, _s._ A small bell.
Fr. _tinton-er_, to resound.
_G.o.dly Sangs._
TANTRUMS, _s._ High airs, S. Cant E.
Fr. _tantran_, nick-nack.
TAP, _s._
1. The top, S.
2. Head, S.
_Gl. s.h.i.+rrefs._
3. Crest of fowls, S.
4. The quant.i.ty of flax put upon the distaff at one time, S.
5. A playing top.
_To_ TAPE, _v. a._ To use sparingly, S.
Isl. _tept-r_, restrained; Su. G. _taepp-a_, to stop up.
TAPEIS, _s._ Tapestry.
Fr. _tapis_.
_Maitland Poems._
TAPETLESS, _adj._ Heedless.
V. ~Tabets~.
TAPETTIS, _s. pl._ Tapestry.