An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 911 : TRULIS, _s. pl._ Some kind of game.
TRULLION, _s._ A sort of crupper, Mearns
TRULIS, _s. pl._ Some kind of game.
TRULLION, _s._ A sort of crupper, Mearns.
Teut. _treyl-linie_, helcium, the trace of a cart-horse.
_To_ TRUMP, _v. n._ To march, to trudge, S.
Isl. _tramp-a_, calcare; Germ. _trump-en_, currere.
_To_ TRUMP _up_, _v. n._
1. To trumpet forth.
Teut. _tromp-en_, canere tuba.
2. To break wind backwards.
TRUMP, _s._ A Jews-harp.
Teut. Fr. _trompe_, Germ. _trompff_, id.
_To_ TRUMP, _v. a._ To deceive.
Fr. _tromp-er_, Teut. _tromp-en_, id.
~Trumpe~, _s._
1. A trifle, a thing of little value.
2. In pl. goods.
Belg. _tromp_, a rattle for children.
~Trumpour~, ~Trumper~, _s._
1. A deceiver.
Fr. _trumpeur_, id.
2. Used as a contemptuous designation, without any definite meaning.
TRUMPH, _s._ The card, S. _trump_, E.
_To_ ~Play trumph~ _about_, to be on a footing with, to retaliate, S. B.
_Poems Buch. Dial._
TRUNCHER SPEIR, a pointless spear.
Fr. _tronc-ir_, to cut off.
TRUNSCHEOUR, _s._ A plate, a trencher, S.
Fr. _trencheoir_, quadra mensaria.
TRUSTFUL, _adj._ Trust-worthy.
TUAY, _adj._ Two.
V. ~Twa~.