An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 912 : TUCK, _s._ _Tuck of drum_, beat of drum, S.
V. ~Touk~.
TUEIT, _s._ An imitat
TUCK, _s._ _Tuck of drum_, beat of drum, S.
V. ~Touk~.
TUEIT, _s._ An imitative word, expressing the short shrill cry of a small bird,
_Complaynt S._
TUFF, _s._ A tuft of feathers or ribbons.
Fr. _touffe_, a tuft, applied to hair, ribbons, feathers, &c.
TUFFING, TOFFIN, _s._ Tow, ockam; wadding.
O. Fr. _estoupe_, O. Fr. _stoupe_, id. Lat. _stupa_.
_To_ TUFFLE, _v. a._ To ruffle, to put any thing in disorder by frequent handling, S. _Tifle_, A. Bor. _tyfell_, O. E. to employ the fingers much about any thing.
_Nithsdale Song._
Isl. _tif-a_, ma.n.u.s celeriter movere; or O. Fr. _touell-er_, souiller, gater; to soil, to waste, to turn upside down; also, _touill-er_, salir, tacher.
TUG, _s._ Raw-hide, of which formerly plough-traces were made, S. O.
V. ~Teug~.
_To_ TUGGLE, TUGLE, _v. a._
1. To pull by repeated jerks, S.
2. To toss backwards and forwards, to handle roughly.
3. To fatigue with travelling or severe labour, to keep under, S. B.
_Gawan and Gol._
From Su. G. _toeg-a_, to draw, or E. _tug_.
TUG-WHITING, _s._ A species of whiting.
TUIGH, _s._ Suspicion.
_S. P. Repr._
A. S. _tweog-an_, dubitare, _tweo_, a doubt.
TUILYIE, TULYE, TOOLYIE, _s._ A quarrel, a broil, S.
Fr. _touill-er_, to mix in a confused manner.
_To_ ~Tuilyie~, ~Toolie~, _v. n._ To quarrel, to squabble, S.
~Tuilyie-mulie~, _s._ The same with _Tuilyie_, S. B.
Teut. _muyl-en_, to quarrel.
~Tuilyeour~, _s._ One who is addicted to fighting or engaging in broils.
_Chalm. Air._
~Tuilyiesum~, _adj._ Quarrelsome, S. Prov.
TILL, _s._ Toil, trouble.
_Maitland P._
Teut. _tuyl_, labor.
1. A calf's skin, in its rough state, stuffed with straw, and set beside a cow to make her give her milk, S.