An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 928 : UNKENSOME, _adj._ Unknowable.
_Minstr. Bord._
UNKNAW, _part. pa._ Unknown.
UNKENSOME, _adj._ Unknowable.
_Minstr. Bord._
UNKNAW, _part. pa._ Unknown.
UNLAt.i.t, _part. pa._ Undisciplined, dest.i.tute of proper breeding.
V. ~Lait~.
UNLAUCHFUL, _adj._ Unlawful.
_Acts Ja. VI._
1. Any transgression of the law, O. E.
_Quon. Att._
A. S. _unlaga_, _unlage_, quod contra legem est.
2. A fine exacted from one who has transgressed the law.
3. Used improperly, to denote a law which has no real authority.
_To_ ~Unlaw~, _v. a._ To fine.
_Burr. Lawes._
UNLEIF, _adj._ Unpleasant, ungrateful.
V. ~Leif~.
UNLEILL, _adj._ Dishonest.
V. ~Leil~.
UNLESUM, _adj._ What cannot be permitted.
V. ~Lesum~.
UNLUSSUM, _adj._ Unlovely.
V. ~Lufsom~.
UNMODERLY, _adj._ Unkindly.
_Un_ negat. and A. S. _mothwaere_, meek.
UNPAUNDED, _part. adj._ Unpledged.
UNQUART, _s._ Sadness.
_Gawan and Gol._
The reverse of _Quert_, q. v.
UNRABOYTYT, _part. pa._ Not repulsed.
V. ~Rebut~, _v._
1. Injustice, iniquity.