An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 929 : _Priests Peblis._
2. Disorder.
_Acts Marie._
UNREDE, UNRIDE, _adj._ Cruel, severe.
_Priests Peblis._
2. Disorder.
_Acts Marie._
UNREDE, UNRIDE, _adj._ Cruel, severe.
_Sir Tristrem._
A. S. _un-ge-reod_, _un-ge-ridu_, barbarous, cruel.
UNREST, _s._
1. Trouble.
2. A person or thing that causes disquietude.
Teut. _on-raste_, _on-ruste_, inquies.
UNRYCHT, _s._ Injustice, iniquity.
A. S. _un-richt_, Teut. _on-recht_, injust.i.tia.
UNRUDE, _adj._ Vile, impure.
Teut. _on-raed_, sordes, immundities.
UNSALL, _adj._
V. ~Unsel~.
UNSAUCHT, UNSAUGHT, _adj._ Disturbed, troubled.
_Gawan and Gol._
Teut. _on-saecht_, durus, asper, rudis.
~Unsaucht~, _s._ Dispeace, trouble, S. B.
A. S. _un-saeht_, _un-seht_, discordia, inimicitia.
_To_ UNSCHET, _v. a._ To open.
V. ~Schete~.
UNSEY'D, _part. adj._ Not tried, S.
V. ~Sey~, _v._
1. Unhappy, wretched.
A. S. _un-saelig_, Su. G. _usel_, infelix.
2. Naughty, worthless.
Moes. G. _unsel_, malus.
~Unsele~, ~Unsell~, _s._
1. Mischance, misfortune.
A. S. _un-saelth_, infelicitas, infortunium.
2. A wicked or worthless person.
_Bannatyne P._
Moes. G. _unsel_, evil, wickedness.